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Post a picture...that you took

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Was living in my neighborhood for a few months. Once fed it! 🦚

Edited by Xyzzy01

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3 hours ago, HAK3180 said:


Always back in. You never know...


Also, Colorado, huh? 

yep. that was taken at the apartment complex that my dad and i used to live at, we had to move tho cuz the rent was way too high

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It would be easy to flood this thread, but obviously none of us want to. I can't be the only one for which photography is a big-time hobby along (in my case) with FPS video games, computer geek stuff and astronomy. I have a good camera, so for this thread it would be a case of 'what do I leave out?' I must have taken literally a thousand or more reasonably good images in the 12 years since I took up the hobby and since there are folks on DW older than me or who started as a kid, there's probably other Doomers who took tens of thousands :) So just a few personal favourite for now.


The Norwich (Anglican) Cathedral herb garden cat:



Grey Heron at Whitlingham Country Park:



Peregrine at Norwich (Anglican) Cathedral - they have a nest in the spire (webcam for anyone who's interested):



Squirrel at UEA (Norwich, University of East Anglia) grounds:



Luna, my cat at the time, at Beccles Common, half a mile from the house:


Edited by Martin Howe
Added captions

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I haven't taken many shots in the last year or more.


7 hours ago, deus-ex said:

Great picture, Doom_Dude.


Hey thanks.


6 hours ago, Grazza said:

I was going to post some godawful ones for a laugh, but Doom_Dude's photo suggests this might not become a shitposting thread.


Now I want to see the godawful ones. lol


6 hours ago, Grazza said:




Hand of some large animal, maybe polar bear. Edgeøya, 2007.


That is fascinating.






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I like photos that make you feel like you are part of what is going on. Even a few splashes on the lens can help. This is Hengifoss, Iceland.



Sometimes you get an image that feels like it was taken from altitude, even though it was taken from much lower. This is Snæfell (Eyjabakkajökull) - not the one on the Isle of Man, or the one in western Iceland.



And another one with a similar look, taken from sea level looking northwestish in Billefjorden, Svalbard. My notes from the time say "view into Skansdalen, from Skansbukta", so I guess that must be right, as there was indeed an abandoned mine.

Edited by Grazza

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Friedensreich Hundertwasser (architector). Austria, Vienna, 2012.




Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, fall, local area of cottages ~ 2012 (?).




Zoo in Spain, Majorka, ~ 2012. I distributed a few peaches to these comrades.




Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, this summer few days ago. In the industrial backyard nearby rabbits are freely kept.




One of the local school stadiums last winter.




View from above. Last winter. Sunset, railway station and museum.




Not remember about time and year exactly. Kazakhstan, Almaty. A certain art object at the entrance to the administrative building.




Back to home location again. Date and time are unknown. Volcanic ancient deity figurine from Turkey, orange owl and red cat from different types of wood.




Date and time are unknown. Not mine, but a rare photo. Local zoo. A mixture of a tiger and a lion - liger.




Date and time are unknown. Chipmunk in the local forest.



Edited by UnknDoomer

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15 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

You imply this shot was easy to take... I was at this location for almost 2 hours trying to snap this shot!! And it still isn't quite as good as I would like. 😅


I have yet to capture a dragonfly like that. Nice shot for sure. We have some snazzy looking jet black ones sometimes. I may have to take the camera out and see if I can find those guys..



Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly




Edited by Doom_Dude

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Cylinder from a blown up Husqvarna 562 XP.  Man I hated doing claims with them, almost as bad as Stihl.


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Guess I'll dump a few more pics; this time more architectural-type stuff.




No idea who's home this is, but I wish it was mine. March 2021





Tower by the seaside, September 2020






Wonderful little hidden structure in the Surrey countryside; July 2019.






London by night, July 2019. 



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Family dog (rip) looking clueless in a bush.




Mountain valley somewhere in Tenerife.


It was kinda interesting looking through old stuff so maybe I'll start doing a bit of photography once I'm readjusted to actually setting foot outdoors again.

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