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why would someone defend a CEO?

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Hopefully that was worth it because now I have to resort to imgbb or any other website that has file stuff to upload things here, because unless something is less than 0.01MB I can't upload it through DW

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All I see is a vampire making his annual profit drain. Maybe he will fire more blizzard employees later to cut costs.

Edited by Pegg

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  On 6/23/2021 at 9:12 PM, Mr. Freeze said:

The Amazon union fight is a good fight -especially since I'm a driver for Amazon- but almost no discourse around "overthrowing the system" keeps it at unionizing. And even then, who among those are actually helping workers unionize? 


none of us are going out into public and openly calling for revolution lol. and if someone is doing that, then they're a dumbass and are just turning people away from them and putting a target on their back.


also, i'd be very surprised if anyone on the far-left who doesn't work at somewhere like wal-mart (cuz they shut down their stores the moment anyone even thinks about it) wasn't actively trying to unionize their workplace or weren't already part of a union. unions are the best tool we currently have to fight against corporations and uphold worker's rights.

Edited by roadworx

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People think brands are their friends, and of course, the CEO must be a friend of them too if the companies they own are their friends, some people really think like that, maybe they don't say tat they feel it's their friend but sure they act like it

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  On 6/23/2021 at 3:03 PM, Doomkid said:

The extremely right-leaning media has shoved that overton window so far to the right since 9/11 that my neck broke from the sheer speed of it.


I disagree that most of the media is extremely right-leaning. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and Time Magazine all seem to take a left wing position on all the issues you mention (public healthcare, minimum wage, police reform, the environment).

Edited by Megarop

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  On 6/24/2021 at 3:39 AM, Megarop said:

I disagree that most of the media is extremely right-leaning. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and Time Magazine all seem to take a left wing position on all the issues you mention (public healthcare, minimum wage, police reform, the environment).


Only if you look at the political spectrum from an American POV. Europeans consider all American media right-wing if I remember correctly.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 3:39 AM, Megarop said:

I disagree that most of the media is extremely right-leaning. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and Time Magazine all seem to take a left wing position on all the issues you mention (public healthcare, minimum wage, police reform, the environment).



America's media generally leans in favor of the corporate, democratic left. They're openly in favor of basic human rights but are heavily biased towards corporations making as much money as possible.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 3:39 AM, Megarop said:

I don't know what you mean, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and Time Magazine all seem to take a left wing position on all the issues you mention (public healthcare, minimum wage, police reform, the environment).


they absolutely don't take left-wing positions on those, they take liberal (i.e. centrist) views on them. i used to be of the same mindset, but the thing is that america is so right-wing that a lot of people have been led to believe that center-right is somehow leftist when that's not at all the case.


if they were leftist, you'd see them being highly, highly critical of biden. and yet...they generally seem to support him.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 3:39 AM, Megarop said:

I disagree that most of the media is extremely right-leaning. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and Time Magazine all seem to take a left wing position on all the issues you mention (public healthcare, minimum wage, police reform, the environment).


Just like the corporations using rainbow icons this month, they only lean left on a very surface level. A lot of the spin from those outlets has to do with taking what started out as an ostensibly left-leaning idea and making it almost unrecognisable. A lot of it often strikes me as intentional sabotage: “let’s make this idea look as ridiculous and harebrained as possibly while still claiming to “support” it” - think of the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Edited by Doomkid

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  On 6/24/2021 at 4:07 AM, Doomkid said:

Just like the corporations using rainbow icons this month, they only lean left on a very surface level. A lot of the spin from those outlets has to do with taking what started out as a left-leaning idea and making it almost unrecognisable. A lot of it often strikes me as intentional sabotage: “let’s make this idea look as ridiculous and harebrained as possibly while still claiming to “support” it!” - think of the wolf in sheep’s clothing.



While that is true, I'd still say that visible support for LGBT rights trumps any ill intention behind it. 

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Oh hey, definitely - I don’t want people to get the wrong idea here, It’s a huge leap in the right direction compared to the treatment of gay/trans people in the 90s and before.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 4:07 AM, Doomkid said:

Just like the corporations using rainbow icons this month, they only lean left on a very surface level. A lot of the spin from those outlets has to do with taking what started out as a left-leaning idea and making it almost unrecognisable. A lot of it often strikes me as intentional sabotage: “let’s make this idea look as ridiculous and harebrained as possibly while still claiming to “support” it!” - think of the wolf in sheep’s clothing.


This is because there's a distinction between the social left wing, and the economic left wing. The former tends to be about equal (or affirmative) social treatment of people while the latter is about redistribution of wealth. These do not necessarily have to be in sync, the Democrats in the USA tend to be progressive on the former and conservative on the latter, while the inverse also exists among some marxist communities.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 4:07 AM, Doomkid said:

Just like the corporations using rainbow icons this month, they only lean left on a very surface level. A lot of the spin from those outlets has to do with taking what started out as a left-leaning idea and making it almost unrecognisable. A lot of it often strikes me as intentional sabotage: “let’s make this idea look as ridiculous and harebrained as possibly while still claiming to “support” it!” - think of the wolf in sheep’s clothing.


there's actually a good article about that that explains this well

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  On 6/24/2021 at 4:07 AM, Doomkid said:

Just like the corporations using rainbow icons this month, they only lean left on a very surface level. A lot of the spin from those outlets has to do with taking what started out as a left-leaning idea and making it almost unrecognisable. A lot of it often strikes me as intentional sabotage: “let’s make this idea look as ridiculous and harebrained as possibly while still claiming to “support” it!” - think of the wolf in sheep’s clothing.


