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Nintendo Switch "OLED model" announced. Thoughts?

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Nintendo just announced a new revision of the Switch simply called the "OLED Model". From the trailer, It shows a 7 inch OLED screen, a much more adjustable and longer kickstand, 64GB of internal storage, enhanced sound and even a LAN port directly in the dock itself.


And yeah, don't be surprised if drift hasn't been fixed (fix your damn products Nintendo!)


Overall, it seems decent. It isn't the rumoured "Pro" model we've been expecting, but the new features it has are certainly welcome ones and it retails for only $50 USD more. Wouldn't say it's worth it if you already own a Switch, but the option is there for people who don't.



Edited by Wavy

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Meh. I'll stick to my current one with CFW installed.


I wouldn't be surprised if the OLED model is impossible to hack into...

Edited by HavoX

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2 minutes ago, HavoX said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the OLED model is impossible to hack into...

Probably not. IIRC the Switch revision from 2019 and the Switch Lite are impossible to hack into as well

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Judging by the fact they didn't say anything about joycons, I fear they'll be the same old ones. I hope I'm wrong.

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Just now, unerxai said:

Judging by the fact they didn't say anything about joycons, I fear they'll be the same old ones. I hope I'm wrong.

Don't be surprised if the the Joy-Cons are still drifty. Though Nintendo could've updated the stick mechanism but who knows

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This is just a side note, but I miss being a Nintendo hype-wagon kid. I’ve had a Switch since 2018 and have probably played it for a little over 24 hours collectively in that time.


Not saying anything against the switch, the games seem well designed for the most part, I just miss being excited for new games in general. Most franchises I have a long standing reverence for, including Nintendo stuff like Smash Bros or Mario in general have moved pretty far from their roots (as anything must to stay relevant) but in the process they just kinda lost me. I’m lucky that the older games are still frequently modded/expanded.


I think what I’m arriving at in this ramble is that I have no intention of buying any more home consoles, and definitely not for minor upgrades like this. The changes do seem pretty nice though, for those who are really into it. (Crazy to hear Nintendo is apparently denying the existence of drift.. but at the same time the big N has always been the “loony one” of the gaming MegaCorps)

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36 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Crazy to hear Nintendo is apparently denying the existence of drift.

Even weirder is that a couple years, Nintendo stated that they can repair Joy-Con sticks for free. And it's only until recently that they've denied the existence of drift. Pretty contradictory by Nintendo.


20 minutes ago, RDETalus said:

Glad they finally fixed that stupid kickstand. I literally invented and sold a product to address that issue.

Curious, what's the product?

Edited by Wavy

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1 hour ago, Wavy said:

Curious, what's the product?


I don't own the rights anymore, we sold the company to someone else. But basically the reason this exists is because I hate playing the Switch in handheld mode because it is too wide and uncomfortable, so I usually put it on the table, but the Switch's kickstand was unstable and had a terrible viewing angle. So I made this thing that does adjustability, but it's also very compact so it fits inside your Switch case unlike the other big plastic ones.

I can't believe Nintendo released the Switch with that crap kickstand, it seems so obvious and should have came out during testing. Only thing I can imagine is that they tested it exclusively on short children and forget that full grown millennials also use this thing.

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5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Not saying anything against the switch, the games seem well designed for the most part, I just miss being excited for new games in general. Most franchises I have a long standing reverence for, including Nintendo stuff like Smash Bros or Mario in general have moved pretty far from their roots (as anything must to stay relevant) but in the process they just kinda lost me. I’m lucky that the older games are still frequently modded/expanded.


A long time ago I was an outright Nintendo fanboy. I'm kinda glad I grew out of the immaturity of that, but it's still very much on Nintendo that they pretty much lost me around the Wii, with shelving Starfox & F-Zero, focusing on Smash Bros as much as they did and continue to do (I don't consider it a creative or particularly fun series), the Zelda games after Ocarina of Time degrading in quality, and Metroid being way too dormant. And the only Mario game I was much a fan of was Mario 64, which they never did a satisfying followup to. Maybe Odyssey is, I intend to ascertain that now I feel there's some justification for buying a Switch, it just wasn't a system seller to me. 


Now Atlus and SMTV are like the main reason I'm getting one, Metroid Dread is a nice timely bonus, and there's a few things I'd look at based on having the system that wouldn't have got me to buy one, it all adds up that I should use the thing for a while. 

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6 hours ago, Doomkid said:

This is just a side note, but I miss being a Nintendo hype-wagon kid. I’ve had a Switch since 2018 and have probably played it foanver 24 hours collectively in that time.


Not saying anything against the switch, the games seem well designed for the most part, I just miss being excited for new games in general. Most franchises I have a long standing reverence for, including Nintendo stuff like Smash Bros or Mario in general have moved pretty far from their roots (as anything must to stay relevant) but in the process they just kinda lost me. I’m lucky that the older games are still frequently modded/expanded.


I think what I’m arriving at in this ramble is that I have no intention of buying any more home consoles, and definitely not for minor upgrades like this. The changes do seem pretty nice though, for those who are really into it. (Crazy to hear Nintendo is apparently denying the existence of drift.. but at the same time the big N has always been the “loony one” of the gaming MegaCorps)


I know exactly what you mean.

I think the companies in general oversaturated many by launching the Hype Train for way to many Titles.

I can recommend you to search in that case for Games that are done more in a Style of older Games or just ports of older Games.

Dragon Quest XI was besides Doom Eternal (PC) my most played Game last Year.

And older ones mustn't be as old as classic Doom, Final Fantasy XII, Skyrim, Jedi Knight II et cetera.


