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any good new mods

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4 minutes ago, Reelvonic said:

Well I'm not going to name any because I don't know where to start but here are some nice places



https://doomshack.org/wadlist.php (Doomkids site)
https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/ (idgames archive mirror, easy to navigate too)

http://ftp.vanony.net (me shamelessly plugging my site)

https://www.doomworld.com/cacowards/ (cacowards are awards for wads)

Oh Thanks!

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12 minutes ago, thegibuspyro said:

oh ok also whats the best classic doom game?

depends on your preferences


in fact, it's difficult for us to recommend much of anything without even knowing your preferences. what're you looking for? gameplay modifications, mapsets, etc?

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Hideous Destructor, Treasure Tech, Combined_Arms, DAKKA, and High Noon Drifter for weapons mods.


For maps and stuff try Doomer Boards Projects! They got bite sized wads that you'll be able to clear out in a day or two.

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The Zdoom boards are a great place to find doom mods. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=43


Mr. Icarus is a youtuber who reviews Doom mods. He hasn't been super active as of late, but he has reviewed over 100 mods in depth. 


If you're looking for enemies rather than guns, try Angelic Waifus ( https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=69883 ). (This is totally not a self-plug)

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