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Favourite TF2 class

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Pyro enjoyer here, I use Phlog and Scorch Shot because I'm too lazy to airblast projectiles and just want big damage with crits and I want to annoy hell out of my enemies outside my range. I once had an entire team fear me in 2Fort because I used the Phlog and they kept raiding the sewers (the bridge was completely empty), when they saw me activate my crits they immediately run away, one of them even had voice chat and said "RUN RUN RUN", felt pretty good.


Pyro is like the only class I play nowadays because he's pretty easy to get into and I don't play the game as much as I used to.

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I main medic, I always go support, the Crusader's Crossbow is my weapon of choice and either the Quick Fix or the Kritzkrieg (depends how much my team acts like lemmings).

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I main Heavy (Which you can tell by my backpack...) however I do enjoy a good game of Pyro or Engineer (Battle Engineer that is) Here are my most used classes (And subclasses):


  1. Main Heavy (AUSTRALIUM MINIGUN, Sandvich, GRU.)
  2. Main Pyro (Phlog, Scorch Shot, Powerjack)
  3. Only Engineer (Unusual Shotgun, Pistol, Gunslinger, although I occasionally meme with the Necro Smasher)
  4. Main Scout (Scattergun, Winger, Atomizer)
  5. Hoovy (Tomislav, Sandvich, Holiday Punch)
  6. Support Scout (Shortstop, Mad Milk, Fan O War or my Glitched Description Bat)
  7. Demoknight (Booties, Tide Turner, Scotsman Skullcutter because melee crits 8)
  8. BATTLE MEDIC! (Blutsauger, Kritzkrieg for self-heal taunt, Frying Pan)
  9. Sniper (Huntsman, Jarate, Bushwacka)
  10. Gun Spy (Revolver, Knife, Sapper, Dead Ringer)
  11. FAT MEDIC! (Heavy) (Tomislav/Syringe Gun on Steroids, the Dalokohs Bar I just throw at teammates/Medigun, Conscientous Objector with an Ubersaw decal)
  12. Soldier (ROCKET LAWNCHAIR, Bison, The Escape Plan)
  13. STOCK PYRO (All stock, but may I mention my Unusual Shotgun and my Hales Own Fire Axe?)
  14. Snorkeling COD Sniper (Classic, SMG, Tribalmans Shiv)
  15. Everything not listed.

Oh, and as for cosmetics, here are my mains.


  • Scout: California Cap, Weight Room Warmer, Graybanns (Alt: Same but with Dapper Topper instead of California Cap)
  • Soldier: Unusual Dapper Topper, Graybanns, Kringle Collection (Alt: Same but with Thousand Yard Stare instead of Dapper Topper)
  • Pyro: Purple Brutal Bouffant, Pyro the Flamedeer, Strange Vintage Stockbrokers Scarf (Alt: Dapper Topper, Pop-Eyes and Stockbrokers Scarf)
  • Demo: Dapper Topper, Graybanns, Starched Silliness Potato Lookalike 2021
  • Main Heavy: Sunbeams Cool Capuchon, Weight Room Warmer, Weight Room Warmer.
  • Hoovy: Red Army Robin, Pyrovision Goggles and Tungsten Toque
  • FAT MEDIC: Coupe Disaster, Gabe Glasses, Siberian Sophisticate
  • Fat Scout: Football Helmet, Graybanns, Bear Walker
  • Engineer: Dapper Topper, Insulated Inventor, Googly Gazer
  • Medic: Dapper Topper, Pyrovision Goggles, Herzenbrecher
  • Main Sniper: Dapper Topper, Graybanns, Dapper Topper (Earthbound Starman version: Bolted Bushman, Final Frontiersman, Hazmat Headcase painted gray, Style: A serious abscence of fear)
  • Snorkeling Sniper: Frontline Field Recorder, Pyrovision Goggles.
  • Spy: Dapper Topper, Graybanns, Rogues Robe
  • Spy Engineer Cosplay: Orange Aperture Labs Hard Hat, Pyrovision Goggles, Escapist

So yeah did I flex enough now? Did I?

