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Doomworld Mega Project 2021 (18 maps)

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  • 1 month later...

Had a speed map in the works, so I went and gave it a couple hours of polish just for you ;)






Map Name: A Bullet Foreheld
Author: 7Soul
Play time: 10:00
Difficulty settings: Yes
Coop: Yes
Deathmatch: No
IWAD: Doom2.wad
Format: "Boom: Doom 2"
Tested With: GZDoom 4.5, PrBoom







Edited by 7Soul
Quick map fix

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And here it is.




Map Name: TimeOfDeath's Diarrhea Dilemma

Author: E.M.

Compatibility: Limit-removing

Tested with: Crispy Doom and DSDA-Doom

Map Style: Slaughter/Shitpost

Music: That one song from THISSUXX.WAD

UV MAX Time: 11:00

Build time: I don't know. A few hours, I guess?

Difficulty: Yes

Jumping: No

Freelook: Don't care

Your befuddlement after playing this map: Priceless

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  • 4 weeks later...

Title: Sleeping in Solitude

Game: Doom 2

Compatibility: Boom (cl9)

Difficulty Settings: Mmm, you bet

Tested on: GZ 3.4, GZ 4.5, DSDA 0.22.1

Other: Map I got bored with, lots of interconnectivity, lots of color









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Well, I might as well try it! Sign me up, I could also possibly make some title graphics if those aren't already added in/completed.

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  • 1 month later...
23 hours ago, MidnightMage said:

Just bumping this thread again, to see if anyone else was interested in contributing a map.


There are 43 days left in the year. I suspect that, as usual, there will be a number of submissions during that time, just as there has been in years past. For reference, these were the number of maps submitted on or after November 19th:

DMP 2018: 14 of 32 maps

DMP 2017: 19 of 51 maps
DMP 2016: 25 of 50 maps (yes, DMP 2016 was a bit odd because it didn't start until mid-September, but still, several maps weren't released until the end of the year)


You could also say that the Doomworld Maximum Project exists and that will draw mappers away, and that might end up being true. However, DMP 2018 had what many considered to be an incredibly oppressive ruleset (it really wasn't that bad, but that's another story) and the Doomworld Omega Project 2018 existed as an alternate, yet DMP 2018 still ended up with 32 maps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

here's my map


Title: Fuck Doom 2 II

Format: Strife: Strife (Doom format)

Uses Map01 slot

Difficulty settings: no

Jumping allowed

Tested with: Chocolate Strife 3.0.1 and GZDoom 4.7.0





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24 minutes ago, MidnightMage said:

Oh boy, now the only thing we're missing is a Chex Quest map...

thanks for the ideas MidnightMage....

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1 hour ago, 7Soul said:


Making fun of my aim, boy?


Shoot the barrel. Much better effect!

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Switcheroom 3 Exclusive Leak.zip


Here, have some Chex Quest 1 map.


TItle: Switcheroom 3 Exclusive Leak

Author: The guy who post it

IWAD: Chex Quest 1, but Ultimate Doom should also work, but expect some weird texturing if you play with UD

Map slot: E1M1

Music: Chex Quest 1 E1M4

Jumping: No

Difficulty setting: No, I'm lazy af

Co-op: Player start only

Deathmatch: No

Tested with: LZDoom 3.88a

Note: This map was made made new from scratch.

Edited by lokbustam257

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Name: Time Prison
Author: Wahrnehmungskrieg
Game: Doom II
Map: MAP01
Compat: complevel 9
Difficulties: No
Description: Small quick map. Main inspiration is BOOMEDIT and TNT map 30.
STORY OF THIS LEVEL: Whilst attending day 100 of celebratory parades for liberating earth you escape into sewers to hide from public. Unfortunately this sewer is Hell's latest and greatest invention.
Music: from phmlspd map08 (Lufia 2 - Confrontation with Sinistrals)
Tested on: PrBoom+, PrBoom+ 2.6um







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Name: The Thuggest
Author: Scypek2
Game: Wolfenstein 3D v1.4
Compatibility: ECWolf
Skill levels: Yes (not a big difference though)
This map was inspired by the Otto von Thugg boss fight from Spear: End Of Destiny mod. He was supposed to chase you through a maze but, being a wolf3d boss, he could of course be flattened easily soon after you spot him... so I decided to make a wolf3d boss level that makes the boss actually challenging. Here's the result. You'll have to resort to some trickery just to survive... but it's manageable once you get the hang of it. You can even go for all kills/secrets/treasures if you're determined enough...




