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Map11: Circle of Death, or 'O' of Destruction?

Map11: Circle of Death, or 'O' of Destruction?  

207 members have voted

  1. 1. Map11: Circle of Death, or 'O' of Destruction?

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The pun on circle of life is a bit banal for me, so i much prefer the 'O' of Destruction as it's got a plethora of meanings, varying from crude and fun to deep and depressing!

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the only way you're meant to see it called 'o' of destruction is if you use the automap.


doomguy doesn't need to ask for directions so circle of death it is.

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1 hour ago, BeefGee said:

the only way you're meant to see it called 'o' of destruction is if you use the automap.


doomguy doesn't need to ask for directions so circle of death it is.

Of course Doomguy doesn't need to ask directions. He's got an automap!

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'O' of destruction! sounds eerie enough to predict a strange level with even a map30-like boss-like contraption (the 'O' in question). Too bad that it's actually a pretty generic slime-flood map, which is even shown up in the first demo.


"Circle of death" is a generic "X of death" name, something you can easily come up when you have no other names in mind (second to "X of doom").

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Anus Of Annihilation

Bagel Of Ruination

Donut Of Damnation

Ring Of Expiration

Hoop Of Erasure

Sphincter Of Dismantlement

Hole Of Pain


Cenote Of Catastrophe

Rondel Of Loss

Cycle Of Decimation

Loop Of Attrition

Roundabout Of Razing

Goatse Gone Wrong

Oval Of Obliteration

Zero Of Division

Octagon Of Undoing

Rhombus Of Perishing

Rim Of Passing

Doughnut Of Disintegration

Wheel Of Suffering

Orouborous Of Failure


This could be a levelset, "Oops, All O's!"

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On 6/23/2021 at 2:42 PM, Lippeth said:

I like 'O of Destruction' because it reminds me of Mr Bill saying "Oh No!", but I like Circle of Death because it sounds like 'Angel of Death' by Slayer. I can just imagine Tom Araya screaming "Circle of Death!! Monarch to the ringlet of the dead!"


HUNTED! The meaning of pain

The viles that just want you to die!

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On 6/23/2021 at 1:47 AM, Xyzzy01 said:

I'd go with "Dodecagon of Die" :D


This is brilliant, but my moronic brain originally read it as "dogecan of die", and I was like, what's a dogecan? The cheaper version of dogecoin?


I need to get off the Internet more.



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In the upcoming “Oops, all O’s!” community project, my map is gonna be called Loop O’ Poop and be heavily reliant on the brown nukage textures. Everyone else can have their fancy names, I just need the basics!


This really could be an interesting idea for a project. In all seriousness my plate is too full but if it were to happen, I’d claim a slot.

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Lol a megawad solely made up of Circle Of Death remakes/tributes. 

Funny enough, I'm plowing through Memento Mori II and recently played map 21, a part of which has an obvious tribute to it.  Add that to Slayer from Plutonia (ALSO map 21) and.... probably some more from classic fan megawads 

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5 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

Circle 'O' of Death-Destruction!

Circle O' Deathtruction!




It's my new album

Edited by Gez

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

In the upcoming “Oops, all O’s!” community project, my map is gonna be called Loop O’ Poop and be heavily reliant on the brown nukage textures. Everyone else can have their fancy names, I just need the basics!


This really could be an interesting idea for a project. In all seriousness my plate is too full but if it were to happen, I’d claim a slot.


I genuinely really like this idea too.


Whether it was a megawad of circular sector maps, or direct tributes to doom2 map11 (whatever it's called), it could be really cool.


It could be called Tryp 'O' Phobia.

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

In the upcoming “Oops, all O’s!” community project, my map is gonna be called Loop O’ Poop and be heavily reliant on the brown nukage textures. Everyone else can have their fancy names, I just need the basics!


This really could be an interesting idea for a project. In all seriousness my plate is too full but if it were to happen, I’d claim a slot.

Sign me up if it happens.


1 hour ago, Gez said:

Circle O' Deathtruction!




It's my new album

"Circle O' Deathstruction!" does sound pretty killer, not gonna lie.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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On 6/26/2021 at 12:59 PM, cybdmn said:

There is one option missing inn the poll.


[ ] Le Cercle de la mort!

Kreis des Todes


„O“ der Zerstörung 

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On 6/25/2021 at 7:26 AM, Xyzzy01 said:


How on Earth did I miss this. AdBlocker must have got it or something. Pure art!

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19 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

The fact that this poll has remained SO even is the best possible result!

It's even funnier that a singular person is keeping 'O' of Destruction in the lead

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This thread is still going? Circle of Death, then. A slightly cheesier name probably goes better with Doom, to be honest. It wasn't long before I played that map when I saw a Simpsons episode where a biker challenged Homer to duel in the "circle of death." I know it's really stupid, but I smile every time I see that.

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