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Deadly Standards 4 - We have no standards anymore! (Doom Episode 4 Community Project) COMPLETED!

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@Walter confetti could i ask that you do video dump of the demo you made of my map? It desync after a minute and half or so on my end.


 this is my command line: prboom-plus-261um-w32 -iwad doom.wad -file stand4_nh_map02.wad ds4-gfx.wad -complevel 3 -playdemo sda-walt-ds4nh.lmp

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All that is left of the design for a one key version of my map e4m6 is adding the exit and completing the secret for the bfg -e1 and add more details. Then it is on to adding things... but I keep thinking I should add an other key and some other areas. So maybe I'll do that, time depending, but first I will try to complete the one key version of this map as much as possible.


I was inspired a bit by Monti when making this map.


Edited by NeedHealth

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mmm.. the sector isn't closed? Or did you use the void floor by accident?

However looks cool, got some Refeluing Base reminiscence by looking at this room...

Edited by Walter confetti

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I think another month extension will probably be required.

I have played E4M2 a week or so ago for the record. I will play it again at some point so I can give some feedback but first impressions were pretty positive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So... We are closer to the deadline since it's almost the half of February today, i just want to know from the 3 guys that still have to finish their maps for this project @NeedHealth @silverminer and @DukeOfDoom how the mapping process is going on... I'll do my part as well with a new ENDPIC that i have in mind from quite some time but never did it, plus a new intermission screen and a new M_DOOM... Maybe?


However it goes, I'm happy with the results! For the next run of Deadly Standards (that it will be for Doom 2, if you want to keep the episodic run for Doom or you have other ideas I'm here to hear them, i have some general idea for the first... 20 maps theme, but not for the third episode or the secret maps...) I'll return back to the previous rules of not having a Deadline fixed and not using many new textures, maybe some useful liquid falls, some useful textures and new skies, but only that. I'll promise!

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@Walter confetti as i cannae watch the demo you made for my map02 all i can fix is the bugs you mentioned in this thread and nothing you would have missed that i would have seen in the demo. Here is how you do a video dump of a doom demo for what it is worth, https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Source_port_parameters#-viddump_.3Cfilename.3E


Will update my map in the coming days.


also two of your @s failed, here you go:


@SilverMiner @DukeOfDoom

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I gave e4m7 to Duke in somewhat December to edit and I've been waiting for it since. Also I'm waiting for his e4m4. Seems like stagnation.

I have some thoughts on what I would like Deadly Standards to be.
* means "allowing mappers to add custom textures and stuff that doesn't feel out of place. And not to force the mappers do hard parodies of the styles associated with the theme taken"

1. A Heretic episode/megawad in 3 sessions *
2. A megawad like Herian *
3. A Memento Mori 2 themed megawad *
4. A wad like Nihility
5. 2 and 3 mix + Requiem vibes*


Also I could take care of compiling the texturepack

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Actually the bug you encountered in playing my demo is because you didn't added the -deh ds4-deh.lmp line to the prboom prompt. Didn't get how to do that -viddump so i recorded it on OBS:





4 hours ago, SilverMiner said:

I have some thoughts on what I would like Deadly Standards to be.
* means "allowing mappers to add custom textures and stuff that doesn't feel out of place. And not to force the mappers do hard parodies of the styles associated with the theme taken"

1. A Heretic episode/megawad in 3 sessions *
2. A megawad like Herian *
3. A Memento Mori 2 themed megawad *
4. A wad like Nihility
5. 2 and 3 mix + Requiem vibes*


I don't remember what are the themes used in memento Mori 2 and Nihility (is that wad in "the shores of Hell" style, right?), but... a Herian-like megawad is a pretty interesting concept, you know? Or something that uses a shared IDTech 1 universe story \ theme is a pretty unique stuff imo!

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@Walter confetti my inital bittnerness is on me, because i spent two and half hours experimenting with different parameter settings just to get the demo to run only to have it desync after a minute. I have zero clue why a linedef failed on you. I will fix that.


-e1 i see what the issue is, somehow you managed to half trigger a linedef, only opening some sectors I'll think of something else.


@cannonball this linef only half works, I think i saw that you played my map - did you also run into the same issue? The circled sectors should open when you cross the linedef but they don't.


Edited by NeedHealth

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I didn't have any mechanical issues when I played it, so I assume I triggered everything fine. Though I was playing in the default compatibility on DSDA doom so that could be the reason due to subtle differences in how thing work (Especially with triggers being close together).

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Just made a pair of new screens this evening:


A simple help screen.



(spoliers above!) A Ending screen that uses the idea of


a multiverse battle incoming... Opening to a brand new series of Deadly Standards, both sharing the same universe or changing to various games...


Edited by Walter confetti

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, this is the final day.

I'll give you a week more for completing your maps that you are making, i have also a backup map in the works by a guest mapper in case you can't finish it in time... Also i have to do a intermission screen, if somebody else wants to help with the final touches for the episode is my favorite guest!


Thanks for participating, i know that recently looks like we are going to even more troubled times than the previous years but i hope that we can complete this episode, again next Deadly Standards issue will follow again the rules from the previous years, starting by not having a deadline anymore...

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Played @SilverMiner big collab map, it's pretty neat and also kind of surrealistic in the big BROWN1 room filled with water, missing only a way to escape said room and adding more ammo at the beginning, but it's a really neat map!

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4 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Played @SilverMiner big collab map, it's pretty neat and also kind of surrealistic in the big BROWN1 room filled with water, missing only a way to escape said room and adding more ammo at the beginning, but it's a really neat map!

You had to shoot a barrel in this room and then a lift in the eastern side of that room would've lowered.


I might make it more obvious


Edited by SilverMiner

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