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What Was Your Last Purchase?

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Pretty Simple. Anything That You Just Bought Or Recently Bought! :) SFW

I haven't bought anything lately lol. 

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A 1997 Reaper figure of a Mancubus.

A Pelle Lindbergh rookie card.

A PS1 sweatshirt.

A Doom level CD called D!Match.

A haircut.

A Quebec Maple bottle of Coke.

A Durgod K320 mechanical keyboard.

An 1823 copy of Hume's Essays.

A copy of The Raid 2 on Blu-Ray.

A 4-pack of sugarfree Monster.


I need to stay away from eBay.

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2 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:

A 1997 Reaper figure of a Mancubus.

A Pelle Lindbergh rookie card.

A PS1 sweatshirt.

A Doom level CD called D!Match.

A haircut.

A Quebec Maple bottle of Coke.

A Durgod K320 mechanical keyboard.

An 1823 copy of Hume's Essays.

A copy of The Raid 2 on Blu-Ray.

A 4-pack of sugarfree Monster.


I need to stay away from eBay.

Lol xD

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My most recent purchases were: 

  •  Some music by Spiritbox, and by Alien Weaponry.
  •  The DLC for A Hat in Time
  •  A t-shirt with pearlescent rainbow text that reads "every month is Pride Month if you allow yourself to be consumed by hubris"
  •  and approximately $150 worth of Bionicles.

y'know, normal stuff.

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Outside of groceries, I try not to buy much. I ordered 4 teas from an online store though, so that is something worth mentioning. 

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A Three Musketeers

Ball point pen

A comb

Pint of Old Harper
A couple of flashlight batteries

Beef jerky

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I bought Bitwig Studio because it's currently 25% off and the best audio workstation available on Linux.

Edited by Serum

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A protein shake from One Stop Nutrition in Scottsdale Arizona. 


Ice cream base, strawberry and banana flavor, energizer supplement and chocolate whey. Perfection. 

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Games: Greedfall and Valheim.



-Dog chew toy and a brown and brass collar.

-One large can of SMA baby formula (for the pup, not me).

-Several packets of hemp rolling paper, so I can put stronger hemp in it.... What? I'm just being honest. 

-A nightlight, for whatever reason.


Some other stuff I liked but probably won't use because this is what happens when I buy stuff online. This is why I only do it once every so often, I go looking for one item and bulk-purchase a bunch of useless crap.


And finally a Staffordshire Bull-Terrier pup. Clearly I didn't get it shipped by Amazon and technically she's not an item. I'm making this worse so I'll just end it there.


Fear not, I have raised pups before and have a soft spot for animals. She's safe and sound asleep beside my computer.


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5 minutes ago, Final Verdict said:

Games: Greedfall and Valheim.



-Dog chew toy and a brown and brass collar.

-One large can of SMA baby formula (for the pup, not me).

-Several packets of hemp rolling paper, so I can put stronger hemp in it.... What? I'm just being honest. 

-A nightlight, for whatever reason.


Some other stuff I liked but probably won't use because this is what happens when I buy stuff online. This is why I only do it once every so often, I go looking for one item and bulk-purchase a bunch of useless crap.


And finally a Staffordshire Bull-Terrier pup. Clearly I didn't get it shipped by Amazon and technically she's not an item. I'm making this worse so I'll just end it there.


Fear not, I have raised pups before and have a soft spot for animals. She's safe and sound asleep beside my computer.


you got any photos of the dog?

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Just now, The BMFG said:

you got any photos of the dog?


No, I cannot prove that she's safe if that's what you're asking.


Just kidding, not yet. I'm not one for photo's really since I barely use my smartphone, except for calls etc. I'm weird that way.


I'll give a brief description if you like. She's white with tan patch's all over, pink chin and a tan patch over one eye. Extremely hyper-active at the moment but that's down to the breed and the fact she's a pup. She literally gets out of breath with sheer joy if you so much as pat her. 


I might post a few snaps when she's grown a bit, if I remember.


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An aquarium with realistic artificial jellyfish. A fan propels the jellyfish up and down. I enjoy watching them fight each other. I named them Woody and Larry. Larry is bigger so he often wins the fights. Woody has some nice evasion skills though. You can change the color of the tank by switching the LED light inside of it. I often find myself changing the colors depending on my mood. I paid fifty dollars for it.

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2 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

An aquarium with realistic artificial jellyfish. A fan propels the jellyfish up and down. I enjoy watching them fight each other. I named them Woody and Larry. Larry is bigger so he often wins the fights. Woody has some nice evasion skills though. You can change the color of the tank by switching the LED light inside of it. I often find myself changing the colors depending on my mood. I paid fifty dollars for it.


I had an aquarium years ago when I was 20 and more naive , tropical fish.


Two Oscars, a Catfish and a few smaller guppy fish that didn't last very long. I woke up the next morning and all the guppies were gone, the two Oscars were floating along lazily and eyeing me up. Their abdomens were suspiciously large and one them still had a fish tail poking out of its mouth.


The Aquarium shop owner failed to inform me about Oscars and their huge appetites, how they eat anything smaller than themselves (they're related to the piranha, another thing he forgot to mention). The two of them consumed about 6 guppies between them. In my defence I knew nothing about tropical fish back then.


He also failed to tell me that the Plec, a type of Catfish, is partly amphibious. The damn thing kept getting out of the tank. Every morning I would wake up and get ready for work and find it squirming across the floor. I nearly stood on it several times. I had to get a new aquarium roof to keep it inside the water, but it still escaped now and then.


I was completely clueless about this stuff back then. Lucky for them I bought a large and detailed tropical fish book and studied it. Also bought a bigger tank than the one the shop owner recommended to me, so they had plenty of space. That seemed to satisfy the Catfish as it made no more escape attempts after that. They all lived a long life...except for the guppies of course.


The Oscars lived for over a decade, I gave the tank to my brother after that. The Catfish is 15 years old and still kicking.


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My most immediate purchase was... drum roll... a $3 pack of pipe screens! WOW! How thrilling!


My last "actually fun" purchase was buying this baby, complete with CD, about a week or two ago:




Here's a copy of the ISO on Archive.org - https://archive.org/details/TheDoomGameEditorWiley1995


.. I thought that after 20 years of "learning by doing" and making many mistakes over the years, I had surely learned all there was to learn, at the very least when it comes to vanilla mapping. However, this book has clarified some stuff that was nebulous and given me a deeper understanding of Doom's engine.


It comes with an editor made by the author, and the editor seems very competent for 1995 standards - This exact same book but revised to be about the Doom Builder family of editors, but with otherwise all the same tips and notes, would honestly be a big help to new mappers (who enjoy reading manuals or things of this nature). First time cracking it I got 1/3rd of the way through it!

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Bought some cigarettes and some starburst candy after work. Real exciting, I know.


Edit: and holyshit Doomkid. I had that book and cd back when it first came out. That was a real blast from the past. I have no idea where it went, my Mom probably threw it out at some point.


But yeah, it was really interesting. My kid self couldn't do a lot with it, but damn it was neat.

Edited by Jello

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13 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

My most immediate purchase was... drum roll... a $3 pack of pipe screens! WOW! How thrilling!

Have you tried using lead pipe screens? I find they work the best for me. I've been using them for about seven years now and the only thing I don't like about them is the aftertaste. I think it's from inhaling the atoms of my brain cells into my lungs or something.

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Pfffht. If you aren't using the Polonium 210 screens, you're just wasting your time.

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