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Project Death its a dificulty mod, its my first mod, and i will try my best to make fun, you can play by gzdoom, i tried to make a hand-shotgun and didnt work, so, somebody can help me doing the sprites? the enemies have more life, and the player has less, you can download here the BETA: Project Death PRE-BETA.zip


           Last Update:

The Project is dead, i dont know how to program things so it a complete shit mod, never going to try make this mod better, was a shit idea!

Bye people from the doomworld forum!

Ass: Saibot




Edited by Master Saibot

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Okay, you need to explain more about this.


You say it's a difficulty mod, how does it change the difficulty? What's a hand-shotgun? What does this add?

I'm not trying to deter or make fun of you, but you need to explain this stuff.

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2 hours ago, The_Trve_Raith said:

Okay, you need to explain more about this.


You say it's a difficulty mod, how does it change the difficulty? What's a hand-shotgun? What does this add?

I'm not trying to deter or make fun of you, but you need to explain this stuff.

OH SRR,  shotgun-dude was a stupid idea i have, of add a shotgun in your hand, and this mod will make the enemyes ( srr for bad english) with more health, and player less health, and now iam adding other effects to the weapons

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2 hours ago, jerrysheppy said:

What sorts of features does it have?  At this point all I know about its content is that it probably doesn't have a hand-shotgun in it currently.

yeap, but the enemyes ( srr for bad english) have more health, and  player has less life, iam now working in new effects to the gun

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I gave it a play. Heres my thoughts


First of all I was surprised to see it just be a DeHackEd file and not even a wad file, nothing wrong with that I was just surprised.


Heres the thoughts on the gameplay. The enemies have too much health, loading this in Doom 2 and having to expend 15 bullets on one zombieman is a little absurd. Especially when you have 25 health max and theres hitscanners everywhere. I thought the shotgun replacement was really funny and powerful, and if you continue to make the weapons OP I think it would be an interesting dichotomy with the limited health. I see potential for an interesting gameplay mod but right now it seems to be in an alpha stage.

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10 minutes ago, nue said:

I gave it a play. Heres my thoughts


First of all I was surprised to see it just be a DeHackEd file and not even a wad file, nothing wrong with that I was just surprised.


Heres the thoughts on the gameplay. The enemies have too much health, loading this in Doom 2 and having to expend 15 bullets on one zombieman is a little absurd. Especially when you have 25 health max and theres hitscanners everywhere. I thought the shotgun replacement was really funny and powerful, and if you continue to make the weapons OP I think it would be an interesting dichotomy with the limited health. I see potential for an interesting gameplay mod but right now it seems to be in an alpha stage.

I REALLY APRECIATE YOU PLAYED! i will make the enemies have less health maybe, i put the max life 75, maybe the initial life could be 75, give me more ideas PLEASE!

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Just now, Master Saibot said:

I REALLY APRECIATE YOU PLAYED! i will make the enemies have less health maybe, i put the max life 75, maybe the initial life could be 75, give me more ideas PLEASE!



Make the plasma rifle shoot 3 at a time, like a contra spread gun. Make the rocket launcher shoot bullets as well as rockets. Make the ssg have a really tight spread so its like a sniper. Make arachnotrons have a revenant homing projectile attack. make cacodemons shoot 5 projectiles at a time instead of 1

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-Pistol always accurate, firing rate increased. Possibly burst fire.

-Combat shotgun fires a high damage slug but firing rate is slow.

-Rocket launcher firing rate 50% but double splash damage area.

-Plasma rifle shoots multiple projectiles^^^.

-BFG deals massive damage over a wide area but uses 200 cells.

-Chaingun should be similar to the one in Valiant.

-SSG does splash damage for each pellet.

-Berserk punch does 200% more damage

-Player health caps at 50, armor caps at 100.

-Low tier monsters have 75% more health.

-Mid tier monsters have 50% more health.

-Cyberdemon/Mastermind have 30% more health.

-Mancubus fires more projectiles.

-Cyberdemon fires five rockets in a cone.

-Cacodemons shoot homing projectiles

-Pain Elementals spawn two lost souls at a time, five after being killed.

-Revenants fire two projectiles, maybe with small splash damage.

-Baron throws a fast, explosive projectile.

-Hell Knight inflicts poison.

-Lost souls explode on impact, dealing more damage.

-Sergeants fire three shots.

-Spectres move at double speed, do more damage.

-Pinkies have a chance of biting multiple times.

-Arachnotrons move at triple speed, fire volleys of projectiles.

-Archvile speed doubled. Also gives the player a hemorrhoid. 

-Small medkits give 5 health.

-Large medkits give 10 health.



Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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"Project Death" is quite a bold name. If you need ideas, then I have one that fits very well with the name of your project: the players dies as soon as they start the wad.

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