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Which is better? Cats or Dogs?

Cats or Dogs?  

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  1. 1. Cats or Dogs?

    • Dogs
    • Cats

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The problem with dogs I have since my early childhood is, that I always seen them as actively-aggressive animals. I understood that they hate people which are "strangers", those who are not part of the family they live with, and barking is act of aggression/hate. I found them rather dangerous than pets.

On the other hand, I always saw cats like pets, they're only passively-aggressive (they would attack only if you actively hurt them or do things they dislike) and much easier to live with. Also they're more doing their own things and do not need so much attention and care like dogs (here I mean garden cats, not those living inside homes).


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Definitely much more of a cat person. I don't dislike dogs per se, but I prefer to observe them from a distance, because MANY of them bark at me if I'm anywhere near close. I feel like I have some sort of dog curse and the sound of harsh barking tends to confound my emotions. Cats, however, are docile, weird, and cute. No sound they make messes me up either!


Although, honestly, my favorite animals are rodents lol

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Sometimes cats will approach me on the street and act all playful and friendly, a couple have even adopted me on occasion. Dogs on the other hand, well, large dogs tend to be chill, but some small dogs really do not like me at all. They'll instantly freeze and raise their hackles when they see me.

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I love cats! My chonky orange boy Felix is a very friendly and affectionate feline. Gets along with everyone, even my brothers dog when they come over for a visit.

Edited by PSXDoomer

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10 minutes ago, PSXDoomer said:

I love cats! My chonky orange boy Felix is a very friendly and affectionate feline. Gets along with everyone, even my brothers dog when they come over for a visit.

he sounds like a great cat :)

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10 minutes ago, Martin Howe said:

Given my avatar and ongoing and previous projects, do you really need to ask? :p

So you're a bird person eh? I've never been an avian aficionado, but I have known people with birds and they are interesting pets.

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I like both, but for whatever reason I've always been more viscerally excited to see and play with and annoy kitty cats than puppy dogs.  I've also never felt my life threatened by a cat (although I'm sure some of them wish they could have) so that's a point in their favor too

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On 6/21/2021 at 5:59 PM, MFG38 said:

Dogs don't jump in front of your screen and demand pats when you need to see stuff on said screen. Thus, I prefer dogs.

they bite your lag while you are using said screen though

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Always been a dog person. Never ever had a cat, for some reason we don't vibe. Cats have a general disdain for me for some reason. 


Love dogs, though - wish my black lab was still around...

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Well, if we're talking strictly the friendly cats and dogs out there, I'd say cats. Less smelly, less loud, less bodily fluids to clean up, less irritating amounts of energy, less time spent constantly training and monitoring them, etc. I'd only want to deal with all that if I was training to become a parent.

That said, dogs do automatically treat humans like Gods deserving of perpetual worship, though. So I get the appeal.

Edited by Serum

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