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Azazel's Second Descent - Beta1.5 - 32 map one man mega wad

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I will take a look at the blue key trap and adjust it so that can’t happen. Their should be a plasma gun in the map it’s between the yellow and red key areas, but I’ll take a look to make sure. I’m not sure about that archvile but I’ll look around and see what I can find. thanks for pointing out the misspelled name that’s an easy fix. Hope your liking it so far and thanks for the bug finds. 


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Map 6: Please consider making the starting area a tad brighter. I've buffed up gamma and I'm not playing with dark sector mode yet I'm really struggling to see anything. The problem isn't necessarily the monsters - it's the ammo. At first, the player might think there just isn't enough while that clearly isn't the case - it's just all tucked away in the dark corners of the pillars. Alternatively, just move all the ammo to the well-lit spots. Nothing wrong with fighting a few monsters in the dark, after all.

Also, when you trigger the triple cyberdemon switch, three cacos get permastuck in the trees.


EDIT: Map7, sector 726 closet is broken. Also the pain elemental inside is stuck and there's no way to kill it even if you noclip inside.


You must be a fan of Sunlust lol


These maps are a lot of fun so far.


EDIT 2: Map 8, sectors 350-400 a few broken teleporter closets.


Another thing to consider: doing monster spawn pickups for nonkey items is always a bad idea. Let's say there are teleporters that activate upon the player picking up a mega armor. But what if the player already has full armor and goes on to exit the level without ever picking up that particular armor? They will be guaranteed to miss kills. I think I experienced a similar issue when I was playing through Pinchy's megawad.

Edited by Firedust

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on map 6 I have fixed the broken closet and eliminated the pain elemental, because he kind of get stuck even when working right. On map 8 in the area with lowering pillars and barrels, when you shot the barrels it clears the spawn point for the enemy's to spawn in.  IF you do not shoot all the barrels the enemy's kill still dye before the map ends so you can still get 100% of the kills. that is a good point about the nonkey items ill go back and see if i can eliminate as many as possible. I would say Sunlust was a big inspiration for this wad and to a lesser extent Sunder for some of the latter maps.

Edited by Bloodbath Giraffe

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5 hours ago, Bloodbath Giraffe said:


on map 6 I have fixed the broken closet and eliminated the pain elemental, because he kind of get stuck even when working right. On map 8 in the area with lowering pillars and barrels, when you shot the barrels it clears the spawn point for the enemy's to spawn in.  IF you do not shoot all the barrels the enemy's kill still dye before the map ends so you can still get 100% of the kills. that is a good point about the nonkey items ill go back and see if i can eliminate as many as possible. I would say Sunlust was a big inspiration for this wad and to a lesser extent Sunder for some of the latter maps.

Alright, I may have not shot all the barrels in the area accessed via the red switch, silly me!


In map 10, is the only way to reach the non-exit teleporter in the starting area an archvile jump? I took a look in the editor and I didn't spot any lowering walls or lifts. Also, Sector 1664 closet wall is lowering VERY slowly. Is that intentional?


I wonder if you truly realise how op cybruiser is in your game, considering it's a hitscanner with a crap ton of health and zero pain chance xD


EDIT: It appears I am stuck on map 10. How do you get to arena with arachnotrons and cybruisers? I did the cyberdemon/caco/baron encounter to the south of the area and the bars did not lower. I grabbed the BFG killed everything in that area and then ran past the resurrecting chaingunners and killed all the revs, imps and mancubi in that area. The bars in that area didn't lower either. What am I missing? The voodoo doll responsible for lowering the bars traveled all the way to the end of the closet. My guess is, I did trigger the bars to lower but for some reason they raised up back again and there's no way to lower them back down.

Edited by Firedust

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2 minutes ago, Bloodbath Giraffe said:


map 10 has the incorrect start location. I’m surprised you got as far as you did. I will update the wad tomorrow to fix the stuff you and other people have found. 

lmao I was wondering what on earth was going on there

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Alrighty, I'll get back to playing this tomorrow. Will restart map 10 - hopefully it will go better this time xD

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Map 12: This is a lot of fun until the very last room. It's way too dark to see anything and given that the RL is the weapon that does all the heavylifting here, it just seems like a badly designed arena. And why do the enemies randomly freeze every several seconds in this particular encounter? Also, the location of the exit is not obvious at all. It took me a while to find it right by the starting area.


