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future ultimate doom project for all doomers and slayers

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SO i have been thinking about doing this project and i want everybody to get on board with this cause i think this will spark up the community even more

so i am thinking about having me and the doom community start doing a massive ULTIMATE DOOM PROJECTS which is creating 10 levels and put them into a episode and if we get 10 episode with 10 levels then we could put them into chapters

so chapter 1 have

Episode 1 through 10 and create 10 chapters so about 1000 levels

and i am sorry that i got a big imagination


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6 minutes ago, AnthonyTankHD said:

yeah pretty much and sorry for having a big imagination


Imagination takes us to places that never were. But without it we go nowhere!

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Imagination and enthusiasm is good but it needs to be tempered with realism. A lot of people starting out in Doom editing bite off more than they can chew. Here, you are essentially trying to swallow a buffet table whole including the table cloth and cutlery. Put yourself in the shoes of someone reading this. They are going to ask themselves, who is this guy? What has he done before? Why should I join this project? What trust do I have that he can steer this to completion?


Have you made any maps yourself at all? Have you lead a project with multiple contributors before?

EDIT: OK so you released a few maps earlier this month which do not seem to have been well received judging by the posts. First you wanted to create a 32 map megawad and now you want to make 1000 maps? Straight talk. I honestly can't tell if you are serious or this is some demented troll so I will assume the former. You do not currently have the skills needed to do this project, or even a 32 map megawad. Start with one map. Practice practice practice. Really think about a layout. Draw it up. Make it. Get it play tested. Modify it based on feedback. Release it. Take the feedback from that and make another new map. Maybe in time you will be in a better position to make a larger project, either by yourself or with a team. Nothing in life worth having comes easy. You have to practice and be patient. If you just rush into large projects half-assed, no one will play it and you will have wasted your time. I will take one good map over 32 mediocre ones any day of the week.

Edited by Murdoch

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Doom Forever has nothing against this.

Edited by OniriA

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41 minutes ago, PSXDoomer said:

Is this gonna be as big as Doom Forever?

nothing will be as big as doom forever,it will be the new brutal doom thing


29 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

Imagination and enthusiasm is good but it needs to be tempered with realism. A lot of people starting out in Doom editing bite off more than they can chew. Here, you are essentially trying to swallow a buffet table whole including the table cloth and cutlery. Put yourself in the shoes of someone reading this. They are going to ask themselves, who is this guy? What has he done before? Why should I join this project? What trust do I have that he can steer this to completion?


Have you made any maps yourself at all? Have you lead a project with multiple contributors before?

EDIT: OK so you released a few maps earlier this month which do not seem to have been well received judging by the posts. First you wanted to create a 32 map megawad and now you want to make 1000 maps? Straight talk. I honestly can't tell if you are serious or this is some demented troll so I will assume the former. You do not currently have the skills needed to do this project, or even a 32 map megawad. Start with one map. Practice practice practice. Really think about a layout. Draw it up. Make it. Get it play tested. Modify it based on feedback. Release it. Take the feedback from that and make another new map. Maybe in time you will be in a better position to make a larger project, either by yourself or with a team. Nothing in life worth having comes easy. You have to practice and be patient. If you just rush into large projects half-assed, no one will play it and you will have wasted your time. I will take one good map over 32 mediocre ones any day of the week.




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I would love it.

Edited by Gore

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It's pretty vague. Is the idea just to create lots of different maps? I'm guessing you want to leave room for people to do whatever they want, but this just sounds like just another community project, albeit one that wants more maps than the Maximum Project. You're not even saying whether all the maps should be vanilla-compatible or not. Presumably, that's the case if you want as many maps as possible, but you never explicitly say, which I'm pretty sure is something all community projects do in their guidelines.


Another thought, do you have any reason for wanting 10 chapters of 10 maps each, other than the numbers looking cool? They should probably all have some thematic differences (techbase, starport, hell, earthy cave, and so forth). Scythe 2 and Eviternity are probably the best examples of how to split a megawad up.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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13 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Seems ambitious, although I think you would need to recruit some trusty people to manage a project this big.

What are Hugo and Marty up to these days?

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23 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Seems ambitious


Ambitious. Insane. Take your pick.

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7 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

A bit of both, perhaps.


Mostly insane. I have a better chance of becoming a world famous bikini model than this has a chance of succeeding. Even a well established team with talented and experienced designers sometimes struggles to complete even a megawad and this guy with like 3 average beginner maps to his name thinks he can manage a project with 1000 maps? No way. As I said earlier I don't want to discourage new mappers but this guy is either a troll or he has a far too high of an opinion of himself. If he is actually serious, he needs to start small and work up from there. 

Edited by Murdoch

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I'm going to somewhat repeat myself from a few days ago and state that more often than not, less is simply more. I would much rather play a ten-map project that remains consistently interesting over a megawad that more often than not spins its wheels. Now imagine your project being the size of thirty megawads, if not more. No project needs a thousand maps. Even if every single one of those thousand maps somehow ended up being exceptionally good, it's simply far too much for one project to contain (on top of being an absolutely gargantuan task to produce all that content, I should add) and most people would only play through a sliver of what you have to offer.

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10 minutes ago, AD_79 said:

I'm going to somewhat repeat myself from a few days ago and state that more often than not, less is simply more.


Exactly. Quality tops quantity. Every single time.

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The biggest community project so far is RAMP, spearheaded by David. Its 200 levels can be accessed from a central hub.



Edited by CBM

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Not a lot of megawads can even reach 32 levels while keeping a good consistency with map quality...

When creating a project everything is a compromise, and you'd have to sacrifice a lot of other things just to reach this level count in a reasonable time.


For something like this it would be better of organizing a compilation of existing creations, master levels style (?), with a hub styled launcher maybe?



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4 minutes ago, Mayomancer said:

For something like this it would be better of organizing a compilation of existing creations, master levels style (?), with a hub styled launcher maybe?


You can't redistribute other people's maps without express permission from the original authors. Well you could but it won't go down well.

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At some point I think I will do a hub map from where a player would be able to access a lot of auto generated levels made with various setting tweaks... That might be interesting.


Anyway, I wish the OP the best of luck with his project.

Edited by CBM

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1000 maps?! Sorry but this is way too ambitious.


If you were to make a mapset with say, a dozen or so maps, then sure. Trust me, I'm working on something right now with only a somewhat minor mapping experience and I wanted to do a whole 32, but I've now only lowered it to 12 because 32 at my level is simply too much, and you're wanting to do 30 times that.


I appreciate the ambition, but please think/plan realistically.

Edited by Wavy

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I'm pretty sure I hadn't even played over 1000 maps from the community to completion until around 5-10 years after I first started playing pwads to begin with!

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6 hours ago, Murdoch said:


You can't redistribute other people's maps without express permission from the original authors. Well you could but it won't go down well.

Yes, getting permission from creators would be a part of this fictional project.

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7 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Think again... This will never see completion...

If he takes ~5 hours each then it is just 208 days of nothing but mapping. Just needs to map 8 hours daily for 625 days without any days off or other excuses to stop mapping. And that's without spending a single second planning or testing them lol.

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