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Zone 400 released! (beyond the absolute final bugfix version September 26)

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The issue with the double secret in MAP17 is that line 284 uses action 37 which copies texture and sector type. Since the copied sector is a secret, that action gets duplicated.


Another instance of monsters falling into ground is in MAP04 sector 68. I'm pretty sure these are both node builder errors that could be fixed by rebuilding the nodes with a different node builder or perhaps even by moving the vertexes around a bit.


The only other issues I found are a few floating items in some maps:
- thing 297 in MAP03
- things 171, 175 and 177 in MAP18 if you don't pick them up before the floors under them lower
- things 295-300 and 513 in MAP33

I wouldn't expect this release after all those years but here we are. Great sequel to Zone 300!

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i'm on map15 rn, and so far i gotta say that this is probably my favorite wad of yours i've ever played. it's fantastic, both in visuals (though i'm a bit biased in this regard :p) and in its gameplay, which is just fun in its purest form.

Edited by roadworx

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4 hours ago, Keyboard_Doomer said:

The issue with the double secret in MAP17 is that line 284 uses action 37 which copies texture and sector type. Since the copied sector is a secret, that action gets duplicated.


Another instance of monsters falling into ground is in MAP04 sector 68. I'm pretty sure these are both node builder errors that could be fixed by rebuilding the nodes with a different node builder or perhaps even by moving the vertexes around a bit.


The only other issues I found are a few floating items in some maps:
- thing 297 in MAP03
- things 171, 175 and 177 in MAP18 if you don't pick them up before the floors under them lower
- things 295-300 and 513 in MAP33

I wouldn't expect this release after all those years but here we are. Great sequel to Zone 300!


I'll take these notes as I prepare to upload the final version in the near future (changes will be noted in the .pdf file).


- I thought I fixed all floating things (which is not an issue in Zdoom), thanks for picking that one up in MAP03, did not notice that one, bastard of a thing!

- I was actually aware about MAP04 after failing to get 100% kills on one occasion (although the Arch Vile will help with the 100%) and have just reshaped these sectors. Also retextured them FIREMAG* with RROCK05-09 ceiling, looks better and built nodes using Zennode.

- MAP06 outdoor area has been reshaped to be more 90 degree angles and I think that has solved the problem!

- I do not plan to fix the HOM in MAP32, but at least there are no VPO's. Most people play using source ports and the HOM's occur in areas that are not that important. I do not want to ruin the beauty of this map.

- MAP33 is not really that important, just a Zone 300 remix. But I'll sort it out.

Edited by pcorf

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I thought I was going to have time to get a good session in and play a few maps but instead I played one map very sloppily and distracted and then had to go lol 


Frig sakes 


I'll be back I like the premise





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Bugfix version uploaded, you can download it from page 1. I have also re-uploaded the bugfix to idgames.

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Loving the new verison pcorf!!


However there's one out of place texture in map 33, so that's upto if you want to fix it or just leave it as you said map 33 is not that important.


Sorry I keep finding things :(



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I like that you named some maps by people's names. I remember myself naming maps after my familiars and friends some years ago heh.

Overall the gameplay is simple and fast-paced. I never felt like "where do I have to go now?" and never got overhelmed with visuals.


This wad is now on par with my favorite ones, 2002ado, mm2, prcp and akeldama

Well done!

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I've played the first 11 maps and am really loving the action-packed viciousness. The Space Station episode was awesome. I really loved all those big fights, especially on Map10. And let me not forget the killer OST. These are tunez to blast demons by. They really add a lot to the fun. 


I encountered one instance where I blasted an Imp through a wall on Map04. Probably a node-builder or vertex issue. I was using rockets on these critters. I'm playing on GZDoom 4.6;




Looking forward to your next sequel, because this one is totally off the hook!

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6 hours ago, Bob9001 said:

Loving the new verison pcorf!!


However there's one out of place texture in map 33, so that's upto if you want to fix it or just leave it as you said map 33 is not that important.


Sorry I keep finding things :(




I am leaving it as that is the way it was intended in Zone 300. That map is not important.

