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Deadly Standards 4 - We have no standards anymore! (Doom Episode 4 Community Project) COMPLETED!

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I've added a pair of new stuff on the source pack, including two new monsters, that are unfortunately kinda broken, i'll see to work on them... so no new version aviable until i fix them! However:

#Beam Zombie (Replaces Dead Lost Soul)


A though enemy that shoots a repeatable plasma burst attack, for some weird reason it can't be shooted, even if it's flagged shootable. I don't understand why this is happening.


#Mini Spider (Replaces Guts and Bones 2)


From the betas of Doom 2 (and much more from the Rowdy Rudy resource pack), comes this shrinkled version of the Spider Mastermind with more speed and less health, 3 rockets and this guy is history.

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@Walter confetti i have a request before i forget it, the computer monitor on the left kin the last screenshot. I would like to make a second version that shows the location of the secret key used to open the exit to the secret level and put it somewhere in my level.

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@Walter confetti I have some experience with dehacked, so I would be happy to take a look at the file. No promises, but I've had quite a lot of edge-case problems in my own modding, so I might be able to figure something out.


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The source wad has been modified, as well with the test map that includes the new dehacked that finally works!

OP it's been updated too, with some modifications in the rules as well...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've yet to start work on a physical map as of now, due to a combination of IRL stuff and general creative block. That said, I have a number of solid concepts in mind, and intend on getting started this week, now that things have settled down on my end.


That said, I do actually have a few questions for you:


1) what size map would be ideal? In terms of average play-time, I mean. Is avoiding mangnum opus syndrome a priority here?


2) what is the upper bound of preffered difficulty? In the OP, you stated a preference for "easy and classic style", but I'm not sure what that means practically. Are you aiming for E4-level challenge, or Plutonia-level, or what?


3) To what extent is visual consistency a priority? I noticed that DS3 has a very consistent style to it, and am wondering if that was intentional or more of a happy accident.

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10 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

That said, I do actually have a few questions for you:


Ok, here's my answers:


1) A average playtime for this project I'd like something between 5 and 15/20 minutes max... I think it's a acceptable playtime for me.


2) Something like original episode 4 should be good.


3) Please keep your map theme pretty consistent, like don't use hell canyons and city sections all in the same place, the level must looks like a place from real life (even in a abstract way)! So, yeah, theme consistency is very important here.


Actually the way Deadly standards 3 comes out was more a happy accident than everything, I've expected a more chaotic thing given the freeform void theme I'd give... Looks like than green sky gave more the impression of marble structures straight out "Thy Flesh Consumed" than anything else :)

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5 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:


Thanks for the clarification! Makes things a lot easier on my end. A 15-20 min playtime suits me best, so that's what I'll be going for.

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So far all I have is a map name. Unfortunately progress of other projects has been very slow. Hopefully I will get started soon.

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@cannonball do you have any plans regarding the theme of your map? Asking since I have yet to start work on my submission, and therefore may be able to create a sense of continuity between the two maps by designing my exit accordingly.

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5 hours ago, Omniarch said:

@cannonball do you have any plans regarding the theme of your map? Asking since I have yet to start work on my submission, and therefore may be able to create a sense of continuity between the two maps by designing my exit accordingly.

My idea is essentially a large mountain top marble castle/fort structure. So you can either be inventive or just have a teleport pad as the exit. 
Just for context, by large I am leaning more to imposing rather than the map being long.

Edited by cannonball

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17 hours ago, NeedHealth said:

My map takes about 30 minutes to complete. I hope it is okay and the map order can always be moved around i guess.

 Mmm... If you can shorten the playtime of... 5 minutes, at least, will be better. But I'm ok with that, it depends on how plays...

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For an update on my end, I don't have anything more than a bunch of ideas in various stages of development. I'm hoping one will grab me, but so far I've been struggling. With lockdown I have much more free time but much less brain function unfortunately, but hopefully that will change soon.

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  • 1 month later...

I think I'll start working on my map during NaNoWADMo, maybe earlier if i can do it in time.

Anyway, how's the work going for you guys?

I know @NeedHealth technically finished his map and other people have just some ideas for this but still haven't made anything yet like me, but for the other people? Asking this to @Noiser, @Endless and the other people if they're still interested in doing a map for this. I know Noiser is working also on another project, but just asking what you want to do... Otherwise, I'll free your spot if i don't have any reply or if you don't want to make a map for this anymore.

Edited by Walter confetti

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I'm just getting my PRCP2 submission out of the way atm. I will start working on my DS4 submission next month, alongside my nano project, since the two are actually complimentary in many ways and would likely benefit from parallel development. I've had a massive creative block for the past few months, and am determined to overcome it this october.

