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What Was Your Last Purchase?

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On 7/25/2021 at 1:56 AM, Spooner5020 said:

I’m gonna assume you also didn’t know there was an X-Men Quake mission pack?

Well, i already knew that existed but i thought it was a game of its own and not a mission pack!

Edited by Donzeri

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A USB Floppy Drive and 20 Floppies.

I have sitting around here one of those mini PCs from HP and i will use it as a Dos / Win 98 Machine :)



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I recently bought decorations, for my brother's birthday, to make him a celebration. We decorated the house, with balloons, cards, and flowers. And we spent about $100 on everything. And could not spend the money if he knew about the fact that happy bday images for brother can be easily and easily found online and do not spend your money on it.

Edited by levbigboss

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19 hours ago, levbigboss said:

I recently bought decorations, for my brother's birthday, to make him a celebration. We decorated the house, with balloons, cards, and flowers. And we spent about $100 on everything. And could not spend the money if he knew about the fact that happy bday images for brother can be easily and easily found online and do not spend your money on it.

Happy birthday to your brother, that was really nice of all of you. I hope he has a great time :).

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As for me, some Chinese takeout for dinner, and some power steering fluid and windshield washer fluid. Yeah I'm exciting.

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2 hours ago, Jello said:

As for me, some Chinese takeout for dinner, and some power steering fluid and windshield washer fluid. Yeah I'm exciting.


So you eat the chinese, and those other things go in the car. Probably best not to get those mixed up. Also forgive my lameass humor.


4 minutes ago, StupidBunny said:

sum cryptobux


and a popsicle


Which Crypto?


Also a popsicle is a frozen thing on a stick I think? We don't call them that here.


On topic, I bought some bread, chips, chocolate, Creamy Soda Pepsi, tuna and noodles. Last serious purchase was a pile of new clothes.

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On 7/25/2021 at 2:19 AM, Spooner5020 said:

You should check out Malice if you haven't yet.


I thought there was only two mission packs. Color me interested...


(Soz double post.)

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28 minutes ago, Kyka said:

Which Crypto?


Just some ₿IT, ETH and ADA, nothing too adventurous this time around


Yep frozen treato on a stick...what do you call it in wherever you live?  Also now I want a cream soda

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A 20oz Wawa coffee (Cuban roast) with hazelnut non-dairy creamer at approximately 6:45 AM (EST) today. It was $2.15, I paid in cash with three $1 bills. I donated the change to whatever charity box was there, I didn't really read it very closely. Thanks for your time.

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20 minutes ago, StupidBunny said:


Just some ₿IT, ETH and ADA, nothing too adventurous this time around


Yep frozen treato on a stick...what do you call it in wherever you live?  Also now I want a cream soda


Good time to buy, given what crypto has been doing the last few months. Good luck with it! I lost lots initially, but have consistently made gains since. I was lucky enough to buy BTC at a little over US$3000 at the start of last year. Long term hodling has worked for me. [edit]I had a chance to buy Eth at $14 a few years back. I didn't take it. Never gonna make that mistake again. [/edit]


Not that I would ever presume to give you investment advice, but I really like the look of Theta. It is designed to improve video streaming. Worth a look. It is predominantly what I am buying and hodling atm, and will do so for the next couple of years. 


In Australia, we call them Icy Poles, for whatever reason. Also, I am gonna guess that a cream soda, is like, say, Coca Cola with some ice cream in it? That is a sort of educated guess. What you call soda we call soft drinks. Again, no idea why. Perhaps to separate them from hard drinks? (alcohol) No real idea. Anyway, hope you get that cream soda. Now I want one too, even though I don't know what it is exactly.

Edited by Kyka

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Definitely taking advantage of HMV discounting a lot of horror stuff across the board, I got BR copies of The Case of the Scorpions Tale, and the Hammer horror films Countess Dracula and Twins of Evil. 

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A renewal of my yearly subscription to the Plugin Alliance MEGA Bundle. Comes with a $249.99 voucher for purchasing plugins that you want to keep as your own instead of leasing, which is a steal because I caught a sale on my bundle where the annual subscription price is forever just $199.99. That makes the voucher a $50 net gain for me. Nice.

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Just bought all the old Grand Theft Auto games I didn't already have (GTA3, Vice City, and GTA4 Complete Editon) on a Steam sale, good to finally have the full collection on PC.

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Other than groceries and stuff:


A spare laptop power adapter/cable in the expectation that at some point my cat Tippy will bite through the existing cable. Unfortunately it is all one unit hard-wired together, so it won't be as simple as just finding a new cable that links them together.


A geiger counter. Just thought it was about time I had one. According to Amazon, it is "Frequently bought together" with the "U.S. Armed Forces Nuclear, Biological And Chemical Survival Manual by Dick Couch" and "IOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets".


A pack of 3 tubes of Parodontax that apparently will be sent from Bulgaria. Yes, there is something they call Parodontax available in the USA, but it is crap. Presumably they thought Americans wouldn't be able to handle the salty taste of the real stuff (which contains Myrrh, I kid you not). I started using it after it was recommended by my dentist in Budapest as just the best overall toothpaste. Then they started marketing it as "for bleeding gums", maybe because they felt they needed a shtick for it to stand out from the crowd.


I also made a test purchase today, but as a developer using a test card that always approves and I am not charged. So is that a purchase? (Sounds like an Oxford entrance examination question.)

Edited by Grazza

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Quake Comic just came in the mail! After I'm done reading it, I'll have read every official ID Software related comic books/series! Wolfenstein: The Deep, DOOM 1996, DOOM 2 RPG, and now this one entitled Quake Champions. I wonder if I'm missing any? Hopefully not! 

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An ultimate-64 motherboard for my Commodore 64. It finally shit the bed on me, and I didn’t want to get rid of it entirely. So I gutted it instead, salvaged the SID card, and installed it on the Ultimate-64 board, then I installed the board into my case with original keyboard intact and it’s as good as new. Plus, it gives me some nice modern touches now with this upgrade. 

Edited by TelicAx7

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