EDIT: Is Map 13 UV maxable? The kill count seems to be ballooning - I'm guessing it's because the infighting monsters keep getting resurrected?


EDIT 2: You know what these maps remind me of a lot? Serious sam.


I am getting a lot of missing texture messages in every level. Now, most of these are inside hidden closets so I suppose it's okay but in a number of maps like map 14, there are missing textures on the inner door frames, so it would probably be wise to check these.


Also, in map 14 shouldn't sector 3914 be tagged as secret?


EDIT 3: Map 15, you should probably tag the imp perches in the teleporting BFG room with the monster impass linedef. Otherwise, there's a risk of them falling off if rocketed (this is what happened to me lol)

Edited by Firedust

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I have changed the lighting to be less dark for the final fight for map 12.  They freeze because I was trying to get an interesting and different fight, but I guess its very fun. I got read of the freezing and i also changed the exit to be for obvious.


Map 13 can be UV Maxed when you beat each side that side monsters die.


The missing textures are form me not knowing what I was doing when i started. I did not add them correctly and changed texture packs about 25% through the wad so i had to go back and retexture everything.  I figured if they were not visible I did need to retexture them, but I can fix that.


Good catch on map 14 that is a secret.


I added monster blocking line deffs to that area so that should not happen anymore.


It's funny you said it reminds you of Serious Sam as I have never played or really seen anyone play them before.

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On 8/6/2022 at 9:01 PM, Bloodbath Giraffe said:

It's funny you said it reminds you of Serious Sam as I have never played or really seen anyone play them before.

A lot of the traps and general use of architecture is sometimes very reminiscent. Like in map 14 when you trigger the bigboi trap but a zombieman spawns first - the zombieman which is the real trigger to the onslaught lol


I just beat map 15. There's a deaf caco in sector 30. And some areas with archviles are missing player block lines, so if you get yeeted off, you're basically softlocked. Otherwise, this map was fantastic. I like your encounter design philosophy - it really keeps me on the toes without ever being unfair or bullshit (except the one trap I talked about in my previous post). The BFG massacre was fantastic and well worth the wait. I like how the arena itself isn't particularly tricky - it's just you mowing down hordes of demons with the gun you've been coveting the most throughout episode 3. Also, that secret level exit is pure bs lmao; I don't think many people will find it without taking a good look at the editor first.


As for the map 12 encounter I've complained about - you have to realize that it's the combo wombo of dark lighting, because of which you can't see anything; the rocket launcher heavy gameplay, which won't allow you to get close to enemies; and the archons, which phase right next you when their pain chance is triggered. Like, it's fine to make the lighting somewhat dimmer for a dramatic effect, but I feel this particular arena is too rng heavy. I don't consider myself a doom god by any means but I did manage to uv max ribbiks cacowads with some practice and patience. If there's anyone who can beat this arena consistently, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.


On to the secret maps now!


EDIT: Believe it or not, but I actually found the secret exit to map 32 all by myself, although it all feels very accidental. Map 31 was superb. I assume its name is a reference to Ribbiks' mapsets?

How come there is not intermission screen for map 32 btw?


EDIT 2: Map 32, blue key area switch. Two out of the three revenants that teleport on top of the pillars get stuck and can't attack. This map is very tame, especially when compared to episode 3. A welcome breather haha!


EDIT 3: A megawad with portals? That is SO COOL! This map was a blast to playthrough. Each of the four rooms puts its on twist on things. And visually, this map is fantastic - not that the previous episodes didn't have their fair share of eye candy.


EDIT 4: Map 17, 4 cacos don't teleport in when you press the switch in sector 513. The rest of the monsters (hell knights and pinkies) work as intended.


EDIT 5: Map 18, the crushers triggered by the secret switch on the yellow skull key island don't quite work as intended. If a hell knight is not in the center of the pillar when the switch is activated, it will stay there without getting crushed. It's fine because you can still kill them, mind.

Also the mancubus on top of a pillar in sector 3020 is placed incorrectly and stuck as a result.


EDIT 6: This happened in Map 20: https://prnt.sc/4iGNjTovgR9o

Edited by Firedust

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On map 15 i fixed the spot where you can get arhviled off into a soft lock. How did the boss fell i recently changed a few things about them.