Edited by pcorf

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2 hours ago, Steve D said:

I've played the first 11 maps and am really loving the action-packed viciousness. The Space Station episode was awesome. I really loved all those big fights, especially on Map10. And let me not forget the killer OST. These are tunez to blast demons by. They really add a lot to the fun. 


I encountered one instance where I blasted an Imp through a wall on Map04. Probably a node-builder or vertex issue. I was using rockets on these critters. I'm playing on GZDoom 4.6;




Looking forward to your next sequel, because this one is totally off the hook!


This area has been readjusted, retextured to Firemag# and nodes rebuilt in Zennode. I have tested in every angle and it seems fine. Please redownload from page 1.


If these problems occur again it is totally out of my control.

Edited by pcorf

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i finished it, and i gotta say, this is a fantastic megawad. there wasn't a single map that i didn't enjoy, they were all really fun to blast through - even the icon of sin map, which is actually the first time i've enjoyed one of those before. you did an incredible job with this one!!

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4 hours ago, roadworx said:

i finished it, and i gotta say, this is a fantastic megawad. there wasn't a single map that i didn't enjoy, they were all really fun to blast through - even the icon of sin map, which is actually the first time i've enjoyed one of those before. you did an incredible job with this one!!


Yes the aim was to make an Icon of Sin map that was not so boring to play and kept you on your toes always with a dramatic song playing away in the background. So you run for your life, try to avoid getting telefragged, grab the keys and get the heck outta there. You'll also see Romero's head having peaks at you down from inside.

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Ohhh, this is too good, first Skulltivator and now this! I like playing these short, simple and fast maps. I played all maps from pistol starts on UV in GZdoom 4.5.0, but I run into ammo difficulties in some of them. Well, I actually run out of ammo quite often (as could be expected), but here I list instances when it felt really unbalanced or unfair. I also noticed some bugs:


MAP04: an imp fell down into sector 68 when I shot it. This is known nodebuilder issue, you need to use a different/newer one.


MAP06: nodebuilder problem again, this time it's hellknight inside sector 76. See the screenshot below.


MAP08: I died in this map because I completely run out of ammo several times. It's worst right after you open the red and yellow doors (I didn't find the soulsphere/backpack secret). Redistributing the ammo and/or berserk towards the starting areas would help.


MAP12: I completely run out of ammo before I broke the glass to lower the lift to the blue key and died in the subsequent revenant fight. That wouldn't happen if I had the berserk before it.


MAP13: I had no ammo while opening the yellow door.


MAP26: the starting area is pure luckfest from pistol start if the player doesn't find the first secret. But it isn't much better even he/she does. I also tried playing this one with weapons I had from MAP25, but even then, I had to employ monster infigting to conserve ammo. The highly damaging lava floor near start is BS, too. Definitely the most annoying map of the pack.




Edited by Caleb13

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13 hours ago, Caleb13 said:

Ohhh, this is too good, first Skulltivator and now this! I like playing these short, simple and fast maps. I played all maps from pistol starts on UV in GZdoom 4.5.0, but I run into ammo difficulties in some of them. Well, I actually run out of ammo quite often (as could be expected), but here I list instances when it felt really unbalanced or unfair. I also noticed some bugs:


MAP04: an imp fell down into sector 68 when I shot it. This is known nodebuilder issue, you need to use a different/newer one.


MAP06: nodebuilder problem again, this time it's hellknight inside sector 76. See the screenshot below.


MAP08: I died in this map because I completely run out of ammo several times. It's worst right after you open the red and yellow doors (I didn't find the soulsphere/backpack secret). Redistributing the ammo and/or berserk towards the starting areas would help.


MAP12: I completely run out of ammo before I broke the glass to lower the lift to the blue key and died in the subsequent revenant fight. That wouldn't happen if I had the berserk before it.


MAP13: I had no ammo while opening the yellow door.


MAP26: the starting area is pure luckfest from pistol start if the player doesn't find the first secret. But it isn't much better even he/she does. I also tried playing this one with weapons I had from MAP25, but even then, I had to employ monster infigting to conserve ammo. The highly damaging lava floor near start is BS, too. Definitely the most annoying map of the pack.





Please redownload.


I have already uploaded the new version (on July 19) which fixes these issues. Please read the title of this thread.


