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What was your all time favorite ID software games of all time

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I am confused because you have listed several non id titles. If you meant games using id Tech engines that is a pretty damned big list to pick from.

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2 hours ago, Murdoch said:

I am confused because you have listed several non id titles. If you meant games using id Tech engines that is a pretty damned big list to pick from.

My favorite id tech engine game it's Call of Duty Black Ops 3


From idSoftware, i'll say DOOM II, and Quake Live for MP.

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Hmm, many of these aren't id games... regardless, my favorite id games are probably: pretty much all of the mainline Doom games (Ultimate, 2, Final, 64, 3, 2016, Eternal) and Quake 1 and 3. Personally can't stand Wolfenstein 3D, I'm sure I'd be into it if I had grown up with it. I hear Wolfenstein The Old Blood is really great, but I haven't played it yet, I just bought it from the summer sale for like 4 bucks.

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Doom II.  Not for the game itself, as I dislike many of the IWAD levels, but for the engine it provided for countless PWAD adventures.


In more modern times, Rage 2 was a surprisingly enjoyable experience, barring the one godawful car-racing mission they shoe-horned in.


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Ultimate Doom, Doom II & Final Doom

Doom 64

Doom 2016 & Doom Eternal

Wolfenstein 3D & Spear of Destiny

Return to Castle Wolfenstein



Edited by Teo Slayer

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Quake 1 and Doom 64


Eternal and Ultimate Doom are close seconds

Edited by Wavy

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Everything that isn't vanilla Wolf3D. Raven games are great, but as others stated, those aren't id Software.


Heretic>Hexen2>DOOM 64>Hexen>Strife>DOOM>Quake>Quake2>Quake3>Quake4>DOOM2016>Eternal>DOOM3>Heretic2>RAGE 2>RAGE>DOOM2>>>>>>>>>⁹Wolf3D

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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9 hours ago, PSXDoomer said:

All of the Doom games and the first two Quake games are my favorites from the boys at id Software.


Pretty much what PSX said tho Eternal doesn't really do much for me.


1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Everything that isn't vanilla Wolf3D. Raven games are great, but as others stated, those aren't id Software.


Heretic>Hexen2>DOOM 64>Hexen>Strife>DOOM>Quake>Quake2>Quake3>Quake4>DOOM2016>Eternal>DOOM3>Heretic2>RAGE 2>RAGE>DOOM2>>>>>>>>>⁹Wolf3D


Too bad Raven went all Crawl of Doofus and left their fantasy roots completely.

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21 minutes ago, Doom_Dude said:


Pretty much what PSX said tho Eternal doesn't really do much for me.



Too bad Raven went all Crawl of Doofus and left their fantasy roots completely.

Too bad indeed. The last Raven game I enjoyed was Wolfenstein 2009.

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1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Too bad indeed. The last Raven game I enjoyed was Wolfenstein 2009.


The last one I enjoyed was Singularity but I never did get past half way. Too many distractions I guess. lol

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Doom II, Final Doom and Hexen


I would say Ultimate Doom also but for me it's so apparent as to almost not be necessary 

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My all time favourite id game of all time would be the all time classic of Super 3-D Noah's Ark, followed closely by the all time best port that is the 3DO port of doom.


For real though, I'm torn between Doom Eternal and Doom 2.

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On 7/6/2021 at 10:43 PM, Maximum Matt said:

Commander Keen, the one with the Dopefish.

Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony has secret Commander Keen levels in it. 😏

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I’m gonna start playing Wolf3D on an endless livestream just to counter all the people H8RZ who can’t handle its greatness. MEIN LEBEN! I always see people talking about how it has “no value beyond novelty” or other such pretentious garbage. The same people likely wouldn’t know a good classic NES or DOS game if it came up and bit them on the ass!!


Er, uh, Oh yeah, as for my answer, all the classic Doom and Wolf3D games/episodes. Absolute timeless fun, to me. 


I never spent a whole lot of time with Quake or Keen, just a few hours here and there over the decades, but they still registered as high-quality, fun games to me. They have that feel a person comes to expect of golden era id.

Edited by Doomkid

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18 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I’m gonna start playing Wolf3D on an endless livestream just to counter all the people H8RZ who can’t handle its greatness. MEIN LEBEN! I always see people talking about how it has “no value beyond novelty” or other such pretentious garbage. The same people likely wouldn’t know a good classic NES or DOS game if it came up and bit them on the ass!!


Er, uh, Oh yeah, as for my answer, all the classic Doom and Wolf3D games/episodes. Absolute timeless fun, to me. 


I never spent a whole lot of time with Quake or Keen, just a few hours here and there over the decades, but they still registered as high-quality, fun games to me. They have that feel a person comes to expect of golden era id.

Nahhh bruh, Wolf3D's audio and visuals just give me a headache.


And don't you dare tell me I don't appreciate old games. I'll have you know that I have played and beaten Shaq-fu, Action 52, Home Alone, and The Great Waldo Search, so I think that maybe you're just projecting your insecurities onto me or something like that. However that saying goes. Don't piss on my dick and tell me it's raining.


Edit: H8TR!!!

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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Shadow Knights.
















My real answer, besides Doom, would probably be Quake II. Now if we're talking idtech games in general, they're still tops, but....probably either Medal of Honor: Allied Assault or Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Unfortunately Soldier of Fortune, SiN, etc are not exactly games I've gotten around 2, despite hearing good things about them.

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