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Do you agree that Doom is becoming a "cute" game?

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I think OP mistook 'cute' and 'colorful'. The newer Doom games certainly are more colorful than Doom 1 and 2 ; but that's for palette and rendering reasons more than aything else. The fisr 2 games didn't contain 'cute' colors like pink, purple or orange, but that's simply because a palette choice had to be made. Sure, you have brighter-colored demons in Doom 2016 and especially Doom Eternal; but I still don't find them cute - and may I add, Doom Eternal with the Doom 1 palette would be a nightmare to play (pun very much intended) since given the pace you wouldn't be able to tell which demon is which.
If you're mentioning the new skins and stuff like that, sure it's maybe not what you would expect from a game about slaughtering the legions of Hell ; but as Hugo mentioned when that topic was brought up a couple of months ago, it's also supposed to be fun ; not only violence and horror. (I'd say go play DotDC but that'd be mean). Of course, there's also all the meme things with Animal Crossing and other assorted cuteness, but even though some questionable stuff was done, it doesn't make Doom cute (as much as it doesn't make Animal Crossing a violent game).

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Not even close. Like maybe there's some silliness within the ultra-gore of the newer games but that also seems to be the case for the older games. Hear the cacodemon deflating death sound (or just the round enemies' design in general really) or the names and theming of some levels and tell me that the classic games don't indulge in at least in some silliness. Haven't played the newer games, but I've seen a hell of a lot from them, and even at a glance the newer games are way more VISCERAL, like extremely so. Sure there is some silliness thrown in, especially in secrets and glory kills but like I think the game NEEDS some levity.

Like, I'm seeing this though the lens of Doom being a nearly 30 year old game and having nowhere near as realistic or hard hitting graphics as the new stuff, but even with the desensitization to violent imagery in video games, The new dooms are fucking gorey and visceral. Not that that's bad, like I said there is levity from it. Is this a joke, I feel like this is bait?

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Doom is the Evil Dead of video games, its tongue-in-cheek while still being visceral and unsettling. I wont deny the engine definitely looks of its time, but I still find its visuals and gameplay more engaging than many more modern and technically "better" equivalents.

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Cute? No. I would call it comic book violence with some dark humour in the mix. There’s over the top violence, buckets of blood and gore, and satanic imagery.

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As far as the custom slayer skins for eternal yes, for everything else... not really. I'd even say it's too edgy sometimes, even.


The original Doom monsters are way cuter, just look at dem cacos then and now. Or the cyberdemon butt. No comparison.


Art by nanka kurashiki @ www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/52882200




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7 hours ago, XBOX UNIDOS said:

but I feels like the game is kinda family friendly, and the demons are "cute"

Y'know, the Whiplash is pretty cute. I'd date her.


looking more like a Halo than what I expect from a Doom game.

If you're trying to make an argument for the monsters looking too cute, you chose a poor comparison with Halo. Only two aliens in Halo were designed to be cute, and 343i gave the Covenant species even uglier redesigns across the board when they took over.


however looking at the modern games like Doom 2016 and Eternal I feels like the game could be more graphic,

Sure, anything can theoretically be more graphic, but as they are, Doom '16 and Eternal are already two of the most violent games ever made. Granted, it's more tongue-in-cheek and not mean-spirited or played for horror, but they're certainly far more visceral than the older games in the series.

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In terms of fan material, there's been cutesy/chibi stuff all along - some of the oldest mods for Doom include adding Barney, Cartoony eyeballs, and Nintendo characters. I guess you could call stuff like the Unicorn skin in NuDoom a bit "cutesy" as well, but "cute Doom" (not to be confused with Doomcute architecture) has always been a pretty limited chunk of the franchise as a whole.


7 hours ago, Jayextee said:

Sorry to break it to ya like this, but DOOM was always cute.







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In terms of cuteness... it would be really hard to turn down Mr. Cyberdemon, I mean have ya seen them cheeks? Hot damn!


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If I may offer  a humble opinion: Doom is certainly not 'cute' in that sense, but also it is cute. In short, Doom has become vintage.


