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anyone know any good vanilla doom 2 megawads?

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MarsWar, HellBound, Lost Civilization, Eternal Doom, Freedoom Phase 2(Yes this one counts), Back to Saturn X. None of these are super hard llike stuff named Eviternity or Sunlust.

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2 minutes ago, kalensar said:

MarsWar, HellBound, Lost Civilization, Eternal Doom, Freedoom Phase 2(Yes this one counts), Back to Saturn X. None of these are super hard llike stuff named Eviternity or Sunlust.

welp im gonna be busy this week

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A couple of those aren't vanilla: Hellbound is limit-removing, and Lost Civilization requires a Boom-compatible port.


Three classic vanilla messages are Memento Mori 1 & 2 and Requiem.

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1 minute ago, NiGHTMARE said:

A couple of those aren't vanilla: Hellbound is limit-removing, and Lost Civilization requires a Boom-compatible port.


Three classic vanilla messages are Memento Mori 1 & 2 and Requiem.

Hellbound may be limit removing, but I never had to jump or crouch anywhere in order to beat it. Not even on its crazy vertical Map12 or 13; the skyscraper one. I never take into account on Boom compatible because most source ports evolved off it. I basically just listed my favorite Megawads that didn't use custom weapons and monsters.

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1 minute ago, kalensar said:

Hellbound may be limit removing, but I never had to jump or crouch anywhere in order to beat it. Not even on its crazy vertical Map12 or 13; the skyscraper one. I never take into account on Boom compatible because most source ports evolved off it. I basically just listed my favorite Megawads that didn't use custom weapons and monsters.

that more what i ment by "vanilla" anyways lol

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Most people use "vanilla" to mean compatibility with the original .exe. If you're talking about the gameplay style, it's probably better to use something like "classic" or "old school".


Crispy Doom is one example of a modern port which is limit-removing but not Boom-compatible, so the distinction definitely still needs to be made.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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17 minutes ago, DavetheDoomguy said:

There's this pack Doomkid made,...

This. You really don't need much more than that. Lots of good stuff in there to keep you busy for decades.

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36 minutes ago, DavetheDoomguy said:

There's this pack Doomkid made, though I don't know how many WADs need specific sourceports: 


most of the wads there are vanilla, and just a few are limit removing.

The pack comes with a modified version of the original exe that support limit removing maps.

And thus, vanilla and limit removing means that most source-ports can play them.

Only sourceport that will not play limit removing maps is chocolate-doom that is vanilla strict.


56 minutes ago, kalensar said:

Hellbound may be limit removing, but I never had to jump or crouch anywhere in order to beat it. Not even on its crazy vertical Map12 or 13; the skyscraper one. I never take into account on Boom compatible because most source ports evolved off it. I basically just listed my favorite Megawads that didn't use custom weapons and monsters.


54 minutes ago, Buzzerb5x9x said:

that more what i ment by "vanilla" anyways lol


vanilla means compatible with the original .exe that plays on the old DOS environment.

What you, guys, call vanilla, thats it, not having to crounch or jump and no custom monsters and weapons, is just the unmodded gameplay.

NOT Vanilla.


BUt having new monsters or new weapons doesn't mean its not vanilla, you can have custom monsters and weapons and still play under vanilla limits of the original .exe.

For example, REKKR up to the third Episode is completely vanilla compatible and has custom monsters and weapons. Episode 4 maps are made o the same mapping format of vanilla, but they are far more detailed and have things that impossibilitate them to be played under the strct vanilla limits, and so Ep.4 is limit removing, and thus need a sourceport to be played or a especial version of the original .exe that is hacked and has the limits raised.

In this case, since REKKR changed everything, this one is called TC, Total Conversion.

HACX is a vanilla TC, too.


Boom, aside from being one of the first source-ports, is also a mapping format.

So when somebody say, boom-compatible, it doesn't refer to the source-port, but to the features the format offer.

Most source-ports nowdays are boom-compatible, with just a few exceptions like Chocolate Doom, vanilla only, and Crispy Doom, vanilla and limit-removing.


1 hour ago, Buzzerb5x9x said:

im in the mood for some vanilla doom rn. anyone know any good vanilla megawads to play?

Since you just wanted the unmodded Doom gameplay, all the mapset listed here offer that.
Just a few have new weapons or new monsters, but they are all vanilla, limit removing or boom.

Great mapset with hints of story underneath!

Edited by P41R47

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I heard Icarus: Alien Vanguard is really good... <3 


Other than that, there's Eternal Doom, Memento Mori, TNT: Revilution and 4.2 gazillion of other wads, most of which are included in Doomkid's pack. 

If you don't mind a single level wad, Galaxia from 1994 is really awesome. Even though it's for the first Doom.