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Spy is a really hard, tricky class to learn and play, but god is he satisfying when you pull off cool shit like a chainstab or trickstab. Really there is no other class like Spy in any other game I've played, so I like him the best.

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Never played that much since I've always had a garbage internet connection (especially now that my laptop's internet adapter is giving out), but from what little I did play did like the medic and demoman. Of course the skill wall was a bit too much even shitty connection aside. Any time I played the game it felt like everyone else was playing a completely different game that I could not even begin to understand how to win, so probably not something I'm coming back to half because of that and the requirement of good internet.

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i have over 500 hours on both pyro and medic.

i played medic on highlander and 6s but pyro is simply fun to play on pubs. :D

id say my favorite class is definitvely pyro, i specially love to hide in dumb spots with the detonator and doing silly reflect jumps, flare punches and axing.



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Edited by Luleta
shameless plug

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Soldier by far. I think rocket jumping and bombing people, airshotting and generally being a death-machine is the most fun I've ever had in any game ever.


I like demo's versatility too. I can hit some mean pipes with him B)

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I never got into TF2, but that was during my want to be healer phase. But I'm a tank main when I play OW, so I'd give heavy a try if I were to play nowadays.

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Can't say anything about TF2, never played it. But when I played TF and TFC, I always went with Pyro, Engineer, or Demoman.


There was something really satisfying about playing Pyro and actually killing people; it seemed like it was regarded as the worst class, and the DPS did suck, but when you actually killed someone their reaction was priceless. And I killed a lot of people as a Pyro. "WTF How the fuck did you kill me?" I still remember a clan war in TFC where I was playing Pyro, and I jumped on top of the rival clan's leader and just fired him up. He was running around trying to get me off him, and I just kept bunnyhopping on his head and spreading my own special brand of love. My clan were just laughing their asses off. 


Engineer is probably more useful, I usually just tended to my sentry guns and made sure they were up and running, and killed scouts as they came into the flag room. And Demoman is just fun, who doesn't love a grenade launcher?


But if I had to choose a class, I'd go with Pyro, simply because they're such a weird, and hard to master class. And when you do get good with the Pyro, people notice, and it's really funny. They're great for sowing confusion in the opposing team. I never would've thought that people would start panicking when they're set on fire in a videogame, but they do. Seems like it mimics real life.

Edited by Jello

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Soldier was my favorite in QTF.

Engineer and Demoman were my favorites in TFC.

Engineer, Medic, and Pyro are probably my favorites in TF2, although I haven't played since loadouts and hats and shit became a thing. If vanilla servers were a thing I'd play them.

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I have about equal play time if we ignore soldier's extra time thanks to rocket jump maps. Well except heavy, I don't like playing him one bit. Medic is the most fun though, killing people with needles and saws will never get dull.

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I played (and still play sometimes, in bursts) a LOT of Scout, Pyro, and Spy when I was mainly playing TF2 instead of other games. Nowadays when I play, I've been learning to properly play Soldier, though I'm still awful at landing market gardens. I used to spend a TON of time on randomizer servers, I haven't really looked at them in a long time though. I mostly play 5cp and payload now, I got burned out on CTF a while ago and I haven't had the urge to play it without it feeling a drag after a few minutes.

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I kinda have several classes I usually go with:


Soldier - Banners are so much fun to deploy mid-fight, especially the battalions as it helps push against a sentry way easier and can help a friendly heavy deal with enemy heavy-medic combo's.


Medic - I do enjoy just spam healing the quick-fix on a load of random teammates as I usually build uber lightning fast, plus some people still forget that it's immune to knockback when you pop the uber. :3


Heavy - Big. Jolly. Full of bananas. Heavy is so much fun just being this wall of death that slowly closes in on the enemies, minigun revved the whole time. Anyone who gets too close or aren't careful will get a face full of lead very fast. :D


If we're allowed to add MVM, Pyro would be 4th as spamming the phlog-passer combo just burns robots at stupidly high rates. XD

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Recently, I've started playing the medic because no matter how bad I am at the game, I can still help somehow.

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I main Random, which seems to be why I am the best at every class :)

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