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Wide skies in boom



I'm trying to figure out how to put a wide sky in a wad compatible with boom (prboom+ more accurately). Just replacing the existing sky texture triggers a signal 11 crash. I know it can be done because Resurgence does it. I keep hearing about some method of breaking the sky into 4 patches, but looking at Resurgence in slade, none of its sky textures are broken up at all. So, how was it done?

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For Boom you don't need to split. Here's what you need.


First, you need to make your sky texture into a patch. To do so, place it between P_START and P_END markers. Then import PNAMES and TEXTURE1 lumps from whatever wad you are using as resource (If it's just DOOM.WAD or DOOM2.WAD get it from them).

Then right-click on your texture patch and convert it to Doom graphics and it to PNAMES. Adding it PNAMES isn't necessary if you already named it the same name (And, indeed, in this case PNAMES doesn't need to be imported). For Doom2 it's RSKY1, but texture packs might use something else.

Double-click on TEXTURE1 lump and go looking for SKY1 texture (Or 2, or 3 depending on the epsiode). Edit it to be the right size and have the right patch.

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well, that does work, but now i'm having a different issue. As seen in the picture (using a sky from Mechadon's box o' skies) the sky texture is aligned the wrong way, or at least not the way i want it. the bottom portion with all the city stuff is too low, the player can't see most of it, even like this. Is there a way to fix this?


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