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Which is better? Cats or Dogs?

Cats or Dogs?  

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  1. 1. Cats or Dogs?

    • Dogs
    • Cats

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How could anybody not love cats? They're so sweet and kind. Dogs are great too, but every cat I've ever met in my life has been an angel.

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I definitely prefer dogs more, I can actually understand a dog; cats are little cute demons, but cute none the less, I just prefer dogs, since you know? The whole man's best friend thing.


But hey, if you like cats, good for you.

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I like dogs a bit more than cats and can help you with some security, depending of the situation.

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2 hours ago, [McD]James said:

How could anybody not love cats? They're so sweet and kind. Dogs are great too, but every cat I've ever met in my life has been an angel.

Exactly; I hate this stereotype suggesting that cats are nothing more than these lazy assholes who see humans as nothing more than servants.


The cat we have is such a goddamn sweetheart. He very rarely (if ever) misbehaves, is extremely patient, and will even follow us around to show his affection.

Edited by chemo

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2 hours ago, [McD]James said:


How could anybody not love cats? They're so sweet and kind. Dogs are great too, but every cat I've ever met in my life has been an angel.

It was just trying to get its scent on them. Now that cat owns them for life. They know what they're doing, and they look adorable while doing it.

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Impossible to choose. My old dog Buddy was one of the sweetest and most affectionate fur-bearing critters I've ever known, but the same is true for my cat Ellie. She sometimes will just come up to me, forcibly "hug"/cling on to me and just start purring and pulling really cute faces.. I don't even have to do anything, she just loves cuddling.

Edited by Doomkid

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Never owned a cat, so I can't say really. I do love my little doggos, though, even if they are a bit on the needy side.

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29 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

Never owned a cat, so I can't say really. I do love my little doggos, though, even if they are a bit on the needy side.

Appreciate it while they're still around and needy. I still wish I could hug my pupper one last time. Now he's in an urn. If they seem needy, it just means that they love you, and you're part of the pack.


And I never thought of myself as a cat person. I've always liked them, and I've had friends and family members with cats, and their cats always seemed to like me. But I wasn't a cat person. Until I got Lilly, and I was able to observe the affection, personality, and self reliance of a cat first hand. I love her, and all her odd little quirks.


Both cats and dogs are loveable, personable furballs, so take the love where you can find it. It makes your life better, and it makes their life better.


Edited by Jello

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29 minutes ago, xdarkmasterx said:




My cat would take a couple of swipes at that thing, and run to me. Rub my legs a few times, look at it, look up at me, look at it again, and look up at me again.


"Can you kill this?"

"Yes, yes I can."


Well, as long as it was inside. If it was outside I would let it be. The only insects I kill are mosquitos, wasps, and hornets. And flys if they irritate me. Because fuck them. And long legged cellar spiders, because I woke up one time and had one crawling on my face. It had a good six inch leg span on it. Fuck them.

Edited by Jello

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I like dogs a lot. Have 4 troublemakers. And if you have any doubt about fun with doggos just look at Mr. Bubz..

How this little thing can be cute and terrifying at the same time :D 





Edited by skaarjman

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9 minutes ago, skaarjman said:

I like dogs a lot. Have 4 troublemakers. And if you have any doubt about fun with doggos just look at Mr. Bubz..

 How this little thing can be cute and terrifying at the same time :D 



OK wow the dog has major issues. Weird mix of behavioural traits. 

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I've always liked dogs better. I have a St. Benard right now that follows me everywhere I go. He's a good buddy.

I do have a cat though, that is one of the smartest cats I've ever seen. He's 15 now, so he is getting up there.

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I too love both, but chose cats for mostly the same reason as Gez. You have no idea how many people get dogs without thinking and then the dog suffers because of people's stupidity. Cats are far more independent than pretty much any dog breed. They learn to use a litter box pretty quick. They can do weird cat stuff but it is easy to live with. Dogs take far more time and dedication almost like raising a child, and some dogs will not learn quickly at all, it could take months, sometimes a whole year, to truly train them to use the bathroom outside 100% of the time, especially male dogs in my experience.


People who are not well versed with dogs should not get a dog. Period. If you live in a third floor apartment with no yard, why the hell would you want the largest dog (who will likely be the most energetic, active breeds you could've chosen) you could think of that will be cornered in a small apartment as it grows larger and larger? That's the type of stupidity I'm talking about. Sure, there will be owners who make it work, but most of the time those dogs end up being put up for adoption because the owner can't handle them in that environment. Don't be that fool. Don't be that idiot who gets 100 cats and then wonders why you can't afford their litter and food, either.

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There is no better, it depends on your Character, the Character of the Animals and how you teached them.


My Cats for Example are very social with Humans and communicate all the Time.

They also don't want to be alone (as most Dogs).


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The both are great. I'm more of a dog person, but cats are awesome too. I volunteered for a few years with cats at an animal shelter, so I got to meet so many. It is interesting that even though I met thousands of cats over the years, they all still seem so different. Dogs too.

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