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what are the toys that the weapons were modeled after?

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most of the doom guns were modled after toy guns (such as the chaingun) so i was wondering, what were the other weapons modeled after?mv8t4n3yuoa71.jpg.6087be699960da4678ae5ef55d73a303.jpg

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The fist was a direct photograph of Kevin Cloud's hands
The chainsaw was a McCulloch Eager Beaver (borrowed by Tom Hall from his girlfriend), again held by Kevin Cloud.

The shotgun was a photograph of a toy shotgun called the "TootsieToy Dakota", manufactured by the Strombecker Corporation of America, again held by Kevin Cloud

The super shotgun was hand drawn with some parts of the shotgun hand sprites left for reference.
The chaingun is too a photograph of a toy called "Tootsietoy Ol' Painless."
The rocket launcher was entirely hand drawn on DeluxePaint II.
The plasma gun was based on an existing toy gun, a dart-shooting M60-like toy that was popular in the early 1990s (the version of the toy produced at that time was tan). The area in front of the bipod could be detached to use as a separate weapon. The designers simply turned the detachment around so that it was shown backwards. The resemblance is most apparent when the player lifts the weapon at the end of a volley.
The BFG is a heavily edited version of a chinese laser gun.

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