That makes a lot of sense, I take it back.

Edited by Megarop

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  On 6/24/2021 at 5:48 AM, RDETalus said:

Reminds me a lot of what ted kaczynski called “the system's neatest trick”


it's somewhat reminiscent of that, though kaczynski's theory is a bit more...you know. shitty.

Edited by roadworx

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Hey, that 4-5 Norwegian hookers every night lifestyle comes with a price.

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Adding to what was said above me about the american "left", there is a HUGE difference between liberalism and leftism, and its starting to seriously annoy me very much to see people on the Internet use both terms interchangeably.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 8:53 AM, DSC said:

Adding to what was said above me about the american "left", there is a HUGE difference between liberalism and leftism, and its starting to seriously annoy me very much to see people on the Internet use both terms interchangeably.


It mainly seems to be Americans (though not all of them, thankfully) who cannot make this distinction. I can only assume it's because of the constant nonsense that the Democratic Party is part of the Communist International or something like that.

Edited by NoXion

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I do not ask people to be anti-capitalistic, I ask them to not be stupid and buy better products. That would solve things...


Also, what does environmental care have to do with political bias? Did your parents not teach you to clean your room? So keep your planet nice and clean too.

What am I missing... are many americans like dirty, smelly kids who leave waste all around, like chinesse people?

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  On 6/24/2021 at 1:15 PM, Sokoro said:

I do not ask people to be anti-capitalistic, I ask them to not be stupid and buy better products. That would solve things...


Also, what does environmental care have to do with political bias? Did your parents not teach you to clean your room? So keep your planet nice and clean too.

What am I missing... are many americans like dirty, smelly kids who leave waste all around, like chinesse people?



The fact that pollution and environmental damage is a global phenomenon should be taken as a strong sign that it has nothing to do with the supposed character of any particular nation's private citizens. It's a systemic failure, not a personal one. I've certainly never voted to have my plastic waste shipped offshore to be burnt or chucked in the sea instead of recycled. I don't know anyone else who's actually in favour of such things either.

Edited by NoXion

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  On 6/24/2021 at 4:23 AM, Mr. Freeze said:


While that is true, I'd still say that visible support for LGBT rights trumps any ill intention behind it. 


Yeah but you still have stuff like Coca Cola's "personalized bottle" thing allowing you to write "Nazi" and gay slurs, but not "Lesbian" or "Transgender".


I think that's a bit worse then just not openly supporting LGBTQ+ rights.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 8:53 AM, DSC said:

Adding to what was said above me about the american "left", there is a HUGE difference between liberalism and leftism, and its starting to seriously annoy me very much to see people on the Internet use both terms interchangeably.



  On 6/24/2021 at 12:49 PM, NoXion said:

It mainly seems to be Americans (though not all of them, thankfully) who cannot make this distinction. I can only assume it's because of the constant nonsense that the Democratic Party is part of the Communist International or something like that.



From the perspective of a commie pinko Yuropean, American politics are completely alien. From the average Yuropean's POV, there's no real "left" in America, just "right" and "a bit less to the right" or "right" and "righter". Then again, Americans have a hard time too distingushing democratic socialism, socialism and marxism/communist, so there's that. In practice, right-wing parties that come to power in EU countries don't exactly rush to dismantle any social state structures left by their left-leaning predecessors, but that doesn't make them socialist/communist either.


Terms like "liberal" also lose their meaning in translation: here "liberal" is associated exclusively with economic liberalism, a concept associated with right-wing politics. So a guy from the USA claming to be "liberal" is going to raise a few eyebrows or even set up himself for some (unwarranted) hostility, if you say to to the "wrong" people. The concept of "liberalism" as in supportive of individual freedoms is considered superfluous/taken for granted (at least for now), so it's unclear how someone could cultivate an entire political agenda over that and that alone.

Edited by Maes

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  On 6/25/2021 at 7:51 AM, Maes said:

From the perspective of a commie pinko Yuropean, American politics are completely alien.  From the average Yuropean's POV, there's no real "left" in America, just "right" and "a bit less to the right" or "right" and "righter".


Europe is a big place, I don't think it's ever really fair to say "the average European thinks this". I mean, I don't think the average person in the UK thinks American politics are "completely alien", the national news there talks about American politics all the time.

Edited by Megarop

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  On 6/25/2021 at 7:51 AM, Maes said:

From the perspective of a commie pinko Yuropean, American politics are completely alien. From the average Yuropean's POV, there's no real "left" in America, just "right" and "a bit less to the right" or "right" and "righter".


Thing is, I'm not sure there's still a real left in Europe either. When I look at what policies were pursued by supposedly leftist governments in Europe -- the "third way" "socialism" of people such as Tony Blair or Gerhard Schröder -- I don't see leftism.

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