Yeah map 31 in a reference to start date I took some inspiration from those two wad so i figured i should give it some love. Yeah 32 is pretty easy but fun becasue you get to kill lots of enemy's. The revenants in that area are more of a meat shield so you cant just run past that fight. I got the idea of the portals from a doomkid how to video and wanted to try it out for my self.  The cacos on map 17 did not have a tag so they never got woken up nice catch. I hae moved the mancubus to the correct location. I'm not sure how that hell knight ended up their. i took a look in doom builder and their in no teleport destination their and none of the sectors are tagged.

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On 8/7/2022 at 10:06 PM, Bloodbath Giraffe said:


On map 15 i fixed the spot where you can get arhviled off into a soft lock. How did the boss fell i recently changed a few things about them.

The bosses looked more intimidating than they actually were. I cleared the area before activating the switches so I had all the room in the world to maneuver around and take them out one by one. I wish they'd die in one well-placed BFG shot though, because I didn't have enough ammo after my initial rampage and had to rocket the last two to death.


I was a bit sad that there was no boss encounter for the end of the fourth episode. Episodes 3 and 4 are definitely my favourites so far! The visuals are superb and all the encounters are a ton of fun. 


EDIT: Map 22, sector 1001 probably needs monsterblock linedefs because the revenant keeps falling off the pillar if rocketed.


EDIT 2: Map 23, is the mega armor secret (sector 1196) bugged? I found a switch in the nukage (sector 3852), but it already appears pressed. By the way, that cyberdemon fight with crushers was so clever!


EDIT 3: Map 25, there should be some kind of special award for making such a big ass detailed map without it being taxing on the system. Crazy how it doesn't lag...

Edited by Firedust

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I can adjust the health a bit on the bosses I believe they have 3k health at the moment. Added monster blocking line around the revs. I'm not sure how the switch on map 23 was already pressed I checked it out and it is non repeatable so I changed it to be repeatable. Im glad you liked the crushing cyberdemon fight I was worried it was not very intuitive to figure out you had to crush them Map 25 use to be all in the same area but it was way to laggy so I had to split it up into the four areas with the cave connecting it. I had some more plan but I ran up against a hard limit of side definition and Doom builder wont let me draw anymore line (128k side Definitions). Glad you made it to map 25 and good luck with the final few map they are pretty challenging.

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They regular monster are 


1. Nightmare specters

2. suicide guys

3. Archon of hell - modified by me

4. Annihilator - modified by me

The 2 bosses are


Aracnorb Queen - modified by me

Diablo - modified by me


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Map 25, blue key section. When you press one of the switches to kill one of the cyberdemons in the fenced-off pillars, the lionhead texture rises to replace the second switch as well. You can still flick it but it can confuse people who might try to look for the second switch elsewhere. This map is a work of art. What is the intended way to beat the revenant/cyberdemon/hell noble sandwich on the blue key path? I BFG'd the revenants, ran past them back to where the lift is and rocketed them from there. Very intimidating encounter.


Also, if you drop back down into the blue key area after teleporting back up, you'll be softlocked.


Map 26: Sector 949. There's a HOM to the left side of the switch on the floor.


Map 27: https://prnt.sc/-eSJSfU789Gh


HOMs on the raising fences (they raise when you lower the plasma rifle) I marked.


The archvile and revenant pillars in the red key area have no monster block lines so it's easy for them to fall down into lava, where they cannot be killed.


Is there a softlock in the blue key area? I pressed the switch and killed the enemies but neither teleporter is lowering.


@Bloodbath Giraffe So I checked the editor and... At least half of the map's monsters closets are deaf. I was lucky to get as far as I did but you might want to check all of those because A LOT of monsters didn't spawn in during the fights I already beat, in the central hub, and even starting island.

Edited by Firedust

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Yeah just checked map 27 and all the monster closet were not joined correctly. Not sure how that happened i will fix it and put out a hot fix so it is playable.



Update the new version is up and ready it was a quick fix.

Edited by Bloodbath Giraffe

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1 hour ago, Bloodbath Giraffe said:



Update the new version is up and ready it was a quick fix.

Thanks! I guess I'll have to start the map from scratch but that's okay! It's not like I had the intended experience anyway.


@Bloodbath Giraffe Are you sure you uploaded the correct version? Map 27 still has many broken teleporter closets, like the ones in the starting area. And the file itself was last updated Friday it seems.