What do I mean by this? Let's use the Spanish Inquisition as an example. In its time and place in history it was a commanding, dynamic, monolithic movement. Its weight of influence over European history, culture, and personal choice cannot be overstated. To be brought before the Inquisition, even when you were innocent and had done no wrong, would have been a terrifying ordeal, because of the level of intellectual sway and sheer power wielded by the Church during that time. But now it is the subject of memes; a historical footnote that has lost all of its immediacy, its impact and its dominance.


In the same way, Doom was just as influential in its day. For many, it was their first experience of being in a world descending into increasing chaos, murder, terror and death. It was far more consuming then perhaps we remember now. it captured the cultural and personal imagination far more than we really give it credit for. It was as close as we could come at that time to genuine virtual reality, of being almost lost in a dreamworld, except that this dreamworld was full of demons and blood and demonic imagery and death. But now that influence and power and immediacy is gone. Doom. Don't get me wrong, Doom is still massively influential, but that immediacy, that sheer physical presence, that dynamic command over the imaginations of an entire generation, is gone. Of course Doom is just as bloody, gory and violent as it ever was. But that violence no longer commands us, impels us, guides our imaginations as a culture. The Spanish Inquisition was also astonishingly violent, but that violence no longer carries any real weight, outside of its historical context.


So in the way that I have said here, Doom is 'cute.' Not visually cute. Not cute in concept or execution or story or atmosphere. But cute in the same way that the Spanish Inquisition is cute.


tl;dr... Doom is cute. But also not cute.

Edited by bLOCKbOYgAMES

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this is a "super gorse nest" it is a pulsating pile of still living human corpses



Edited by BBQgiraffe

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I wouldn't say Doom Eternal is "cute". But it is "silly".


None of it's violence and gore looks remotely disturbing or scary. Even those gore fest nests above. These were impressive and disturbing in DOOM 3 but in Eternal? The tone simply isn't dark or scary at the slightest and the visuals are too bright and cartoony. The violence gives me a Deadpool or Serious Sam vibe as well. It's just silly. Doom 3 this ain't but if you are not looking for a scary/atmospheric game this is a good thing i suppose.

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What do you mean becoming, I thought doom was cute when I first played it as a child. I also find rodents have the most adorable faces, so...

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39 minutes ago, CorianderCastor said:

I also find rodents have the most adorable faces, so...

you make that sound like a bad thing

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39 minutes ago, CorianderCastor said:

What do you mean becoming, I thought doom was cute when I first played it as a child. I also find rodents have the most adorable faces, so...

I mean, they do:


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11 hours ago, Jayextee said:

Sorry to break it to ya like this, but DOOM was always cute.


Those baby blues get me every time. I almost feel bad when I kill an Arachnatron. Well, usually I let them live so they can cause infighting, but I still feel kind of bad when I put two double aught buckshot shells in them once they've served their purpose.

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The classic demon designs can look kind of goofy and cartoonish due to their bright colours and "drawn by a bored kid at school on the back of an exercise book" aesthetic, but I wouldn't say that they're cute unless one considers films like Army of Darkness to be cute as well.

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Cute is a word whose meaning has gone has gone through a thorough historical transformation. There is no argument about cute’s derivation: it is a shortening of acute (and was sometimes actually spelled ‘cute). Acute has meant “clever, shrewd” since Shakespeare’s time and has had a set of other meanings as well, but it has never been defined as “attractive or pretty.” The contraction cute first appears in the early 18th century, but only a century later does it begin to take on its distinctive modern meaning; even after 1900 children were still being called cute as a compliment to their intelligence. (Compare the contemporaneous word cunning, with its strikingly similar ambiguity.) A few years into the century, we start to see the word—finally!—in descriptions of puppies and kittens. But the original sense hasn’t completely vanished; in such sentences as “Don’t get cute with me,” cute has nothing to do with adorable sweetness.



Don't mind me, this thread just brought to me an overbearing need to go verify what "cute" actually means because I felt I didn't understand it anymore.