I also had much Fun playing Neverwinter Nights on it, even if it is a bit clunky and bugged.


Was also surprised that Doom 2016 looks so good on the Switch (i have a Taste for strange Ports).


I think that i am able to pick the system up play instantly those Games makes me play them more than i would do on other Systems.


That also convinced me to buy more Games, even if they cost 50-100% more than the PC-Version, on a sale... (do the Math...incredible...)

But i buy them physical, i do not trust the console shops.


Ironicly, there are not so much Nintendo Games in my switch library.

Ok, i have most of them on the Wii U :P

But compared, i spend 20 hours with Mario 64 and Galaxy and only 2 with Odyssey.


But i am so off the Topic now, i'll stop haha


On 7/6/2021 at 3:23 PM, Wavy said:



(how do i delete Videos on the smartphone?)

I think it is worth for People that do not have a Switch, but for owners it is not worth selling the System and getting a new one.


It is also still possible that Nintendo will launch a "Super Pro" Switch together with a Horse that will sell it, as Breath of the Wild 2.



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Not worth it unless you haven't bought the Switch before (and still maybe not because the screen is larger, but the resolution is the same as the regular Switch)

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I don't think the price is that great to be honest, I'd rather put the money towards a PS5(if you can find one) 


I managed to pick a new revised version for £250 with Mario Kart so I'm well happy with that. The price of ninty games never goes down so aquiring more games will be a slow process :/

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You know, when I look at my switch, the disappointment the new model is generating, and all of the weird shit Nintendo does, I can't comprehend why I love my switch, but it's the only console I've found any enjoyment in over the past many years. Anything more beefy I play on PC, the other consoles just don't hold my attention for whatever reason.


But I don't really feel any strong motivation to pick up the new one. If it was a big upgrade like the hype stated (though I also don't understand why anyone thought the thing was going to be pulling 4K) maybe I'd be interested, but it's a small incremental upgrade that doesn't really appeal to me.

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/6/2021 at 8:30 AM, HavoX said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the OLED model is impossible to hack into...

I was wrong. It IS hackable. The CFW, which I won't mention, isn't updated to support the OLED yet though.

Edited by HavoX

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Don't OLED displays get burn in really easily? How's that going to fare if you play a lot of one game with permanent hud icons?

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I got mine a few days ago, I'm not too bothered by any potential OLED screen issues, I think it's almost never going to get used as a portable device. The controller ergonomics of the Joycons as well as their general quality, and I need to make this clear, is fucking abysmal. I have wrist RSI issues and those things are going to cause them in people who use them too much. 


I got a Pro controller and that still caused me issues, meaning Microsoft's grip design is definitely superior. I hard to resort to an adapter that'll let me use my Xbox One controller. Least that works. 


I got the Doom ports, Quake remaster, Streets of Rage 4 and a few other ports I'd definitely want, exclusive games I have so far are Mario Tennis Aces, Metroid Dread and Links Awakening. 


I have focused my time on Mario Tennis. Why? Because I adored Mario Tennis on the N64. And I haven't played a decent tennis game since then. And Aces is very good and I've been enjoying it a great deal. Just a shame I doubt I could get a group together for full doubles matches nowadays. 

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9 hours ago, HavoX said:

I was wrong. It IS hackable. The CFW, which I won't mention, isn't updated to support the OLED yet though.

Yup. This video goes into detail:


This is really great news, especially as the only models of the Switch that are hackable are the old launch models before the 2019 revision (I think?).


6 hours ago, Grimosaur said:

Don't OLED displays get burn in really easily? How's that going to fare if you play a lot of one game with permanent hud icons?

I'm no expert, but I'd assume with advancements with OLED technology that burn-out shouldn't be as much of an issue.


6 hours ago, scalliano said:

Not to mention that horrendous border on the NES and SNES games.

N64 and Genesis games are coming sometime this month, do I hope that the border gets addressed by Nintendo by adding an option to remove it.


5 hours ago, hybridial said:

I adored Mario Tennis on the N64. And I haven't played a decent tennis game since then. And Aces is very good and I've been enjoying it a great deal.

Agreed. Aces is one of the better tennis games on the Switch. I'm still going nuts over the fact that you can play as a Chain Chomp hehe.


(Also how does Doom 3 and Quake specifically look on the OLED? Asking because of their vivid colours and strong lighting)

Edited by Wavy
Burn-in -> burn-out. See Edward850's reply.

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5 hours ago, Grimosaur said:

Don't OLED displays get burn in really easily? How's that going to fare if you play a lot of one game with permanent hud icons?

3 hours ago, Wavy said:

I'm no expert, but I'd assume with advancements with OLED technology that burn-in shouldn't be as much of an issue.

OLED screens don't suffer burn in*, they suffer from burn out. The difference is meaningful, what happens is over time the individual led being used will degrade from use. If the pixels get used inconsistently, like if you use it as a desktop monitor which will have pure white/bright elements in more common positions of the screen, those positions will get darker over time as the leds in those positions wear out sooner. The importance here is that it's not static elements that burn in, rather using different portions of the screen inconsistently more often will degrade those portions sooner.


This means having a border or semi-permeant HUD elements isn't going to be a problem (and in some cases might actually be better), as long as they aren't too different from the rest of the content.

*Burn in is explicitly a CRT thing, where phosphors if left static for a while will literally be burned from the beam. LCDs by the way have a different problem where they suffer from image retention, the liquid if left static for long enough can become harder to change. This can get worse with age, but the image will still eventually change. This is also why LCDs have a minimum operating temperature, the liquid will actually freeze and you will have to wait for the monitor to actually warm up when you turn it back on.

Edited by Edward850

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