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Doom -2: A Delightfully Devilish Experiment (Community Project Open for Everyone)

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just been to my summer house and have been "retexturing" one of my garages and have been putting up new inner walls in the house


and while doing so I have been trying to think of interesting concepts for doom maps


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damn ... edited the wrong post.. but the lastest version of map 04 is in a post below this

Edited by CBM

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Anyways, you guys are doing great progress on MAP01, especially with the polished E1 theme, but I feel like MAP02 is really confusing and doesn't transition very smoothly with MAP01. I think maybe it's because of the heavy detail clashing with the simplistic design of the map? I think that's what I meant when I said "no overdetailing".

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16 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

Anyways, you guys are doing great progress on MAP01, especially with the polished E1 theme, but I feel like MAP02 is really confusing and doesn't transition very smoothly with MAP01. I think maybe it's because of the heavy detail clashing with the simplistic design of the map? I think that's what I meant when I said "no overdetailing".

ah sorry


I just wanted some detail here and there


we can just remove some details if needed


what do you find confusing about it?


we could also move it to a later map slot to make one or more maps that can do transition




I am actually working on a map that starts out with the player seeing a curcuit in a temple

then he enters the curcuit and its teleported to a scaled up version of the curcuit and eventually finds a way inside the curcuit itself where the layout is a scaled up inside version of the curcuit


however I guess it might violate the overdetailing part

Edited by CBM

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5 minutes ago, CBM said:

ah sorry


I just wanted some detail here and there


we can just remove some details if needed


what do you find confusing about it?


we could also move it to a later map slot to make one or more maps that can do transition

Yeah, maybe it could be moved to, let's say, MAP04. I find it to be confusing because of the wide layout, and I find the texture choice to be cluttered. It seems almost like a weird E3 map.

Edited by AtticTelephone

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6 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

Yeah, maybe it could be moved to, let's say, MAP04.

sounds good. what details do you feel should be removed and what suggestions do you have to make it less confusing?


what do you mean with wide layout?


I can try to change some of the textures. I still have trouble blending the right textures together but I want to learn


and my current WIP map, should I save it for something else? (if yes then I will pause the completion of it)

Edited by CBM

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1 minute ago, CBM said:

sounds good. what details do you feel should be removed and what suggestions do you have to make it less confusing?


and my current WIP map, should I save it for something else?

I feel like the steps at the beginning, the little microchips and the hellgrowth pit should be removed, as well as some of the little steps near the bars n stuff. Remove the yellow key and some of the barons and add in some health. Remove the lava stuff and make the key door switches have their own rooms or remove them entirely and make the player use the keys on the doors.


I think you should save your WIP maps.

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9 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

I feel like the steps at the beginning, the little microchips and the hellgrowth pit should be removed, as well as some of the little steps near the bars n stuff. Remove the yellow key and some of the barons and add in some health. Remove the lava stuff and make the key door switches have their own rooms or remove them entirely and make the player use the keys on the doors.


I think you should save your WIP maps.

ok I will look in to this and keep my wip maps on the shelf


I might go with "make the key door switches have their own rooms" and then remove the electronics and the hell pit, the steps, the barons and the lava


plus I will remove the yellow key and I will be adding in health


but I think we will need a hell map also as part of this project because I would love to be able to paste that hellgrowth pit in to a hell map

Edited by CBM

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Looking at the screenshots in the OP already gave me the idea of having the map transform, and CBM's suggestion of demonic infestation inspired me further. The obvious change inv 0.08 is that the demons around the blue key are gone and the key is now in an alcove, but you'll soon find that's not all... Also look for a change when you pick up the red key.


I'll refine these a bit at later date, unless someone else gets there first.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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42 minutes ago, NiGHTMARE said:





Looking at the screenshots in the OP already gave me the idea of having the map transform, and CBM's suggestion of demonic infestation inspired me further. The obvious change inv 0.08 is that the demons around the blue key are gone and the key is now in an alcove, but you'll soon find that's not all... Also look for a change when you pick up the red key.


I'll refine these a bit at later date, unless someone else gets there first.

The hitscanner trap in the "alcove" is sorta glitched, but I like these changes, very evil.

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This is really cool! I did a little tweaking on map01. Here's what I did:


- Added imp ambushers to the opening fight.

- Reworked the red key ambush (the revenants now won't get stuck if you run away, the area opens up more, and the revealed hitscanners are less prone to shooting each other). Also added green armor to compensate. May still need more balancing (possibly an invis or more health if people think it's too hard). 

- A little OCD texture alignment on some borders.

- Added a little switch in the last room to re-open the doors.


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2 hours ago, Fiendish said:

This is really cool! I did a little tweaking on map01. Here's what I did:


- Added imp ambushers to the opening fight.

- Reworked the red key ambush (the revenants now won't get stuck if you run away, the area opens up more, and the revealed hitscanners are less prone to shooting each other). Also added green armor to compensate. May still need more balancing (possibly an invis or more health if people think it's too hard). 

- A little OCD texture alignment on some borders.

- Added a little switch in the last room to re-open the doors.


You know there's already a secret green armor? And there shouldn't be any compensation anyways, would be too easy.

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10 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

You know there's already a secret green armor? And there shouldn't be any compensation anyways, would be too easy.


Ah, I didn't see that secret. But I don't think having non-secret green armor would make it too easy by any means, given the number of hitscanners that pour out.

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1 hour ago, SilverMiner said:

map01 I think

Actually, it's several, there's already a MAP04 (formerly MAP02).

Anyways, MAP01 is basically completed, so the only thing left to add is probably an exit switch. CBM is working on rebuilding MAP04 so I guess the only thing to do is start on MAP02.

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3 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

CBM is working on rebuilding MAP04 so I guess the only thing to do is start on MAP02.

Can I work on a few MAP02 rooms?

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... made requested changes to map 04 ... + added an extra way to reach the area previously filled with lava... still requires the barrier to lift though


(yellow key plus barons replaced with med kits that spawn at every difficulty level)


... But I DO think its a bit more boring now and a few steps more away from the level it tries to remake.. e4m4


...it still has the other fleshy parts that it began with though (only the hellgrowth pit fleshy thing is gone), but let me know if the remaining fleshy parts need to be gone as well


.. however... some of the good things are still in e4m4, like my "3d lamps" made from sectors


... btw, added more lights to explain the powerfull lightning in the areas that used to contain lava



Edited by CBM

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