Maes Posted July 6, 2021 (edited) If I had to give monsters personality/character traits, based on my gameplay interactions with them, some of them would be: Zombies: zombiemen seem kind of avoidant/hesitant around the player and even around other monsters, probably knowing full well their position at the bottom of the pecking order. However, they will not miss an opportunity for a petty/cheap shot, esp. if they can deal 15 HP across the entire map. Shotgun sergeants are way more confident and aggressive, knowing full well the damage they can deal to you. They just walk up to you, cock themselves AND their guns, and pump you full of hot, manly buckshot TO YOUR FACE, BITCH! Chaingunners OTOH seem to go apeshit as soon as they see you. They don't care so much for wandering/bumbling around as aimlessly as the other zombies. Imps: the run-of-the-mill "gang bangers" of Doom. Aggressive, persistent, quite damaging for their own health stats (24:60, one of the highest damage:HP ratios in-game, excluding Sergeants, but in a melee-capable monster that usually won't go down with two-three casual hits) and liberally used everywhere. Never to underestimate. Pinkies/Spectres: animalesque, erring, stupid, essentially cannon fodder. Pretty ineffective at combat, so much that even Imps slap around them like mindless beasts most of the time. Occasionally however they do get in a pretty decent bite. Mancubus: ah, the "Stoic" of the bunch. Its delayed and somewhat understated pain sound, with only a hint of resentment, even as it takes the full brunt of a SSG to its face, denotes a patient, tanky character, designed to take all sorts of abuse from life and seldom complain. Perhaps we should all learn to be as thick-skinned as good old Manc, sometimes. When attacking, you can really feel the strain as he musters all of his strength to lift his grotesquely modified arms and prepares to release his volley of firebals. There's a certain hint of liberation as he does so. Revenants: like Imps, but cranked to eleven. If Revs were a fighting game character, they'd be a tall, sinewy, skinny, "bad mothafuckah", bully type of character from the ghetto. Playing dirty, ruthless, always aggressive and ready to punish those who "diss" him (and the millions of his brothers). Hell Knights/Barons: Pretty shallow characters. They are just tanky bodybuilders who want nothing more than closing the distance between their target and get the job done. Oh and maybe walk around a bit showcasing that muscular torso. What are some of yours? Edited July 6, 2021 by Maes 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Omniarch Posted July 6, 2021 Hell Knight: sterotypical bad boss, angry, aggressive and yet strangely ineffective. He has a massive inferiority complex towards his superior, the Baron, who considers him to be weak and effeminate due to his high-pitched voice and lack of manly sturdiness. Takes out his frustration by sexually harassing his Imp subordinates and picking fights with Revenants. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted July 6, 2021 (edited) 6 minutes ago, Omniarch said: picking fights with Revenants. Which, may I add, he doesn't always win. The Hell Baron's face does exude some confidence/arrogance, like "I'm just gonna walk over there and tear you a new one" kind of confidence, while at the same time taking potshots at you with his green plasma "Nowhere to run, BITCH!". The Hell Knight, well....just isn't taken as seriously in this role, even though his damage stats are virtually identical. That height, booming voice and extra HP really do make a difference in one's overall status! Edited July 6, 2021 by Maes 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Omniarch Posted July 6, 2021 Imps: the absolute bottom of the demon heirarchy, considered to be little better than possessed humans by its superiors. Imps are extremely resentful of their lowly status. This anger manifests as soon as an Imp is harmed by another demon, resulting in a psychotic break which strips it of its innate deference for hierarchy, causing it to lash out at whoever has harmed it with suicidal rage. This almost always results in the Imp's messy and untimely demise, because, as every Imp knows deep down, they truly are the bottom of the heap. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted July 6, 2021 Every Imp secretly dreams of the day when the RNG will allow them to gib a Zombieman. THEN they'll feel much better about themselves (for a while, at least). 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Omniarch Posted July 6, 2021 Cyberdemon: the uncontested king of the demons, haughty and proud, though decidedly lacking in intellect. Cyberdemons are very one-track-minded, doggedly persuing their prey until one of them dies. Cybers often ignore accidental injuries inflicted by lesser demons, so thick are their hides, though will retaliate with excessive force if sufficiently provoked, never loosing less than three missiles, even against the weakest of foes, which often results in collateral damage to their subordinates. The Cyber doesn't care though, since it thinks little of lesser demons. The one exception to this rule is the Arch-Vile, with whom every Cyber is one-sidedly infatuated. A Cyber will take unlimted abuse from AVs due to this obsession. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted July 6, 2021 (edited) Spider Mastermind: the "Queen" of the demons, in more ways than one. It has a dainty/prissy way of moving around on that cumbersome platform, as if it is constantly watching its step and not really belonging in its environment. It also thinks to itself that, with its massive brain, it's probably WAY overqualified for the job of being just a bumbling, unstable, super-chaingun turret. They are basically a nerd with a powered suit, thrown into a world of crude combat and violence, for which it's painfully obviously ill-suited. As it dies, at the end of E3M8, it almost seems to be thinking "Good riddance, I never wanted to be part of this anyway". It is also quite jealous of the Archvile: he's quite the egghead too, but unlike the SM actually gets around doing stuff and -most importantly- fixing stuff, flaunting his special status and abilities with every opportunity. He's the true XO (eXecutive Officer) of the Demons, enjoying his job every bit of the way. Edited July 6, 2021 by Maes 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
SLOTH MARINE (CB) Posted July 6, 2021 IMP: A tiny little dude that normally is just boring, but when they see a human that start throwing fire balls at them and doing their best to kill them. Same with other monsters hurt them. CYBERDEMON: narcissistic and full of himself, mainly because he has so much power, is powerful, and strong (like he has a fucking rocket launcher for Christ sakes!) HELL KINGHT: The little brother of the Baron of Hell, tries to be like his brother power-wise, but atlas just can not come to that power and strength (The Baron and Hell Knight are still pretty easy though) also he hates the Revenants. probably PTSD. Plutiona, Traumatic, Stress , Disorder (Joke from MtPain27) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted July 6, 2021 (edited) Wolf-SS Nazi: they look as if they're in the wrong game, and they probably feel it themselves too. They know they're kind of the comic relief of the whole situation, a cruel joke played by Hell (or some dev who thought he was particularly edgy). But, as good Nazis, they just play along, zay "Jawhol, mein Furzer!" and start shooting their comically inaccurate SMGs as soon as they see you, hardly bothering to move. Even their lines sound tongue-in-cheek, as in "don't take use too seriously, guys". They are secretly hated by the Zombiemen, since, even with their status as joke enemies, they are actually more powerful than themselves. Edited July 6, 2021 by Maes 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
omx32x Posted July 6, 2021 arch viles: evil prayers of hell but if you asked one they will they you how they are the good guys of the situation and want nothing more then to help their fellow demon they also have a twisted sense of humor and they like to kill their friends only to revive them later and say "its just a prank bro"because of all that they think they have lots of friends but in reality all other demons are just using them 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
1Destro3456 Posted July 6, 2021 Cyberdemons: Aggressive people, probably even have anger issue, for Christ sake, dude continues throwing rockets you way even after you're dead if it hasn't finished the whole 3 rocket cycle 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
omx32x Posted July 6, 2021 Just now, 1Destro3456 said: Cyberdemons: Aggressive people, probably even have anger issue, for Christ sake, dude continues throwing rockets you way even after you're dead if it hasn't finished the whole 3 rocket cycle i mean if i lost my arm and my lag to some dude in germany i would be pissed too 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
BrassKnight Posted July 6, 2021 Revenant: Very aggressive demons and envious of the Doomguy because he still has his body intact unlike them, they hate their bodies because it makes to them very sensitive to pain. Will do anything just to kill him and even lets out a very angry scream whenever they see Doomguy. A lot of them are also risk takers as they often come charging in trying to punch their enemies and even firing their missiles at close range. They are also fans of Jazz music. Pain Elemental: It's personality could be describe as a neglectful parent, they dont care about their Lost Soul and often times just spit them out and ignore them after that. When a Lost Soul tries to retaliate, they'll give birth to another one and use it to fight back, causing one big fight between them. Demons hate them because of this. Lost Souls: Very dumb and frustrating to deal with. They are considered a public nuisance and every demon in Hell hates them. They don't have anything to do with their lives and often wanders aimlessly until they find a human wandering in which they'll try charge at them without any regard to whatever is in their way which in turn bumps into other demons and causing infighting. They also don't care about other fellow Lost Souls as they'll retaliate if even one touches them. It is said that due to being so annoying, other demons have been assigned by high ranking demons to be Lost Soul exterminators to keep Hell clean of them. Pinkies and Spectres: Considered wild animals in Hell, mindless creatures who live to hunt and sleep, they travel in packs. They're kinda annoying to other demons because they often get in the way. Rumors have been spreading that they'll be used as transportation at some point. