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Bought two of these new n64 controllers, only 25 bucks each. I got one in black and one in yellow, they work really well! Joysticks feel SO much better than a standard off-brand n64 controller.



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28 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Bought two of these new n64 controllers, only 25 bucks each. I got one in black and one in yellow, they work really well! Joysticks feel SO much better than a standard off-brand n64 controller.



What's the name of the controller? I've always wanted to get one of them.

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I’m not sure what they’re actually named - I got mine on eBay, they were listed as “New Classic Wired Mini N64 Controller Upgraded Joystick” (lol..)

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15 hours ago, Wavy said:

What's the name of the controller? I've always wanted to get one of them.


Search for those from Retrobit :) They cost about 20-25 Bucks and they are pretty good.
I also have one.

If you want to spend a bit more, the Brawler 64 has a better Form Factor.


Netherless, i like those Sticks more than the original N64 Sticks, it makes precise Movement much easier.
Situations in Games back then are now so much better to control (like walking over a Plank).

The original N64 is sadly build in a Way that damns it to wear off fastly.


To the Topic:

Bought Godzilla from 1984 and the Movie with Biolante (the Plant) to complete the Heisei Series.

I am veeery sure that the 1984 is a Fake, there is too much Blurriness in the small Fonts.
But when i look how much Copies costs on ebay, i am fine with it.

I am not so sure about the Biolante Movie, if it is a Fake, it is at least a very good one.

The Video Quality of both is perfect and they have all the Bonus Content.


Will watch 1984 tomorrow :D




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A couple days ago I bought a new pair of sneakers... Sketchers with memory foam, blah blah blah.


Then I picked up some random CD's for a $1 each at a thrift store.

Anberlin - Cities

The Rolling Stones - Exile On Main Street

Days Of The New - Days Of The New (Yellow)

Elton John - Live In Australia


Also went in a electronics store and bought a Samsung 27" LED Monitor. Got a dual 27" setup now.


Today I picked up Iron Maiden's new Senjutsu album on CD.

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On 7/9/2021 at 6:51 AM, Jello said:

Pfffht. If you aren't using the Polonium 210 screens, you're just wasting your time.


Taking a playthrough of half-life too literally. 

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In california you need a food handler's permit to actually handle food as part of a job, which makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that the test for this permit costs 8 fucking bucks, which yah isn't a whole lot but you would imagine this amount would mean more to someone without a job. A very annoying 8 dollars to spend after spending 5 dollars to get my transcript from the college I went to cause there was no way to get the file for free (more so annoying cause the job listing I was going for, teaching kids science as part of an after school program, closed cause the british variant of the rona got the schools closed down again, which the fact that they're closing em as opposed to not is good, just very annoying that the job listing closed literally the day after I applied and wasted 5 bucks for a transcript).

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5 hours ago, BaileyTW said:

In california you need a food handler's permit to actually handle food as part of a job, which makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that the test for this permit costs 8 fucking bucks, which yah isn't a whole lot but you would imagine this amount would mean more to someone without a job. A very annoying 8 dollars to spend after spending 5 dollars to get my transcript from the college I went to cause there was no way to get the file for free (more so annoying cause the job listing I was going for, teaching kids science as part of an after school program, closed cause the british variant of the rona got the schools closed down again, which the fact that they're closing em as opposed to not is good, just very annoying that the job listing closed literally the day after I applied and wasted 5 bucks for a transcript).


I feel your Pain :)


Here in Germany Companies normally want your Police Files, to have a better Insight of your Past.

I don't know the actual Price, but 2008 around it was 18€.


So 99% of People searching for a Job have to waste 18€ to get a Paper that has literally written on it: "No Entry" haha


My Girfriend wants to "move" to my Place (she's living here for Years...), she needs a Paper that proofs that this is my Appartment.

That also costs 8 €.

The Insanaty is, it is also written on my ID Card, which i needed also such a Paper to proof it.

But they do not accept it as a proof for her that it is correct that i am living here :D


To marry we need an _actual_ Birth Document of ourself.

There is nowhere written what i need to get it and i am afraid to ask :D


Imo such Documents should be giving out free from the State.

Especially unemployed People, be it because they're Students, because they have a bad Past or because they're suffering some Desease, need such Documents more often than People as me and they do not have the Money (really, the last Time i needed such Things where when i bought my Appartment).


But back to the Topic :P


I bought Godzilla for the Nintendo DS, after i bought the 1984 Movie and vs Biolante and i am rewatching every Movie now...

I need MORE haha :D

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(Switch not included)


The current stand I have (the HORI Compact Playstand) is terrible; the flap that holds my Switch in place keeps falling off because of its weight. Officially licensed, my ass!

Edited by HavoX

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