After reading this blurb about the derivation of the word, I ended up having to agree: Doom is a cute game, in that it is clever and shrewd. Just look at how the dumb-as-a-bag-of-snails AI can manage to fool people into thinking there's actually some pathfinding (there isn't, there's just a prohibition against 180° turns). Or all the rendering tricks to get good performance on hardware that shouldn't have been able to actually render it that fast (if it were actually true polygonal 3D).

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You know, I think with the term DoomCute, the usage of “cute” was the one that is basically synonymous with “adorable and small”, but to me it actually makes more sense with the initial definition as DoomCute structures tend to be on the clever/creative side in terms of texture choice and otherwise..

Rarely do I see a pseudo-3D chair and go “awwww! I just wanna hug it!” but I usually will appreciate the creativity and clever use of textures/midtexes/etc.

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18 hours ago, XBOX UNIDOS said:

 looking more like a Halo than what I expect from a Doom game.

like halo ?, so Doom would be a kind of Halo, but more "pissed off"? I think the new look of demons is far from friendly

Edited by Yvaning

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Well, I don't mind/care as the newer Doom are not to me what the original Doom still is. Hell, I might even play another indie retro FPS and get more of the feeling (in movement, exploration, minimalism) of Doom than with the modern franchise. Modern Doom titles could be called anything else and still pass, I mean they are not bad games, but only relevant because of the brand.

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I think I can sorta see what you're saying here. I mean yeah, what was once shocking and intense rarely stays that way as games get better and better graphics. Take the original Mortal Kombat for example. In it's time it was so violent that it along with a few other games prompted the ESRB rating system to show up so that kids aren't exposed to extreme violence and sex and mature themes at a young age through media. Hell, a lot of the ports had blood taken out of it entirely (or am I thinking of MK 2 that had blood taken out of it in the SNES and Genesis ports?). Mortal Kombat was considered a very intense and violent game at the time. Now though, if you compare it with something like MK10 or MK11, it suddenly doesn't have the same weight as it did.


In that sense I do somewhat see what you're talking about. Doom at one point was one of the more violent video games out there. Now though, the violence doesn't seem that bad when compared to the Glory Kills and general look of Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. I can also understand where you are coming from when you say Doom 3 is darker and scarier than Doom 2016 and Eternal. Now, since I haven't played 2016 or Eternal, I can't agree or disagree with that but I do see why you might think that. I believe Doom 3 was made to be scarier and more horror focused than action. Every other Doom game was more focused on action than horror.


That being said, just because the graphics of Doom is outdated by modern standards doesn't mean that the violence and intensity that was in the game magically disappeared. The game still has things explode into lumps of meat, mangled corpses, intimidating monsters (not by looks but by gameplay. Who wouldn't be intimidated if they had to enter a room full of shotgunners with no armor and 20 Health) etc. I don't think I would call that "Family friendly" or "Cute". Clearly there has been some change in how we see Classic Doom. It's no longer the object of hatred of the "Video games cause monsters" crowd. People no longer point to Doom as being the thing that inspires jackasses to shoot up places.


I don't know if these are the right words for it but maybe "Respected" is a more accurate description for it? Like Doom is no longer the "Dude! You gotta play this new game! You wouldn't believe the kind of violence is in it! I'm talking splattered corpses, buckets of blood and guts all over the place and demons trying to claw your face off. You'll be blown away" Game. I think it's now more of a "Dude, you should give Doom a try if you like playing shooters. I played it and it was way more fun than I thought it would be. Even now it's a really really really good game." type of thing. It's no longer the cutting edge, hottest, goriest game. It's a game has managed to withstand the test of time and stayed just as fun as it was on release even though the graphics and the engine is 20 years old. I think this is the feeling you're getting from Doom.


tl;dr No Doom isn't becoming cute. People are just no longer treating it as an edgy cutting-edge game your parents don't want you to play and treating it as a fun game with rock solid mechanics that stayed fun even after decades have passed.

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