Veemon Posted June 18, 2021 (edited) Hi! Veemon Here, well i m gonna be fast (Sorry by my bad English, but i am a spanish Speaker) I m Working in a "rebuild", "remake", "Re imagine" how u want call it of the wad TNT Evilution. Taking the best of that polemic iwad: - The ambience. - More Organic level design (... in the first half of the wad really). - Distinct music. - Etc. And evading or deleting the worst of TNT Evilution: - The Damn borring levels. - Some maps have a very amateur looking and design (Dead Zone is a damn mess). - Very weird skill curve. The name of my custom wad isnt to creative, TNT Overcharged. I m working since January of this year(2021)on this project, at the beginning i dont have any experience working with the Doom Engine, and less with the Doom Tools of map making, but with the time i earn a lot of experience, and with my knowledge playing Doom Since i am a Child and Playing a lot of shooters and custom wad, in my head a have a very strong idea how this wad will be. The Short Story: - Is a Pwad based on the TNT Evilution IWAD. (Is necesary this Iwad to play my wad, for the textures and some songs, maybe in the future i will port all the pwad to a doom2 IWAD compatible). - Is a Boom WAD (Work fine with PRBoom+ 2.6 with UmapInfo Support, GZDoom, ZDoom, Skulltag and Zandronum, please use the Boom Strict compatilibty Options). - Custom Level names and custom music. - The Skill Curve is more progresive than TNT Evilution, but is harder than Plutonia Experiment. - The Custom Graphics like Title Screen, Intermission screen and logo they are not finished, and i m working in that rn. (I m still working in this) - The Soundtrack is a Big Mix of Original TNT music, Custom music of PL2, The binding of isaac Flash, The binding of Isaac Antibirth and the new TNT Evilution Midi Pack - The biggest Thanks to all the people who work on that big Project (TNT Midi Pack). - The Project have a lot of Voodoo Doll Scripting - Big Thanks to Ferno2, for be my main betatester and for give a lot of midis and use his own midis for his proyect called "BOOMER" - Big thanks to Coincident for test MAP31. The Finished Levels: -Map01: In Extrema Res Spoiler -Map02: Meltz Down Spoiler -Map03: Isobars Spoiler -Map04: Duality (Re Work Done) Spoiler -Map05: Connector (Reworked) Spoiler -Map06: Lights On (Re Work Done) Spoiler -Map07: Freedomless Spoiler -Map08: Gears Up Spoiler -Map09: Command Control Spoiler -Map10: Logistics Spoiler -Map11: Eleven Seconds To die (Enjoy the atmosphere) -Map12: Second Breath Spoiler -Map13: Green Decay Spoiler -Map14: Danks Works Spoiler -Map15: The Sum Of Three Spoiler -Map16: Fault Lines Spoiler -Map17: By Stages Spoiler -Map18: Breaking the rules (Big Plot Twitst) Spoiler -Map19: Free Shipping (Maybe in the future can be a bit reworked) Spoiler -Map20: This is (Not) A Drag Spoiler -Map21: Ferno2 is working in this map -Map22: Two Drops Per Square Spoiler -Map23: The Flesh of Fallen Angels Spoiler - Map24:Dug Too Deep Into Gehenna Spoiler - Map25: Hell Is Only a Word Spoiler - Map31: Forgoten Lullaby (I do a tiny fix today 07/018/2022, and this map was tested by Coincident :o ) Spoiler -Map32: FINAL DOOM (Is a big CAMEO) Spoiler Enjoy the Pics :) Lacks from the other maps (I m working so damn hard on finish the WAD this Year 2022) If u want give me Playthrougths leave it here or give ur Feedback, i love a lot the Feedback to Improve the next Levels If u Found a bug, or sequence breaking , please tell me i will fix it with a lot of love and passion. The screenshots of the maps are in the spoilers for each map Photo Bank of TNT: Overcharged (Is a Blogger Link) (If u want watch all the album, is on that link) Enjoy the "scripting" (And dont kill me, the screenshots was taken from the GZDoombuilder) Like a nice Reminder is a TNT PWAD ... the Hitscan will be there in Any Level :) Edits: - Fix the map 07 with the no spawn Mancubus and the stuck revenants in the same map - Fix a HOD in the first Level. - Fix the monster closet in Map 02 - Fix a miss align texture in Map 11 and - Level 17 ADDED - 07/25/2021 - Level 18 ADDED - 08/02/2021 - Rework of Map 11 - 08/02/2021 - Level 19 Added - 09/02/2021 and tiny fix for Map 12 (Thanks to BeeWen) - Level 20 Added - 09/29/2021 and rework of Map 13, and fix a very obscure sequence breaking in map 14 (Thanks again BeeWen) - Level 31 Added - 12/16/2021 and a Rework to map 06 - A very Big Update of a lots of reworks. (07/18/2022) - Added levels 23,24 and 25. (02/06/2023) - A lot of Reworks in Map 31 and 32 (Quality Updates to the visuals and gameplay). - The artwork is already comisionated to a very talented guy. (Updated up to 02/06/2023) - Added levels 26 and 27 (08/14/2023 - Added the Skill levels from map 01 to 20 (Easy and Medium). (I will work on the skill levels of the rest of the map later) - Some Quality Life updates to Map 19 and 20. - Added Level 28 and 29 (01/18/2023) and some Quality Life Updates to Map 08 and Map 04. Like Always, the File of TNTO RAR is updated (01/18/2023) and the mirror in google Drive is Updated TNTO RAR from Google Drive Only the WAD - Second Mirror Edited January 18, 2024 by Veemon Update of the main thread adding more Levels and details 63 Quote Share this post Link to post