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As for me, the resource pack and limit removing thingy doesn't give me any ideas on what to draw


The fat imps look gross imho, maybe that's the reason I've not started mapping for this yet.

However I think, when I have time, I gonna draw something abstract but playable, maxable and somewhat detailed


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1 hour ago, Walter confetti said:

I think I'll start working on my map during NaNoWADMo, maybe earlier if i can do it in time.

Anyway, how's the work going for you guys?

I know @NeedHealth technically finished his map and other people have just some ideas for this but still haven't made anything yet like me, but for the other people? Asking this to @Noiser, @Endless and the other people if they're still interested in doing a map for this. I know Noiser is working also on another project, but just asking what you want to do... Otherwise, I'll free your spot if i don't have any reply or if you don't want to make a map for this anymore.

I'm still onboard on working on this, but there's something that itches me.


The deadline is December 31, plenty of time, but I got E4M9, which means I can only make the map in 6 hours max? Pretty much pure speedmapping so I don't really have that much time unlike the rest.

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3 hours ago, Endless said:

The deadline is December 31, plenty of time, but I got E4M9, which means I can only make the map in 6 hours max? Pretty much pure speedmapping so I don't really have that much time unlike the rest.


Yes. So, I'll free your slot?

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I want to be honest, the resource pack is rather good (I'm less fan about the monsters but matter of taste). However, the thing that made be joined DS2 and DS3 were the restrictions to Ultimate Doom's stock textures. DS3 actually had one custom black texture and a new sky but nothing else.


I think that the 4th opus is a bit too far from the trilogy due to all the new resources. At the end of DS4, I would have imagined a compilation of the 4 episodes in order to make a single megawad but the dehacked makes it impossible. 


Otherwise I haven't planned my map yet, but I'm planning something shorter and action oriented.

Edited by Roofi

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// Do not spawn cool, new monsters if !commercial
	if (!commercial)
	      case 68:	// Arachnotron
	      case 64:	// Archvile
	      case 88:	// Boss Brain
	      case 89:	// Boss Shooter
	      case 69:	// Hell Knight
	      case 67:	// Mancubus
	      case 71:	// Pain Elemental
	      case 65:	// Former Human Commando
	      case 66:	// Revenant
	      case 84:	// Wolf SS
		spawn = false;

In case we want new monsters and decorations: in theory, we can use six Doom 2 hanging corpses + demon spawn spot (87) to place these in maps. I mean we can have more decorative stuff. And maybe this could help with merging ds4 with ds1,2,3



Maybe changing editor IDs of things above^ could make it possible to include them as well, so we can expect enough place for dehacked stuff if it was present in ds1,2,3 (I didn't check this)


We even could have tech lamps, megasphere and keen heh


that's more than enough to merge ds1,2,3,4

Edited by SilverMiner

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Yeah, i was thinking of joining all the 4 episodes in one megawad too, but then I thought that will be good having all the episodes divided for their own... But I'll see what to do.


It could use 2 different Dehacked files for the previous episodes and one for DS4, if a compilation of all episodes will be done. It will be more intricate to play this properly (Also, in DS3 there's new sprites that modifies the former human monsters and the baron of hell, so needs a new source wad as well!)...


Anyway, i was thinking to myself too that the source wads have too many stuff in it, especially the ICK textures, but i think someone will find a good use for it.

As well i was thinking to change the decapitated zombie scientist with some other type of enemy, maybe a zombie marine?

But this is all things i just thinking to change, but then I think of what could works good with the theme i made... We have to study this thing good.

Edited by Walter confetti

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32 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

As well i was thinking to change the decapitated zombie scientist with some other type of enemy, maybe a zombie marine?

But this is all things i just thinking to change, but then I think of what could works good with the theme i made... We have to study this thing good.

I think this would be wise, personally. It might be worth checking out alternate shotgunner sprites as well, like the ZSpecOps ones? Just to make sure the Zombieman and Shotgunner match eachother somewhat.

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I want to keep the shotgunner sprite, since it fits with the bureaucratic hell theme i have in mind. Also, it was used at the final act picture in Deadly standards 3... For this reason I have some problems with this...

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Oh, I really would like to make a map for this. But being realistic, I don't have time even for my own projects :-(
I may try to get some fuel next month, however if I keep struggling you can let my slot go. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Edited by Noiser

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Progress report:


Not much, but it's a start. Going for a "water processing plant" type thing. Definitely needs work, but something's actually coming into shape. Mostly been focused on getting the combat rhythm down, so visuals still need work. Still, it feels fun to play for me at the moment, so that's the main thing.

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1 hour ago, Walter confetti said:

And, yeah, the zombiemen needs to be changed.


Will this guy (Dune Warrior from 667) be ok? (his color fits the sky imo)

For more contrast, his legs or cape could be recolored to black

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