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which games did you regret buying

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1 minute ago, Rudolph said:

Did you play it using shields?

my Build was balanced with enough Agility to roll, and enough STR to carry a Great Shield. but thats really besides the point. no matter what build, it was a pretty servicable game, but thats it.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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1 minute ago, jazzmaster9 said:

my Build was balanced with enough Agility to roll, and enough STR to carry a Great Shield. but thats really besides the point. no matter what, it was a pretty okay game, but thats it.

I am asking, because I remember watching HBomberguy's "In Defense of Dark Souls II" video, where he came to the conclusion that ditching the shield in favor of parrying made the game considerably more enjoyable.

Edited by Rudolph

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Just now, Rudolph said:

I am asking, because I remember watching HBomberguy's "In Defense of Dark Souls II", where he came to the conclusion that ditching the shield in favor of parrying made the game considerably more enjoyable.

Ohh the issues with DS2 goes Way Deeper than just playstyle.

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Mario Maker for 3DS. Can't even upload your own levels or even enter level codes... OR even leave comments or rate levels...... OR even view creator profiles. You just have to get lucky by finding stuff in the recommended courses or 100 mario challenge. Doesn't help that I can't even play it because my 3DS was banned for being hacked after a ban wave happened sometime around 2018, but that's my problem I suppose. There's absolutely no reason for Nintendo to have made the 3DS version such a blatant downgrade from the console version, it's just plain evil. Seriously, how long would it have taken to program the UI and server access to be able to leave comments, enter level codes and view creator profiles? A week at the very most with their team size?? Entering level codes is literally a single popup window with a text box for christ sake. Piss off, Nintendo.

Edited by Grimosaur

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1 hour ago, deus-ex said:


How far into Shado Warrior (2013) did you actually play? At first, I had the same concerns, derived from previews. I wanted a true sequel to Shadow Warrior which this is not, but a prequel of sorts.


Really Shadow Warrior 2013 Improves when you go out of the Wang Mansion, the enemy variety of the first levels it's a turn off.

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Wolfenstein II: The new Colossus - I bought it because i liked The new Order and i really liked The old Blood mini episode, and the idea of exploring a nazi occupied US was interesting but oh boy.... I couldn't stand being stuck at 50% of health for a big chunk of the game, some levels were frustrating to play and a few ones even lacked a clear direction of where to go next. I didn't liked the plot (tho there were some elements i really liked, like BJ and his father story), and most of all i couldn't stand the characters (they're easily the worst thing about the game, they're all annoying, even the old characters) and some really cringe dialoge ("caroline!, lend me your wings!") i remember when the cutscene for BJ's birthday started playing i realized how little i was enjoying the game so far, and from then on i started to regret buying it in the first place. Still finished tho, it didn't got much better in the last half.

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  • The Fairly OddParents: Breakin' da Rules for the PC I bought from a Scholastic Book Fair because someone bought the cool FPS Game Maker I wanted a day before me and I didn't want to leave empty-handed.
  • L.A. Noire because I never played it, can't refund it, and don't feel like putting up with Rockstar's DRM or whatever it was I had to do when I played Max Payne 3.
  • Call of Duty: World at War for the PS2 because it was back when I was always a gaming generation behind and I wanted to play Nazi Zombies... it didn't have Nazi Zombies.
Edited by SuperCupcakeTactics

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I bounce off probably the majority of single-player games I try these days unfortunately. I don't know if it's just getting older and having less time to persevere with a game to see if I like it, but there have been some pretty big titles in the last few years I just couldn't get on with:


  • GTA V. It's literally the same gameplay loop as GTA 3 and Vice City, which I played to death 15 years ago. Nothing new.
  • The Last of Us. Slow, dull, utterly linear with so little player agency it should have been a TV show. Absolutely atrocious player guidance too. Hard pass.
  • Red Dead Redemption. Shallow open-world game with super tedious and repetitive side quests. I should have stuck to the main quest, but the story was the most cliched, hackneyed portrayal of the Wild West imaginable. I would honestly day RDR is one of the worst written games I have ever played. 
  • The Witcher 3. Poor combat (after coming from Dark Souls 3) struggled to hold up the slow burn story. I only got a few hours into it before realizing I just didn't care what happened to anyone. 
  • The Outer Wilds. This won so many awards, but the "every few minutes we'll teleport you to the starting planet for reasons" and having to traipse back to wherever I was peering at some markings on a rock or whatever just seemed like needless padding.



I know I sound like a total grump, but there have been some newer AAA releases I absolutely loved. I'm still trying to work out exactly why some games click and others don't at all.


Multiplayer games is a different story: as long as you're playing with your mates even absolutely crap games can be fun for a bit.

Edited by Bauul

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The new Paper Mario is a huge disappointment. It bears virtually no relation to the rest of the series.


In Retro City Rampage, the endless string of pop culture references with very little gameplay wore out my patience. Is there an actual game if you hang in there? That was the first time I tried to figure out if you could get a refund on the Switch e-shop. (You can't.)