Edited by Scypek2

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12 hours ago, Scypek2 said:

Name: The Thuggest
Author: Scypek2
Game: Wolfenstein 3D v1.4
Compatibility: ECWolf
Skill levels: Yes (not a big difference though)
This map was inspired by the Otto von Thugg boss fight from Spear: End Of Destiny mod. He was supposed to chase you through a maze but, being a wolf3d boss, he could of course be flattened easily soon after you spot him... so I decided to make a wolf3d boss level that makes the boss actually challenging. Here's the result. You'll have to resort to some trickery just to survive... but it's manageable once you get the hang of it. You can even go for all kills/secrets/treasures if you're determined enough...



Simple design, but works just as advertised - not bad!


One bug: Secret counter at the end of the level was 20/6. Maybe that's because I played in LZWolf instead of ECWolf.

Edited by Andromeda

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That's bizarre, I never thought there would be a way to get over 100% secrets in wolf3d. Sounds like a LZWolf bug for sure. Maybe it's got something to do with the pushwalls getting blocked by guards, and not activating but still awarding you a secret every time you press them? ECWolf is buggy in that way too, except there the pushwalls just break completely if there's a guard in the way. Thanks for playing my level!




Name: Tomb of Horrors

Author: Scypek2 aka CharlieVermin

Game: Baba is You

Level code: FT3A-JNTZ

Direct download: tombofhorrors.zip (goes in Data\Worlds\levels)


It seems my favorite way to make Baba levels is not puzzling the player with rules, but instead assembling all the rules myself and making new gameplay mechanics out of them. The FOLLOW word is perfect for people like me who try to turn Baba is You into an action game. The pursuers are relentless, but can be distracted by additional Babas. Create your own epic tale of rescue, survival and sacrifice!



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5 hours ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

Hey Scypek, you know about the one-map-per-mapper limit


I do know about the one-map-per-mapper limit in the previous DMP installments, yes. I've seen no such rule in this one, but it seems everyone else is still adhering to the limit out of habit.


5 hours ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

is your Baba submission supposed to replace your Wolf submission?


I'd answer, but you phrased it as a question so I'm not sure if I'm allowed to answer.

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Name: coated fogra39
Author: eltiolavara9 (me!)
Game: Doom 2
Compatibility: GZDoom only, it's udmf
Skill levels: yes, technically (i think there's one extra powerup on easy?)
this is a touched up old map inspired by early tf2 map bullshit, very grey, very linear and probably not very good




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On 12/16/2021 at 2:06 AM, TimeOfDeath666 said:
  • Make A map :)


Damn, you got me there after all. Worse yet, upon closer inspection I also notice the words "make" (implying it must be my creation), "map" (which means I cannot just make a submission post that submits itself) and "2021" (which, alongside "make", prevents me from submitting a map made before I was born and, alongside "a", prevents me from submitting the entirety of 3IAC). At this point, I'm glad either of my submissions were accepted on their own, considering they're not normally called maps...


Well. I did my best. And if one of my submissions so far is to be included, I choose the wolf3d level... or rather, a new version of it, because I found one minor thing missing. Here it is.


Edit: oops, sorry for immediately hiding your submission behind a new page, @eltiolavara9! I just played your map and really liked it, it's fairly aesthetically pleasing and the new gameplay mechanics are fun, which is not something I usually get to say about a doom map.

Edited by Scypek2

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Apologies, but I won't be able to complete my map on time for this project. Looking forward to playing the mapset when it's released.

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On 12/21/2021 at 8:10 PM, Scypek2 said:

At this point, I'm glad either of my submissions were accepted on their own, considering they're not normally called maps...


I wasn't expecting non-doom levels when I started the thread, but walter's heretic level opened the door. The clever submissions this year gave me an idea for next year's DMP with even less restrictions (if that's possible).

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