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Demons of Shiga - An action-packed short WAD [v.1.1]

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Greetings, fellow DOOMers !


It's been a while since I uploaded a map of mine onto this website (not accounting for my submission from the Doomworld Maximum Project 2021), and while I'm still working consistently on my latest project (a 9-level Episode WAD based around Black N' Blanco and its gimmicks), I decided to release a small WAD in the meantime. Yay !


It's short and sweet, it's mostly vanilla-flavored (meaning you can play this WAD with ANY gameplay-modifying PK3), it's packed to the brim with action (NO SECRETS ! ONLY CARNAGE !), linearity, some architectural ideas here and there, and it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to play with on GZDOOM (make sure your version is up to date !).


Two versions of this WAD exist altogether : the basic one, and one with modified game music (featuring Haircuts For Men's song "我々の手には、フェード").


As always, feel free to give me huge feedback and suggestions about the whole thing. I'm always open to small/drastic WAD modifications, and this one shouldn't be too much of an execption.


+ Freelook is required (small underwater section) / jumping and crouching are allowed, but not required.

+ Compatible for co-op play. 

+ Compatible for deathmatch games. 



Demons of Shiga v.1.1.rarFetching info...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/q48ayt2upnxafu2/Demons of Shiga 1.1 - HFM Cut.wad?dl=0


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Edited by Origamyde
Updated WAD to version 1.1

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This map is really fun it has a great 'beats to chill and kill demons to' vibe that I really appreciate. I would just note that you describe the map as vanilla-compatible but it has an area of deep water that you cannot get out of w/o jumping or freelook. Most vanilla-compatible maps do not require jumping or freelook so I would warn people that they will need to have jumping or freelook enabled(I did not and died in the water lol).

Edited by ScrappyMcDoogerton
added freelook

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  On 6/26/2021 at 12:10 AM, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

This map is really fun it has a great 'beats to chill and kill demons to' vibe that I really appreciate. I would just note that you describe the map as vanilla-compatible but it has an area of deep water that you cannot get out of w/o jumping. Most vanilla-compatible maps do not require jumping so I would warn people that they will need to have the jump key bound(I did not and died in the water lol).



I played this map without jumping. Video is processing come back in 1 hr .. maybe longer internet is slow in canada today cause of the rain



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  On 6/26/2021 at 12:10 AM, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

This map is really fun it has a great 'beats to chill and kill demons to' vibe that I really appreciate. I would just note that you describe the map as vanilla-compatible but it has an area of deep water that you cannot get out of w/o jumping or freelook. Most vanilla-compatible maps do not require jumping or freelook so I would warn people that they will need to have jumping or freelook enabled(I did not and died in the water lol).


You're right, I'll add that in the initial post so that people don't get caught! 


My mistake, and thanks for playing and having a blast. If you really enjoyed the soundtrack on the alternate variation, checkout Haircuts For Men's bandcamp page : out of all the Electronics / Vaporwave artists I stumbled upon, he's quite unique in terms of sampling :) 


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  On 6/26/2021 at 2:14 AM, Clippy said:


I played this map without jumping. Video is processing come back in 1 hr .. maybe longer internet is slow in canada today cause of the rain





Sorry for tricking you into thinking it was "that" kind of short map 😔 (which gives me a potential idea for a WAD concept inspired by your creations).


Overrall, I'm pleased about the WAD's flow and fighting sections, although I do agree that some encounters near the end should be trimmed a bit. 


Thank you for your video, Clippy ! 

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Edited by Origamyde

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I also forgot to say that normally, there's options for co-op play with the WAD, and even death match if you feel adventurous enough via Zandronum. 


I mean, I've set-up some spawn points dedicated to that kind of things, so it should work, right ? 🥺

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I like the chill hop tune... playing through these now. Will post comments soon.


Edit: Fun level, and definitely a throwback to some of the 90s stuff. I enjoyed the variety of monsters.

Edited by princetontiger

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Good level.  Maybe it's just the version of GZDoom I'm using, but the switch that opens that bars in the underwater area doesn't work.  I looked at it in an editor and it says it's activated by pressing use, but it doesn't work for some reason.

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  On 6/26/2021 at 3:18 PM, Kor said:

Good level.  Maybe it's just the version of GZDoom I'm using, but the switch that opens that bars in the underwater area doesn't work.  I looked at it in an editor and it says it's activated by pressing use, but it doesn't work for some reason.



It's perhaps your version of GZDoom, since it's working on mine it seems.


I'll double-check this potential issue. Was it on the normal version, or the HFM one ?

Edited by Origamyde

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  On 6/26/2021 at 4:24 PM, Origamyde said:


It's perhaps your version of GZDoom, since it's working on mine it seems.


I'll double-check this potential issue. Was it on the normal version, or the HFM one ?


Normal version.

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  On 6/26/2021 at 5:26 PM, Kor said:

Normal version.



I did look into it, and I definitively believe it has to do with your (perhaps old) version of GZDoom. It should be fixed once it's updated, I think.

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  On 7/2/2021 at 9:36 PM, Suitepee said:



My playthrough starts at 3:01:25.



Hey there, Suitepee, thank you for showcasing my WAD during your stream ! :O


The idea of making more foes appear in the central hub with each area completed never crossed my mind before, and this is something that I might be inclined to try out in a newer version. Thank you for the tip ! 😎

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