Edited by A.H. Sankhatayan

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@Phobus 's 25 Years on Earth is really solid. i think this is exactly what you're looking for. my personal favorite classic doom 2 megawad. (and its new-ish!)



which is also in doomkid's WAD pack. so really I'm just adding on to those above me who told you to look in there :)


Edited by sapphics

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10 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Many of the DBPs don't have new weapons or enemies, if that's all you're looking for.

Does anyone know what DBPs are “genuine” limit removing? All the ones listed as being LR disagree with Doom32 (crashes or visual glitches), which is literally just limit-raised vanilla Doom - but I haven’t checked every single one. I’d like to have the compatible handful included in the Big vanilla wad pack..!

Edited by Doomkid

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4 hours ago, Valboom said:

-Doom Core




Highly, highly second this choice. Incredibly underrated gem, pure valkiriforce goodness beggining to end. I'll recommend you play through the updated version though, Doom Core Delta. If you like it, there are two sequels, Reverie and Eternally Yours.

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4 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Does anyone know what DBPs are “genuine” limit removing? All the ones listed as being LR disagree with Doom32 (crashes or visual glitches), which is literally just limit-raised vanilla Doom - but I haven’t checked every single one. I’d like to have the compatible handful included in the Big vanilla wad pack..!


I tried some and then crash after the title, when gameplay start.


DBP26 crash with the report 1264877: lumpnum or numlump


And those that had dehacked modification are made on .bex format, so they will be not compatible with vanilla raised :/


I tried Hellbound, and it also crash at the menu with D_DirectDraw
probably the M_Doom being too big.

So most limit removing wads out there are mostly made to play on crispy, PrBoom+ or other limit removing source ports.

I doubt there are limit removing port tested on Doom2P or Doom32 :/

And if they are, they surely need a few tweak on the lumps inside.


Vile Flesh is totally compatible with Doom32.exe, .deh included, as i just tried it.

But it goes over the static limits, crashing unfortunatelly.
So maybe a even greater limit raised vanilla engine is needed...

Or something else is happening that i don't know :/

Edited by P41R47

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6 hours ago, P41R47 said:


I tried some and then crash after the title, when gameplay start.


DBP26 crash with the report 1264877: lumpnum or numlump


And those that had dehacked modification are made on .bex format, so they will be not compatible with vanilla raised :/


I tried Hellbound, and it also crash at the menu with D_DirectDraw
probably the M_Doom being too big.

So most limit removing wads out there are mostly made to play on crispy, PrBoom+ or other limit removing source ports.

I doubt there are limit removing port tested on Doom2P or Doom32 :/

And if they are, they surely need a few tweak on the lumps inside.


Vile Flesh is totally compatible with Doom32.exe, .deh included, as i just tried it.

But it goes over the static limits, crashing unfortunatelly.
So maybe a even greater limit raised vanilla engine is needed...

Or something else is happening that i don't know :/



A greater raised vanilla engine like GZDoom or LZDoom maybe? Just saying, it plays everything vanilla just fine and the Doom Software mode works perfectly. 

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6 minutes ago, kalensar said:

A greater raised vanilla engine like GZDoom or LZDoom maybe? Just saying, it plays everything vanilla just fine and the Doom Software mode works perfectly.

Sorry, but you don't seem to know what we are talking about.
We mean not source-port at all.

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20 minutes ago, P41R47 said:

Sorry, but you don't seem to know what we are talking about.
We mean not source-port at all.

If you are talking about a better engine then you are talking about a Source Port. Chocolate Doom is a Source port. If Doom32 cant run it then you need a source port. Source Ports are the same engine with better systems involved. 


Obviously you don't know squat.

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2 minutes ago, kalensar said:

Obviously you don't know squat.

hahahaha very funny.
keep at it, pal!

you surely are charming!

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26 minutes ago, kalensar said:

Obviously you don't know squat.

no, he knows what he's talking about. vanilla means compatible with the original doom2.exe; any source port can be used to run it, but it nevertheless needs to be compatible with the original game, out of the box, in order to be a vanilla wad. that means limit-removing isn't vanilla as it'd crash if you were to play it on the og dos executable

Edited by roadworx

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@kalensar perhaps referring to Doomwiki's article on the subject will help clear things up? I think there has been some miscommunication between yourself and @P41R47. He is anything but ignorant, I assure you. Lost Civilization and Hellbound are not vanilla compatible. You can check their text files and see for yourself.


Edit: @roadworx beat me to it.


As for your question OP, in addition to Doom 2 The Way id Did, which has already been mentioned, I would personally recommend AkeldamaDoom 2 In Spain Only, and Reverie, all of which are well-made and relatively approachable (on lower difficulties, anyway). I would also recommend Alien Vendetta, though it can get quite difficult, so idk.


Edit: Damn, ninja'd on D2ISO

Edited by Omniarch

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20 minutes ago, kalensar said:

Charming in the sense that unless its Dosbox then you're using a source port and can't even tell the difference.

That's not strictly accurate, as if you're playing in something like Boom or MBF you would be using Dosbox AND a source port.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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