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  • Wrath: Aeon of Ruin. It's just Arcane Dimensions but you pay for it and it's worse in every conceivable fashion. The "tackle any level in any order" they have in the hubs ruins any sense of progression - especially since you get every weapon and fight every monster in the first level and they just throw more at you in subsequent levels. It's supposed to be a throwback to Quake, but it doesn't feel like Quake at all. It feels like Doom. 
  • Prodeus: Good game, but I hate the checkpoint system so much it ruins the game. Feels like I'm playing with cheats on since there's no real consequence to death, and if there's no consequence for failure, the adrenaline and tension just goes out the window.
  • Metroid: Samus Returns: Game hurt to play. The parry system sucked. I don't have high hopes for the new one based off this. AM2R was a billion times better.
  • Knockout City: Legitimately great game, but I bought it to play with friends and then realised it was on Gamepass like a fucking knob.




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5 minutes ago, Aaron Blain said:

The new Paper Mario is a huge disappointment. It bears virtually no relation to the rest of the series.


In Retro City Rampage, the endless string of pop culture references with very little gameplay wore out my patience. Is there an actual game if you hang in there? That was the first time I tried to figure out if you could get a refund on the Switch e-shop. (You can't.)


As someone who invested several hours into retro city rampage, no it does not get better from there. It's an empty cargo cult of GTA2, just play that it's free lol.

I'm naming Prey 2 as my worst purchase, it's an immersive sim that doesn't get a single part of being an immersive sim right, and you spent most of the game shooting furniture

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I just remembered DNF and Perfect Dark Zero, but I think I didn't recall them earlier because I got them each in a bargain bin for like 6 dollars (and they were still less than a year old at that point, so the price being lower than that of Doom1 and Wolf3D is pretty telling)

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Darksun Shattered Lands - Old DOS game. Bought it and never got it to run. It always bitched about not enough virtual memory or some shit.

Demonstone - Ugh! Bought it. It was buggy. Uninstalled the game, resealed it to make it look unopened and took back to Wal-Fart for refund.

Bioshock Infinite - I don't know how they managed to make the setting so boring and samey looking with such boring enemies. The religious and civil war side of the whole thing is so boring. Bleagh.

Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood - Too hand holdy. Go there, do this, run there, hurry up.... I don't like whatever the fuck that is called but I despise it. Some of those newfangled Wolfenstein games do that and it totally kills my immersion.

Doom Eternal - Paid $80 and played for 8 hours. So many things I don't like with it. I dunno, lots of people love it, yet I don't care if I ever play it again. Nice graphics tho.

Gothic - Fuck, who made up the abysmal control scheme and the menu was designed by a drunk chimp. I tried to like this game with three tries and that didn't work out.

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I have a lot of games that I bought and just never really played or got into. I blame it on the abundance of cheap games. If I had one of the games and no other, I'd be more focused to learn how to play. Instead I have so many games calling my name, quite a few that have some kind of learning curve. At least I haven't made any of those kinds of purchases for quite some time now.


A game I had instant regret upon buying was the Deadly Rooms of Death 1 - 3 pack on gog. I forced myself to play it though. The first level was nothing but "why did I buy this'. Second level, same thing. Third level, "this is kind of fun". Fourth level, "okay, I'm hooked".


1 minute ago, Doom_Dude said:

Gothic - Fuck, who made up the abysmal control scheme and the menu was designed by a drunk chimp. I tried to like this game with three tries and that didn't work out.


I love Gothic 1 and 2. I found that the clunky controls were worth getting used to.

Edited by Chopkinsca

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I remember back in the day when there was all that Duke Nukem Forever craze going on. How it was going to be the greatest game ever, there were all those cool screenshots and that badass trailer. Me and my friends were rabid in anticipation of the release. A friend of mine actually preordered the game. And then we all know what followed. When it as all said and done, and we did get the Duke Nukem Forever that we all know. I held off on buying it for a long time after all the poor reviews. Not long ago I saw a copy of DNF in a thrift store, "ah why the hell not" and purchased it. Well I regret buying it lol. 

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Back in the day, my uncle and I both shared the expenses to buy Duke Nukem Forever collectors edition. We were big fans of the saga and Forever was finally coming out.


We bought the Balls of Steel edition btw.




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Red Dead Redemption 2--there wasn't a single character I gave a damn about or wanted to help.   Do a petty crime two towns away and have a posse hunt you endlessly.   Grind, repeat, etc.   It was pretty and the fishing was stupidly satisfying


Fallout 76--who put a multiplayer game in my single player fantasy.   I tried and tried to like this one but just stopped playing it.   There should have been an option for single player only


Blood Bowl--I just wasn't good enough to figure this one out.   Shame as I loved the tabletop original


Too many others to list

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There was one game I regret buying and its... Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour. Plus with extra pain because I even pre-ordered it on Steam at the time.


As of recent I actually prefer playing via DOSBox, EDuke32 or BuildGDX. I wont even touch the World Tour game executables by itself. However I believe it is only worth it if you want to play the Alien World Order episode as the source ports especially EDuke32 appears to have support for it. I am also aware that the boss in that episode is just "eh."