FEDEX Posted June 18, 2021 Looks really nice. I'll give it a try 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Biodegradable Posted June 18, 2021 It's pretty ambitious to make an entire megaWAD by yourself, so best of luck to you. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
"JL" was too short Posted June 18, 2021 (edited) Don't take this the wrong way, but many of the screenshots you've posted don't impress me that much. The very first one (not counting the title image) is a nicely enough detailed door and indeed seems right at home in a TNT tribute project—but it's only a door. The fifth one (GSTONE and CRACKLE) is reasonably nice looking. The sixth one, with the blue stream slowly descending into the wood-shored rock tunnel, is probably the nicest out of all of them; it's got some nice naturalistic light, height and texture variation. All the others have that sort of amateurish 90s wad look to them, and not in a charming way. Now I realize TNT literally was an amateur 90s wad, at least in its inception, and it probably had some areas that looked even more slapdash than this, but the goal of a remake in 2021 should be to bring it all up to the highest possible standard that retains the spirit of the original—IMO anyway. Your words suggest you realize this, but your example is Dead Zone. Now, I went back and looked at it just for this post, and while it's obviously true that Dead Zone would need a lot of work to bring it up to modern standards of detail and texturing for even vanilla/limit-removing wads, it still has much more spatial interest than you've got in all but one or two of those screenshots. There's a ton of interestingly shaped rooms and areas, lots of height changes, etc. One needs both good detail and interesting layouts, I think. Perhaps you're just not screenshotting the areas that would show your maps off to their best advantage? edit: Have a look at this thread, which came to my attention since it was recently bumped. Notice how nice and interesting the areas in the screenshots are even though they're emulating maps from the early 90s. Now yours obviously won't look exactly like this because they're emulating E1 and you'd be emulating TNT. But it's an example of how vanilla wads, or tributes to vanilla wads, needn't look boxy or repetitive. Edited June 18, 2021 by jerrysheppy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted June 18, 2021 Little tip: use unpegged textures where appropriate. Look at how the brickwork is all warped and weird above and below the slanted bar of the "N" in your title image. If you make them upper and lower unpegged, they'll align nicely. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 18, 2021 3 hours ago, Gez said: Little tip: use unpegged textures where appropriate. Look at how the brickwork is all warped and weird above and below the slanted bar of the "N" in your title image. If you make them upper and lower unpegged, they'll align nicely. I know, i left the texture in that way to show a "melted" wall 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 18, 2021 6 hours ago, jerrysheppy said: Don't take this the wrong way, but many of the screenshots you've posted don't impress me that much. The very first one (not counting the title image) is a nicely enough detailed door and indeed seems right at home in a TNT tribute project—but it's only a door. The fifth one (GSTONE and CRACKLE) is reasonably nice looking. The sixth one, with the blue stream slowly descending into the wood-shored rock tunnel, is probably the nicest out of all of them; it's got some nice naturalistic light, height and texture variation. All the others have that sort of amateurish 90s wad look to them, and not in a charming way. Now I realize TNT literally was an amateur 90s wad, at least in its inception, and it probably had some areas that looked even more slapdash than this, but the goal of a remake in 2021 should be to bring it all up to the highest possible standard that retains the spirit of the original—IMO anyway. Your words suggest you realize this, but your example is Dead Zone. Now, I went back and looked