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Doom -2: A Delightfully Devilish Experiment (Community Project Open for Everyone)

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Technically, shouldn't Doom -2 be a prequel to Doom -1? : D


Screenshots look great, wish you the best of luck!

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pretty cool basic limit removing is my new favorite mapping format


I have some good news, I wont be deleting my account afterall


I had a big meltdown today but I am feeling a...bit..better and might even be able to map again in a few weeks ..maybe


I have some severe problems that sometimes knocks me down

Edited by CBM

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Yooo let's go it's now official!

One question, can I edit multiple times? (I'm talking about like me>someoneelse>someoneelse>me>etc)

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I consider this -2 to be the official -2 project


I look forward to working with attic telephone and others once again on a project like this if you will have me

Edited by CBM

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  On 7/9/2021 at 7:29 PM, CBM said:

What counts as overdetailing ?


1: Borders everywhere

2: One pixel thick light gradients

3: Use of more than one sector to draw a step


More easier way to explain: try playing KDIZD, it's just a typical example of overdetail that gone wild.



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  On 7/9/2021 at 8:38 PM, EpicTyphlosion said:

Hey, never underestimate 1-unit long sectors! ;)


I use these for technical reasons and I don't underestimate them undeed


But when it comes to make smooth lighting using them, I'd say it's useless cuz there won't much difference for Doom's not truecolor renderer

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  On 7/9/2021 at 5:49 PM, CBM said:

pretty cool basic limit removing is my new favorite mapping format


I have some good news, I wont be deleting my account afterall


I had a big meltdown today but I am feeling a...bit..better and might even be able to map again in a few weeks ..maybe


I have some severe problems that sometimes knocks me down


CBM, could you explain what happened? I heard you got upset that a few guys gave you some criticism over your RAMP maps but then some ass said something to you that made you want to quit doom?

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  On 7/9/2021 at 11:37 PM, AtticTelephone said:

CBM, could you explain what happened? I heard you got upset that a few guys gave you some criticism over your RAMP maps but then some ass said something to you that made you want to quit doom?




I have suffered from anxiety, depression and a mental illness my whole life and last wednesday my psyciatrist decided I should try to be off my meds completely until the first of september and I was already in a dark place so when some critique started to roll in then I began to experience a mental meltdown and that asshat that thankfully got his account deleted, really put me over the top. 


thankfully some of the other ramp guys got me to calm back down by virtue of showing me kindness and it made me decide to not give up on doom afterall

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seems like people like my guardian of the flesh demon in my prison camp map <3


I like the ideer of taking an otherwise innocent environment and then adding some demonic infestation to it


its very 40k chaos space marines :-)


I would love if each map had some kind of demonic infestation going on with reference to the project title


is there some grand design regarding the plot/story or will we do that after we have a rough draft of all the maps and then make the story fit the maps?

Edited by CBM

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  On 7/10/2021 at 4:35 AM, CBM said:

seems like people like my guardian of the flesh demon in my prison camp map <3


I like the ideer of taking an otherwise innocent environment and then adding some demonic infestation to it


its very 40k chaos space marines :-)


I would love if each map had some kind of demonic infestation going on with reference to the project title


is there some grand design regarding the plot/story or will we do that after we have a rough draft of all the maps and then make the story fit the maps?


Sorry, but the only reason I named it "Delightfully Devilish" is because I plan for it to be more difficult than Doom -1. Although I just came up with a bizarre plotline, Doom -1 took place in an alternate universe and when Baphomet (Doom -1 Final Boss) died, he was reincarnated into the normal Doom universe. Now the real Doomguy is fighting Baphomet (and Baphomet has a little more experience with marines now).

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  On 7/10/2021 at 5:29 AM, AtticTelephone said:

Sorry, but the only reason I named it "Delightfully Devilish" is because I plan for it to be more difficult than Doom -1. Although I just came up with a bizarre plotline, Doom -1 took place in an alternate universe and when Baphomet (Doom -1 Final Boss) died, he was reincarnated into the normal Doom universe. Now the real Doomguy is fighting Baphomet (and Baphomet has a little more experience with marines now).




I have a map I made for crispy doom and I have been improving on it this morning and I am thinking about uploading it as a base for a level in doom -2


it also has changes like a demon infestation


its my memory of e4m4 level but with a lot of changes compared to the version that is in ramp and the version thats in the recreate doom from memory project or whatever that project was called


it does have some areas where Ive used 1u wide sectors to create details here and there though

Edited by CBM

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