Edited by THEBaratusII

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Call of Duty: Ghosts. I traded Modern Warfare 3 and some other games for this game. I really regret this decision. MW3 was actually way better than COD:Ghosts. 


I spent more time playing MGSV: Ground Zeroes than COD:Ghosts.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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4 hours ago, Murdoch said:

The Shadow Warrior reboot. Tiresome gameplay and awful, awful map design. They were so unconcerned about hiding how insanely linear it was that they could not even be assed putting decor beyond the artificially created barriers designed to funnel you to the next arena encounter.

The problem with the Shadow Warrior reboot is that it is very clearly a reskin of Flying Wild Hog's debut title "Hard Reset". I was going to add the caveat that it features a katana, but Flying Wild Hog went on to re-release Hard Reset with a katana, so...


As others pointed out, what saves it from utter mediocrity is the banter between Lo Wang and Hoji as well as the fairly engaging story. Despite its best efforts to recreate those, Shadow Warrior 2 had neither, and as such it was nowhere near as interesting, despite featuring better/more refined gameplay mechanics.

Edited by Rudolph

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1 hour ago, Chopkinsca said:

I love Gothic 1 and 2. I found that the clunky controls were worth getting used to.


Yeah I know people that really enjoyed the first one. I never tried the 2nd or the 3rd game.

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Bioshock 2. I've never played a game that annoyed me so much with such a stupid story and such unlikeable characters. Besides doom 2016 and eternal, it was the last AAA game that I bought when it came out. 11 years ago.

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1 hour ago, THEBaratusII said:

There was one game I regret buying and its... Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour. Plus with extra pain because I even pre-ordered it on Steam at the time.


As of recent I actually prefer playing via DOSBox, EDuke32 or BuildGDX. I wont even touch the World Tour game executables by itself. However I believe it is only worth it if you want to play the Alien World Order episode as the source ports especially EDuke32 appears to have support for it. I am also aware that the boss in that episode is just "eh."


The physics in that engine felt like Duke was gliding around on an air hockey table. Overall, the episode was pretty good and I really liked the flamethrower, but yeah, the final boss was pathetic. 

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Super Mario 64 DS


While yeah, having Yoshi, Luigi, and my boi Wario as playable characters in the game was dope. Taking the game anywhere with me was sick. Unfortunately, the controls were kinda stiff and you couldn't do the advanced jumps like the OG Super Mario 64 that speedrunners like to use sometimes to speed up.

Edited by VoanHead

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31 minutes ago, Doom_Dude said:

Yeah I know people that really enjoyed the first one. I never tried the 2nd or the 3rd game.


Gothic 2 is one of my top games of all time. If you didn't like the first game, you probably wouldn't be able to get into the second. It has pretty much the same control scheme, but the inventory is slightly better.

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Hexen. Four weapons for each of the three classes. Jumping obstacles in death pits that are nigh impossible to judge distance thanks to the weird default vertical look. Non-helpful "found x of y switches in current hub" message that meant having to scour the rest of the levels to find the other switches. Those godawful stone spikes that lurk in dirt patches and violently violate any actor's personal space with extreme prejudice. It took Korax Mod for the game to become bearable to me.


Extra thumbs down for the N64 version:

  • takes 20-30 seconds between map changes, which exacerbates the switch hunting frustration
  • has two really complicated control schemes from trying to cram all of the PC controls into the N64 controller
  • the N64's signature blurriness (thankfully optional)
  • it cost 75 bucks at the Toys R US I got it from when the norm of the day was 60-65ish.

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Oh man here we fucking go, only games I bought at full price for the full regret experience:


Nier:Automata - got caught in the Platinum hype, absolutely hated everything about the game. Doesn't help that it stutters like hell for no apparent reason. It's also 100% the kind of game that some people point to when they talk about how games are stupid and degenerate, it makes me agree with these people, and I hate it for that even more than I hate it for being stupid and degenerate.


Divinity: Original Sin 2 - loved the first one despite its flaws, but they completely gutted the combat system here, and Larian's storytelling was always extremely terrible so I had no incentive at all to go too far beyond the first act.


Pillars of Eternity - nobody has nostalgia for the Infinity Engine games because of the engine, which is the only thing this really reminded me of. Everything about the world, story and characters is just so incredibly bland. Didn't as much actively give up on it as I just eventually forgot to get back to playing it.

Honorable mention to Dark Souls 2 - I liked it, but I didn't like having my brand loyalty rewarded with being suggested that I pay for a "remake" less than one year after it was released. Was about halfway through the DLCs and ended up never finishing these out of disgust.

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4 minutes ago, ebrl said:

It's also 100% the kind of game that some people point to when they talk about how games are stupid and degenerate, it makes me agree with these people, and I hate it for that even more than I hate it for being stupid and degenerate.

That surprised me, I've heard alot about how that game's plot is very complex and deep.

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