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Joke Threads are underrated.

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14 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:

Doesn't the Everything Else subforum already serve that purpose for the most part? ;^) :^P


Alternatively, if you found a funny image/video you want to share with the community, we have related threads within Everything Else. But if you just want to shitpost pure nonsense, there's always Twitter and 4chan. 

not really, no. you weren't here when it existed, but i remember that, before the update, there was a rules list. included within said list was a rule stating that every thread had to be productive and not just a dumb shitpost. though, considering my god-awful memory, it's possible that i'm completely misremembering things


assuming that those rules still apply - which they likely do considering that it's still enforced - there should be a shitpost containment subforum. i really don't see any downside to having one.

Edited by roadworx

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Containment forum is bullshit, because it'd be a completely worthless cesspit and its entire justification would be basically just "let people satisfy their animalistic urges". Then I gotta ask if it's really Doomworld's role to provide such service. A giant forum for just dumb shit, reposting current_meme.webm and literally nothing of value, there's basically the rest of the Internet dedicated to that.


Furthermore, you can get away with some random shitposting in EE, General or your own timeline. The people who complain the loudest are the people who do nothing but and therefore find themselves on the mods' radar with a stronger signal. Also some people revel in the sheer nature of that boring repetitiveness - say terrywadders, except now in forum form, and they take pride in being called unfunny annoying assholes. You don't want to foster that culture, it inevitably starts seeping over.

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34 minutes ago, roadworx said:

not really, no. you weren't here when it existed, but i remember that, before the update, there was a rules list. included within said list was a rule stating that every thread had to be productive and not just a dumb shitpost.


Don't worry, I got that impression during my first month here when I got two warnings for shitposting because of joke-image responses I made because I was too used to my old forum's culture where that was the norm and needed to unlearn that and acclimatize to DW's forum culture/etiquette. Fraggle's explanation to me of DW's wish for its members to post more constructively and not just waste webpage space honestly made sense to me. Not to mention, since I've been here for a year now, it's very evident to me that DW isn't a humourless void where you're punished for making a wisecrack. You just have to be a little more clever and make it relevant to to thread topic at hand and bring a little more effort to the table is all, which I respect.


Personally, I'm with Dew on this one. A shitpost containment subforum is a waste of time and forum space that only encourages the wrong kind of behaviour DW wants from its members. If people just want to spam random garbage, there's an entire internet out there for you to do that in and shouldn't have to be DW's job to cater to it.

Edited by Biodegradable

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27 minutes ago, dew said:

You don't want to foster that culture, it inevitably starts seeping over.

when you put it that way, now i can see why it'd probably be a bad idea. nvm then, disregard what i've said before

Edited by roadworx

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I don't think I've ever recieved a warning for telling a joke, so I'd assume you would have to do something pretty dumb for that to happen. What people need to realize is that there's a difference between a good joke, a bad joke, and a shitpost.


To help other members figure out what kind of jokes they should be posting, I will present three of my best jokes:


I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day!


Why did the golfer buy a new pair of pants?

Because he got a hole in one.


What does a baby computer call his father?



As you can see, unlike some jokes, these ones actually require deep thinking both to create and to figure out. 

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The best joke threads are the ones that disguise themselves as serious threads. :)

And as much as I miss Post-Hell, we don't need it, because indeed it encouraged more shitposting, I know that better than most people, hehe. But if you saw a joke thread that would soon be deleted and you found it funny, just screenshot it and then you can share it with your friends.

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5 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

I think Doomworld should be more lenient about joke threads. Even though they don't offer much beneficial conversation, they're still fun. Joke threads get closed too early just because they aren't serious, but I think Doomworld should be a little less professional and loosen up a little, like Doomer Boards, but not as much. I know this thread might get deleted, but I think it's worth a shot to get people to be more accepting of "non-professional doomer behavior".

I agree. I think its a little sad that joke threads and a posts with small jokes often gets deleted and punished with warning points etc...

There is a place for jokes as it can build positive relationships between fellow doomers.

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The Internet is bursting at the seams with websites where "shitposting" and memes are the norm. You're totally free to go and post on 4chan, Reddit (there's /r/Doom), or Facebook (I hear there are some big/popular Doom groups there). There are also Discord servers and IRC. If those places already exist, why is it so important that Doomworld be like that too?

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Good humored and overall funny threads are a must once in a while and it's not like they're that rare, there's a lot of inside jokes and meme wads, but just dumb shitposting is something we all can do without.


That said, i think there should be clearer and easily accessible rules establishing this sort of stuff rather than it being left for newcomers to 'read the room'.

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32 minutes ago, fraggle said:

The Internet is bursting at the seams with websites where "shitposting" and memes are the norm. You're totally free to go and post on 4chan, Reddit (there's /r/Doom), or Facebook (I hear there are some big/popular Doom groups there). There are also Discord servers and IRC. If those places already exist, why is it so important that Doomworld be like that too?


Well presumably AtticTelephone isn't a virulent racist so he's disqualified from those websites. 

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God damn.. the bar is lower than the floor itself these days if Doomworld is considered "professional" 😂

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1 hour ago, Mayomancer said:

Good humored and overall funny threads are a must once in a while and it's not like they're that rare, there's a lot of inside jokes and meme wads, but just dumb shitposting is something we all can do without.


That said, i think there should be clearer and easily accessible rules establishing this sort of stuff rather than it being left for newcomers to 'read the room'.

I agree. As a person who suffers from Aspergers syndrome, I am unable to 'read the room' both virtually and in the real world.


None of the warnings and stuff I received has been a result of intentional malice on my part.

Edited by CBM

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2 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Well presumably AtticTelephone isn't a virulent racist so he's disqualified from those websites. 

Actually, I do browse 4chan, but only /co/ and not /vr/.

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Hard to construct to have actual jokes, because of it not allowed that being spoken of.   Has to lie within truth, at least talking about it open of one's own herpies dust cheese.

Same with actual good trolling which goes lazy.  Lazy with the memes too.
Though I don't like the low effort trash, I would rather have someone have a venting OR out to whatever problems they have in life.


Though what I especially laugh is Michael Porfirio/ G Manifesto Haiku tweets.  They won't make sense to most, but I 


Ocean dive


Wearing a custom suit


Chimp strong punching a Caco


gathering spaghetti


dinner with oils, boozing heavy, smoking heavy


Swoop 400 Russian models


Village by the Sea

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The problem with joke threads, and a lot of y'all aren't ready for this news, is that the average poster's sense of humour is nowhere near as good as they've told themselves. And, as such, painfully unfunny to anyone who doesn't relish the same couple-dozen image responses and laps them up every time like seeing an old dog perform the same tricks they learned as a puppy. Shit gets old fast, especially shit we've seen everywhere else on the Internet.

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