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Kinda spooky mall pic i took with an old cam i have (sony powershot, cant remember the model)

It was inside this abandoned shop through these little shutter things they have when they close a place down.


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The first time I started playing the piano (2 years ago iirc) I am 33 now (September 16) I started playing/practicing at the beginning of 2021 iirc

I picked it up as a hobby.


Oh yeah that piano is not mine, It's in a showroom and decided to try it out, it was beautiful.


I currently own a digital console piano (YDP-S34) that I frequently practice on.





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3 hours ago, Jakub Majewski said:

Here's some photos I did with a DJI Mini 2


The second last place appears to be haunted by a red faced giant.

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On 9/24/2023 at 3:03 AM, Jakub Majewski said:

Here's some photos I did with a DJI Mini 2:

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This image reminds me a RtCW:ET map.

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Went out to a sushi restaurant with my family after the graduation ceremony of my brother today.








Last photo didn't came out as sharp as we were leaving the restaurant by that point.

The sushi was awesome by the way.

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Took this when I was walking Daisy at a nearby park that has some Little League fields next to it. It really made me laugh, and then I was kind of sad because apparently there are enough people who complain about Little League games that they needed to make a sign to tell them this.



5 hours ago, Sena said:

Nothing important happened to me or anyone I know, but I also had sushi today (was good)


That looks really tasty, I could really go for some unagi. It's been years since I've had sushi, there was a really good place in town that served it, but they went out of business. It was Japanese American owned and operated, and they had fish tanks in the back, so you knew it was fresh, and it was wonderful. But I guess that's the problem with living in the Midwest, people like Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Applebee's and Chilis, so the authentic places go out of business. We also lost the best authentic German restaurant, the best Italian restaurant, and the best Russian restaurant as well, because I guess people don't like good food.


Edited by Jello

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Cute little sushi boat. I find it funny when you go to a fancy Japanese place that offers colossal and elaborate sushi boats (more like sushi aircraft carriers).


Yeah, Midwest cuisine tends to get quite limited once you are outside cities. I'm in the Twin Cities suburbs, where there is still a decent choice (being near 3M world headquarters may help in that respect), but I am still looking in vain for a good Chinese. Oddly, I find that in similar parts of Canada, there is a much better choice, even in small towns. I've found good Japanese and Indian restaurants in "nothing" towns, and when it comes to quirkiness, there was a German-Indian fusion place in Revelstoke (OK, not midwest, and even small US ski towns often have good eateries, such as this).


Uh, there is supposed to be a picture, so that sign reminded me of this:

DSC88778.jpgCould have sworn it said "USE OF DEADLY FORCE AUTHORIZED". Oh well.

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On 10/2/2023 at 6:32 PM, Daytime Waitress said:


You doing SkyTree at night?

Not at night, did end up going the day after but during the daytime. Gonna have to wait until I get home before I sort any pictures though.

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Taken yesterday over the Kettle River at Saint Croix State Park, Minnesota.




Looking for "Fall Colors". Not finding much.


These were taken with the drone, though we also got similar views (minus the river) from a fire tower.

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  • 2 weeks later...
22 minutes ago, Martin Howe said:

Sure, nice to see people doing practical electronics. Now what is it? :)

It's supposed to be a basic adding circuit that can add 2 numbers. It's currently broken rn. 

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