Edited by Firedust

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Map 27: https://prnt.sc/ffko-X2YzRYj


The imps are on these pillars are placed incorrectly and stuck. The HOMs are still there as well but I'm guessing you will be fixing those later :)

This was my favourite map of the set so far. Pure nonstop action.


EDIT: Ah, Map 28. Just when I thought Bloodbath Giraffe would be nice enough not to include his own version of Sunlust's Go Fuck Yourself in his megawad. Boy was I wrong lol


EDIT 2: Been taking a break from Dooming. I've only got map29 and map30 left to beat, so I should be done in the next couple of days. Btw what's up with Map 33? Is that just a random bonus map?

Edited by Firedust

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Beta 1.3 is here with a few changes to some fight and more detailing for maps 6-14.


Beta 1.3

Map 27 - Fixed the monster closets were not joined correctly making the map unplayable

Map 13 - changed the Barron side fight

Map 12 - Changed the final fight, removed the enemy's freezing




No problem I'm in no hurry. Yeah map 33 is just a very shot thank you map with a fun little game to play in it.

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Map 29: Imp/hell knight sandwich fight, two cacos teleported outside the arena when I pressed one of the gargoyle switches behind the mancubi. For whatever reason, they didn't manage to fly in either. This map is pretty tough so far.


EDIT: https://prnt.sc/fwR47gRsztTx


Are these revenants supposed to activate right after you take the teleporter to this area?

Edited by Firedust

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Yeah the revenants are supposed to do that. I did it that way so they don't interfere with the first fight. Yeah the map is really tough it is the last map before the boss map so I tried to make it pretty challenging but fair.

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I am done! And I have no more bugs to report. If you add up my in-game time, it'll be something like 17-18 hours, which makes this the second longest megawad I've played this year. In all honesty, I can't believe this only took you three years to make, because there's a superb level of detailing to be found across the whole set, and especially in the second half of the megawad, and all the fights are well thought through and fair. It also baffles me how this hasn't received more attention on the account of it being such a well-polished mapset. There's barely anything you'd call slaughter in any of the maps, save maybe a couple, yet a lot of the fights are super memorable by virtue of highly clinical enemy placement. This will definitely be a megawad I will replay from time to time to hone my dooming skills. Do ping me whenever you decide to release the final version. Once again, thank you for making Azazel's Second Descent, I had a lot of fun playing it!


Also, forgot to mention something - there's a typo in the name of Map 30.

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 Thanks for playing the wad i though it would take longer to beat then that. Thanks for the compliments on the design and detailing. I am trying to get it more attention, but I don't really know what more I can do. I have made post on doom world and posted picture in other threads. I have had streamers on twitch test and play a few maps. I think its because I'm pretty unknown and only released one map before this. If you have any advice on this I would like to know. The full release should be a few weeks from now as I only know a few more things i would like to change or go over. 

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1 minute ago, Bloodbath Giraffe said:


If you have any advice on this I would like to know.

Join the hellforge discord server (google search for an invite link, they are all over the internet), it's by far the most active Doom server. Take some panoramic screenshots of your work and post them in the dedicated subchannel. Most people there prefer GZDoom over other engines so this should work to your advantage.

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Hey, I think people have touched on this already, but I'm about 4 levels in and on default settings the brightness is insanely low, I can only see about half of the time. I only played the original version you uploaded, and not the updated version so if a bit of the areas are lighter in the new one, then go ahead and let me know so I can download that one. Thanks!

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Full disclosure I'm still on the first episode, but it is way too dark for my taste. Like...dark areas aren't bad by any means but I feel like I've been straining my eyes to see this entire time in almost every area, to the point that even turning brightness up doesn't really help. I was considering going in and changing the brightness in an editor if I cant get thru it but that also sounds like a lot of work so I might just suck it up...With that said, I'm thoroughly enjoying the playthrough so far. The map design is really unique and it looks amazing. You use AVs really well too...they're super dangerous without just throwing a bunch of them on the screen. The traps feel really well designed. Good balance of slaughter and safety, and really encourages infighting. Amazing job, I'm really looking forward to finishing the whole megawad, but I do hope it lightens up at some point haha.


Edit: problem solved....sector light mode was set to dark :D Awesome wad, no complaints then!

Edited by Chud

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