at it just for this post, and while it's obviously true that Dead Zone would need a lot of work to bring it up to modern standards of detail and texturing for even vanilla/limit-removing wads, it still has much more spatial interest than you've got in all but one or two of those screenshots. There's a ton of interestingly shaped rooms and areas, lots of height changes, etc. One needs both good detail and interesting layouts, I think. Perhaps you're just not screenshotting the areas that would show your maps off to their best advantage? edit: Have a look at this thread, which came to my attention since it was recently bumped. Notice how nice and interesting the areas in the screenshots are even though they're emulating maps from the early 90s. Now yours obviously won't look exactly like this because they're emulating E1 and you'd be emulating TNT. But it's an example of how vanilla wads, or tributes to vanilla wads, needn't look boxy or repetitive. Maybe u can play the wad before say this (?) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 18, 2021 8 hours ago, Biodegradable said: It's pretty ambitious to make an entire megaWAD by yourself, so best of luck to you. Thank u So much, and yep, is a lot of Work. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
"JL" was too short Posted June 19, 2021 16 hours ago, Veemon said: Maybe u can play the wad before say this (?) This implies that there are places in your maps that you think look more attractive than the ones you chose to screenshot. So why didn't you screenshot those? Please take this as potentially constructive criticism: when you post screenshots in the announcement thread for your maps, you are trying to build hype and hook people. You really want to put your best foot forward, as the saying goes. That is what will actually get people to play your wad! If you don't want to do that, why should I want to play it? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheMagicMushroomMan Posted June 19, 2021 I'll give this a shot sometime today and report back! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 19, 2021 The "RTX on/off" joke is already enough to warrant a like.. I'm out of likes for the day. Haven't dug too far into this, but it looks pretty cool and retro at a glance! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 19, 2021 (edited) 9 hours ago, jerrysheppy said: This implies that there are places in your maps that you think look more attractive than the ones you chose to screenshot. So why didn't you screenshot those? Please take this as potentially constructive criticism: when you post screenshots in the announcement thread for your maps, you are trying to build hype and hook people. You really want to put your best foot forward, as the saying goes. That is what will actually get people to play your wad! If you don't want to do that, why should I want to play it? men, again, play the wad, a wad isnt only good looking, a good wad is good game design, good fights, etc. If u only looks the aesthetic, i think you havea very shallow think of what is a wad. Edited June 19, 2021 by Veemon 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 19, 2021 35 minutes ago, Doomkid said: The "RTX on/off" joke is already enough to warrant a like.. I'm out of likes for the day. Haven't dug too far into this, but it looks pretty cool and retro at a glance! And have more tiny details XD Spoiler Beep Boop 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
"JL" was too short Posted June 19, 2021 (edited) Regardless of whether I like your project or not, you deserve more courtesy than me just perpetually negging in your thread, so I'll frame my point one final way and then get out. I already have a backlog of recently released maps and episodes that implicitly promise competent gameplay and show me enticing screenshots: Ascent of Titan, URE (vanilla episode btw), Perpetual Powers, Thy Flesh Vored. Some of these stretch the definition of "recently released" a tiny bit but the point is there; I have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to Doom content. Your screenshots don't need to look like they were made by Skillsaw or Bridgeburner in order for me to be interested. They do need to demonstrate at least a bit of 2021 design sensibility, even if that means 2021 standards for vanilla levels! Now if you had said something like 'those screenshots don't represent the maps very well, can you please try them out and see if there are some areas that look better' I would have still tsked at you for being silly and taking poorly representative screenshots, but I would also have been much more likely to take you up on it. Instead what I got is (paraphrased) 'yeah I know a lot of my screenshots look visually dull but gameplay is also important', to which I say e: one last quick edit because I forgot to mention Cydonia which is literally a tribute wad to the other part of Final Doom and which... well, go look at it. Edited June 19, 2021 by jerrysheppy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Degree23 Posted June 19, 2021 On 6/18/2021 at 7:16 AM, jerrysheppy said: Don't take this the wrong way, but many of the screenshots you've posted don't impress me that much. As soon as you say "Don't take this the wrong way", it means you already know that your comment can be taken the wrong way. It's like when someone says "No offense, but ..." and then says something offensive, as if prefacing it with a warning somehow makes it ok. Your comment immediately comes off as antagonistic and unwelcoming. For someone who was telling another member that their comments lacked a "dose of grace" in another thread, you certainly demonstrated how not to behave to a new mapper in this one. I'll give this a playthrough continuously on UV. Map 1: Pretty challenging for an opening map. The switch through the blue door reveals a lot of enemies at once, so it's quite easy to die there. I didn't realise there was a SSG in the final area, as when the last set of enemies are revealed and there's an AV that can attack you, it's probably more normal to retreat than to go forward. I didn't work out how to get the SSG that was inside the base, but it would have been very useful considering how many enemies there were. Possibly that could be made easily accessible, as the rest of the map is still fairly challenging even with it. You have two Green Armors, which despite the difficulty is maybe excessive for the first map. Though if the rest of the maps continue to increase in difficulty and you have multiple placements of armour per map, then maybe it isn't. The fact there were some dynamic map elements (some raising/lowering pillars) was a nice surprise. Map 2: The Map 2 TNT resemblance is very strong here (maybe a little too strong) and this played liked a more difficult version of it. The start is again challenging, though I don't really have too much else to say on this one, other than from a Pistol start it would be incredibly tough. I'll carry on with the other maps soon. 11 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 20, 2021 1 hour ago, Degree23 said: As soon as you say "Don't take this the wrong way", it means you already know that your comment can be taken the wrong way. It's like when someone says "No offense, but ..." and then says something offensive, as if prefacing it with a warning somehow makes it ok. Your comment immediately comes off as antagonistic and unwelcoming. For someone who was telling another member that their comments lacked a "dose of grace" in another thread, you certainly demonstrated how not to behave to a new mapper in this one. I'll give this a playthrough continuously on UV. Map 1: Pretty challenging for an opening map. The switch through the blue door reveals a lot of enemies at once, so it's quite easy to die there. I didn't realise there was a SSG in the final area, as when the last set of enemies are revealed and there's an AV that can attack you, it's probably more normal to retreat than to go forward. I didn't work out how to get the SSG that was inside the base, but it would have been very useful considering how many enemies there were. Possibly that could be made easily accessible, as the rest of the map is still fairly challenging even with it. You have two Green Armors, which despite the difficulty is maybe excessive for the first map. Though if the rest of the maps continue to increase in difficulty and you have multiple placements of armour per map, then maybe it isn't. The fact there were some dynamic map elements (some raising/lowering pillars) was a nice surprise. Map 2: The Map 2 TNT resemblance is very strong here (maybe a little too strong) and this played liked a more difficult version of it. The start is again challenging, though I don't really have too much else to say on this one, other than from a Pistol start it would be incredibly tough. I'll carry on with the other maps soon. Thank u for ur words and ur Feedback :3 and this how u obtain the SSG early And here a video of a random map 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ScrappyMcDoogerton Posted June 20, 2021 (edited) Since you are a Spanish speaking person I would suggest that you write all of the text in this wad in Spanish. Other authors have posted wads in Spanish as well as Japanese and others. Everyone here will play your wad regardless of what language the text is written in (I know I will). Anyways just a suggestion these maps are great by the way I can't wait for the full release. Edited June 20, 2021 by ScrappyMcDoogerton clean it up 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted June 21, 2021 These levels are pretty difficult with nice homages to original levels! I'm having a nice blast through them though. MAP06 is my favorite so far. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ketmar Posted June 21, 2021 (edited) small hint: you can include GAMEINFO lump into your wad, with the following line: IWAD = tnt.wad then ports with GAMEINFO support will load TNT automatically. p.s.: also, please, don't use subdirectories in zip. if you'll put everything at the root, it will be possible to run your zip without unpacking it. Edited June 21, 2021 by ketmar 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 21, 2021 3 hours ago, ketmar said: small hint: you can include GAMEINFO lump into your wad, with the following line: IWAD = tnt.wad then ports with GAMEINFO support will load TNT automatically. p.s.: also, please, don't use subdirectories in zip. if you'll put everything at the root, it will be possible to run your zip without unpacking it. Got it, i fix that this night 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 21, 2021 I fix the stuck revenants in map 07 the fixed wad is on the post. Same file and i delete the subdirectory in the zip. And left all the files in the Root of the Zip. Enjoy. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ketmar Posted June 21, 2021 1 hour ago, Veemon said: i delete the subdirectory in the zip thank you! now only GAMEINFO left, and your pwad will run in most ZDoom-derived sourceports without asking users to select the proper IWAD. ;-) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 22, 2021 1 hour ago, ketmar said: thank you! now only GAMEINFO left, and your pwad will run in most ZDoom-derived sourceports without asking users to select the proper IWAD. ;-) I do that tomorrow XD , i found another two monsters Stucks, since i change the nodebuilder to do this beta i found a lot of monsters stuck, i m fixing that type of minnor bugs. If someone found another weird stuff in some map, please tell me here in this thread. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ketmar Posted June 22, 2021 also, sorry for no gameplay feedback: i downloaded the lastest thing, but not yet played it. but your screenshots definitely look interesting! ;-) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 22, 2021 1 minute ago, ketmar said: also, sorry for no gameplay feedback: i downloaded the lastest thing, but not yet played it. but your screenshots definitely look interesting! ;-) I m updating always the file in the mirror and the file in the thread. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ketmar Posted June 22, 2021 (edited) a-a-and here's my first bugreport: texturing bug in map01: linedefs 236 and 238 are missing lower textures. also, i'm not sure, but linedefs 567, 577 and 572 seem to miss lower textures too. it may not be immediately visible, but it's still a small bug, i believe. Edited June 22, 2021 by ketmar 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 22, 2021 Just now, ketmar said: a-a-and here's my first bugreport: texturing bug in map01: linedefs 236 and 238 are missing lower textures. also, i'm not sure, but linedefs 567, 577 and 572 seem to missing lower textures too. it may not be immediately visible, but still a small bug, i believe. Screen shot?m to see 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ketmar Posted June 22, 2021 (edited) here it is: Spoiler there should be no sky at the crosshair. it is actually HOM effect due to missing lower textures. the alcove with a chaingunner (linedefs 567 and so) has the same thing too, but it's much harder to see, because you cannot go low enough. p.s.: also, wouldn't it be better to make the glass at the picture above as completely blocking, so it will be impossible to shoot through it? otherwise with freelook enabled i can snipe alot of monsters in the courtyard. Edited June 22, 2021 by ketmar 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veemon Posted June 22, 2021 2 minutes ago, ketmar said: here it is: Hide contents there should be no sky at the crosshair. it is actually HOM effect due to missing lower textures. the alcove with a chaingunner (linedefs 567 and so) has the same thing too, but it's much harder to see, because you cannot go low enough. Fixed. Thank u . Updating the Wad in the Thread. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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