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Does anyone like Doom platforming?

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I was recently playing Doom Zero and regular Doom II on the switch, and also a bit of Doom Eternal. On all three experiences, platforming made the experience worse. I was wondering if anyone ever enjoyed the platforming segments in either the old games or the newer ones. Maybe speedrunners enjoy the challenge or something...

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Yes, but only when monsters aren’t involved. Most of the time I’m going to stop platforming and snipe all the monsters away before continuing, so what’s the point.

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I have to say that upon seeing some modern wads that feature this stuff, my experience was similar to Cartman's here:




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Yes, Doom's excellent movement is one of the best things about playing and it makes sense to me that mappers would squeeze some extra juice out of it with platforming.

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I actually don't mind Doom's platforming, provided the WAD author doesn't try to pull off anything too cryptic/obnoxious...

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Not particularly, but I generally expect a little platforming in a good wad. If the premise/gimmick or location is interesting, isn't too punishing or drawn out for too long it can be fun. And autosave does make it much more bearable.

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I haven’t done much platforming in classic wads but I loved the platforming in Doom Eternal, I thought it added some good pacing without being too obnoxious.

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I personally hate platforming but mostly because I'm terrible at it. Other than that I'm sure some people love it. It provides a different challange than "just fighting". Usually what ticks me off is small platforms, inescapeable pit at the bottom, and flying enemies while platforming. But I can also appreciate a well crafted sequence which just makes my nerves catch on fire, when you have to platform, dodge projectiles and also focus on killing the right enemy at the same time...

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I don't mind some platforming but when it's a good portion of the gameplay, it can get tiring or if it's designed that you have to be perfect and you keep falling off, then it's a pain. In Eternal I want to kill shit and there's flailing chains and lava and dashing and I find it mostly annoying.

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Lots of time playing Turok: Dinosour Hunter as a kid simultaneously gave me a lot of patience for and a deep loathing of repetitive tiny pillar hopping


No really I think I'm fine with platforming in Doom maps, as long as there's some tact and variety to it and it doesn't outstay its welcome in any one segment.  What I don't enjoy, or see how anyone else would enjoy is a section where it's like "here's a trillion Ctrl-V'd bean-sized platforms zigzagging about for you to run across, if you fuck up once you fall in the lava below and gotta run all the way back to the start!! :DDD lol and also revenants"

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I'm fine with it, on the proviso that a 64x64 square is the absolute smallest thing I'll be required to jump to. I've seen arrays of 8x8 needles I've had to navigate to get mandatory keys and stuff, and that's just asking me to savescum the area in question; IMO antithetical to good gameplay.


This being said, DOOMguy's speed and momentum are integral parts of the way the game plays, platforming sections are one of many ways a mapper can provide the player with an opportunity to play around with them. I dig it. But the first-person camera; especially when played classic-style with no mouselook; and heavy air inertia mean that precision platforming is an absolute no.

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I like merciful platforming, and I like watching speedrunners do merciless platforming :3 I think it adds interesting dimensions to the game, keeps you awake, separates opportunities for the mapper to feed you ammo and pose you against monsters on flat surfaces. i prefer reasonable hardship to the ultimate doom approach and platforming's one of the ways it can manifest

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I don't mind a few gaps to jump here and there, especially if it's to access a secret area. But precision platforming is very annoying to me, in the same way that precision combat is annoying. I don't play doom because I want to repeat the same brutally hard challenge over, and over, and over again. Whether that involves treating every HP and bullet as if it were a precious diamond, or attempting to find the exact speed and direction to get over a tiny gap without slipping over the other side, I'll end up save-scumming and still spend 20 minutes in the same spot. I see why people enjoy these challenges and it's cool to make WADs specifically geared toward esoteric gameplay, but it is esoteric. Doom wasn't designed with these types of obstacles in mind. For combat, there's no scopes, no way to peek or crouch or go prone, no headshots, no footsteps, clunky projectiles, inconsistent hitscan limitations... these are the kind of features I want in a "realism" shooter where singular enemies are always a major threat. And with jumping, yeah you can't jump, you slide as if on ice, and there's of course no crouch-jump or hanging/climbing from edges to help you. Imagine your toe hits the side of something and your entire body loses all momentum and falls straight down... that's Doom platforming.

All that said, platforming that isn't measured in hairs can be really fun! I think Quake is an excellent example. Lots of jumping around, and some places to fall, but never a situation where a millimeter off spells instant death.

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I've been slowly warming up to it over time. Still not all that keen on the more elaborate stuff InsaneGazebo and Ribbiks have made, but I enjoy the occasional strafe-running challenge.

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I personally don't like it because you slide a lot in Doom, and having to do super-precise and well timed taps to stop your momentum so you don't fall off is not my thing. Quake's a lot better for that kind of stuff due to it's movement techs and mechanics, like jumping, freelook, bhops, rocket jumping etc. Plus it feels more precise due to how the momentum picks up and stops quickly...

Not saying i don't like Doom's movement, it's very fun and fluid, and you can totally learn and do well in platforming, but for this kind of stuff it's not really ideal in my opinion.


Edit: I'm not counting simple things like strafe-running to jump over a gap with plenty of landing runway as platforming, and some platforming sequences can be done in a fun and interesting way.

Edited by Mayomancer

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Neither like nor dislike it, generally speaking. If it's way too difficult or common, then yes, it gets very annoying.


The reason platforming works so well in Mario games and such is because the 3rd person perspective allows you to see your platform, your feet and your trajectory all at once.


In Doom you have no such luxury, so anything too tedious is, well, too tedious... But some occasional running across pillars in a nukage pit? Not the end of the world. That stuff has been seen in wads since 1994, though was never particularly "popular" - I still don't think it is today, really. It's a niche interest.

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Nay. Platforming is fine to try and get a secret, but if you expect me to pull off some Kaizo Mario shit on a regular basis in your level, I will turn on noclip, and I will not feel bad about it. 

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I'm enjoy some platforming, even some more difficult platforming can be fun for me but im used to doing platforming at this point. I can understand though it's not for most people, not being able to look down, doom guys slidey movement (I like saying he's on roller skates), Precise inputs on small platforms, i can see how any of this would make someone think twice about a platforming section

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if it's done well i don't mind it, checkpoints, better jump physics, better mobility, the works



Edited by sluggard

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