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Momentum of Bullets

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The player's velocity has no effect on hitscan behavior. Or on projectile behavior, either (except in Heretic, where the firemace and the phoenix rod do take it into account when spawning the powered-up projectiles). Damage is not affected in any way.

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the bullets hurting more is probably just a coincidence with the games rng. Since sometimes it does more damage and sometimes it doesn't and it probably went for the former when you ran into enemies

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The only case where what you describe might apply would be with the BFG because the closer you get to enemies, the more of the 40 tracers hit. Otherwise, no.


All player hitscan attacks do either 5,10 or 15 damage, which gets chosen randomly. Shotgun performs 7 of these attacks and SSG 20 at once. So with the shotguns, there is a lot of room for randomness.


Every other attack in this game (player or monster) works in a similar way. A value just gets randomly picked and then applied. Nothing else affects damage whatsoever. The only exception is splash damage, which deals exact damage based on the distance from the explosion where damage = 128 - distance in map units.


I recommend looking at the weapon and enemy pages on the wiki to see what is the range and increments in which various weapons and enemies deal damage.

Edited by idbeholdME

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No, it doesn't change how hard the bullets hit, no velocity, distance or whatever changes how much damage anything does alone, however, stuff like the BFG, SSG, and shotgun hit harder when you're closer to the enemy because more of the BFG tracers hit, or more of the Shotgun's and SSG's pellets hit, the pellets themselves don't do anymore damage, but more pellets hit so in total the damage is more


There's this video for more information



Edited by 1Destro3456

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In an older thread, there was an additional explanation: since the monster hitboxes are squares, "strafing" them (aka hitting them from the side, as you often do when circle-strafing, no shit) actually makes them present a larger target area to any projectile or hitscan attack.


Not dead-on from the front/back or either side though, but more like from an angle.

Edited by Maes

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  On 7/12/2021 at 2:47 PM, Maes said:

In an older thread, there was an additional explanation: since the monster hitboxes are squares, "strafing" them (aka hitting them from the side, as you often do when circle-strafing, no shit) actually makes them present a larger target area to any projectile or hitscan attack.


Not dead-on from the front/back or either side though, but more like from an angle.


 (emphasis mine)


I think that explains it. I'm typically strafing as I run around a level.

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