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fort Escapades Posted July 6, 2021 (edited) The Cacodemon is that friend in the group that nobody hates...but due to their prankster nature, aren't invited to every event. The cacodemon is the clown of the group, always fucking with everyone for their own amusement and laughing at their own jokes. Edited July 6, 2021 by Fort Escapades 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted July 8, 2021 (edited) Cyberdemon: on the one hand, it walks powerfully, standing tall, proud, determined, as if it owned the place (which it does...), but also as if it had a massive stick up its ass. Totally macho. Its booming voice, which ignores all rules of sound propagation, is a stern reminder of just how much you pissed it off simply by existing, and his steady, rhythmic step echoes throughout the level without missing a beat, reminding you of who's boss. It's a mystery how it manages to combine almost no upper torso movement, with a very pronounced wiggle of its muscular, tan ass. Maybe it has to give all that repressed femininity a way out, out there in the open for whoever knows where to look... In comparison, the Spider Mastermind is total weaksauce. The wake-up sound isn't so bad per-se, but then its fidgety and unsteady walking movement just makes it look comical and bumbling, almost as if it tried to find a way out of here. Edited July 8, 2021 by Maes 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Buzzerb5x9x Posted July 8, 2021 i always imaged the caco as an angsty teen and the spider mastermind acting like dr.zomboss from the pvz garden warfare games 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
out_of_service Posted July 8, 2021 I always imagined Lost Souls, Demon & Spectres as characters from Jackass. Doomguys about to fire off a rocket. "Hey there! Demon here and this is Jackass!" *Proceeds to leap right in front of rocket launcher pointblank exploding both itself and the Doomguy* 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
LadyMistDragon Posted July 9, 2021 (edited) Imps: Lithe, eager to impress if lacking a little in the badassery department. Their personlaties probably range a larger gamut than the other demons. Revenants: A little on the dumb side and their noise is silly, but there's a reason our good friend @MtPain27 calls groups of them a 'murder.' They'll just keep coming and they just don't care. Pain Elementals: Do I even have to do this one? Cute but annoying as they come. Just hangs around and be useless or else they're delinquents....of Doom. Actually, they are shaped like little brains so they're probably a lot smarter than they seem. Manicubus: Not as aggressive as you might expect from fireball tossers, these blokes like to chill and smoke a little grass on their off time. Hell Knights: You know that kid that some might call 'beta' but tries to be a big man? These are it. Not exactly threatening individually, but that's why they all group together. Some of them seem ok, though. Barons Like Hell Knights, but you're better minding your Ps and Qs before deciding to tangle with them. They're serious. Cacodemons: They just want to have a good time! They don't have arms, so they just like to hug everyone...with their teeth. Arch-vile: These are extremely confident, aggressive, and generally willing to throw their weight around. Smooth as hell though, and charming when they want to be. Spider Mastermind: Incredibly cranky, probably because they often fail at chasing their foes down. Cybderdemon: Like the ideal bouncer at your average club. Quiet, hard to anger, but shows no hesitation in carrying out their efficient and brutal duties. Edited July 9, 2021 by LadyMistDragon 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
pcorf Posted July 9, 2021 Chaingunners: Always smiling when they are shooting you with the I've got ya attitude! Lost Souls: Like little kids, they want it all and will fight to the death. The winner gets rewarded with a chance to take down doomguy but often fails. Cacodemons: They may appear to be smiling but easily get anxious when provoked unleashing a barrage of fireballs. Cyberdemon: He struts around with pride knowing he is the king of them all but can get sucked into the battle of the moment saving doomguy from some of his hard work. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted July 10, 2021 All I knows is that arch-viles would be total douches 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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