And yes, use your ammo wisely. Alternate between shotgun, chaingun, RL, etc.

Edited by pcorf

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I'm giving this a go, and have done 15 levels on UV continuous in a day. Excellent straightforward stuff, with none of the infuriating progression issues that plague some megawads. I particularly like the Hexen vibe in the third episode. Only irritation so far is the use of teleporting enemies: I don't mind being annihilated by three Cyberdemons in a small room (well, I do actually), but having a Hell Knight teleport into a lift I'm riding or a chaingunner pop up right behind me is another matter entirely....


EDIT: I've even just this minute found the first secret level, howzat!


Edited by Summer Deep

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2 hours ago, Summer Deep said:

I'm giving this a go, and have done 15 levels on UV continuous in a day. Excellent straightforward stuff, with none of the infuriating progression issues that plague some megawads. I particularly like the Hexen vibe in the third episode. Only irritation so far is the use of teleporting enemies: I don't mind being annihilated by three Cyberdemons in a small room (well, I do actually), but having a Hell Knight teleport into a lift I'm riding or a chaingunner pop up right behind me is another matter entirely....


EDIT: I've even just this minute found the first secret level, howzat!



There are teleporting monsters because I was unable to create that many traditional ambushes due to the extreme linedef limit so there needed to be other ways around the issue. This often happens in larger more open areas. Infighting is strongly encouraged. I also wanted to create something a lot harder than my older work.


Now for you it is time to finish off this beast but be careful in that haunted town of MAP31 (hint, best to press the BFG switch last). It gets a bit tougher from here but you will feel proud when you reach the end (of MAP30), trust me!


Howzat = but sadly no cricket balls to heave at Cacodemons.

Edited by pcorf

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@pcorf Holy shit, you are the Paul Corfiatis?! 


I knew about you and I played some of your mapsets (I just got done with Whispers of Satan last week), but since I am fairly new here, I did not know you were still around. Good to see you are still making Doom projects! :D

Edited by Rudolph

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1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

@pcorf Holy shit, you are the Paul Corfiatis?! 


I knew about you and I played some of your mapsets (I just got done with Whispers of Satan last week), but since I am fairly new here, I did not know you were still around. Good to see you are still making Doom projects! :D


Yes I am still here and still mapping when I can. It has been a fun hobby or many years. I also have another megawad which I have been working on since 2017 almost complete, will not go into too much detail but you can expect it next year.

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15 hours ago, pcorf said:

I have already uploaded the new version (on July 19) which fixes these issues. Please read the title of this thread.



I see. I played the WAD intermittently for the last 4 days or so, so I missed the update.


BTW, there is misaligned teleporter floor in the chaingun secret in MAP33. :-P

Edited by Caleb13

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7 hours ago, pcorf said:


Yes I am still here and still mapping when I can. It has been a fun hobby or many years. I also have another megawad which I have been working on since 2017 almost complete, will not go into too much detail but you can expect it next year.



Well then, I guess I will have to play Zone300 and Zone400 until then.

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For the time being, I have tried out (and finished up) Gangajang. And well, in a nutshell, you are a fucking killing machine, as always.


Also, I have taken the liberty of devising a UMAPINFO lump (which requires a CWILV32 picture, though) for MAP33 and of writing the [PARS] section for its DEHACKED lump.



    levelname = "Gangajang"
    label = "MAP33"
    levelpic = "CWILV32"
    next = "MAP01"
    nextsecret = "MAP01"
    skytexture = "SKY1"
    music = "D_CIRCUS"



par  1  40
par  2  50
par  3  60
par  4  75
par  5  70
par  6  70
par  7  80
par  8  75
par  9  70
par 10  80
par 11 100
par 12  70
par 13  80
par 14  90
par 15  75
par 16  85
par 17  70
par 18  95
par 19  95
par 20 105
par 21  65
par 22  85
par 23  60
par 24  65
par 25  75
par 26 100
par 27 100
par 28  60
par 29  85
par 30 120
par 31  50
par 32 110


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2 hours ago, Diabolución said:

For the time being, I have tried out (and finished up) Gangajang. And well, in a nutshell, you are a fucking killing machine, as always.


Also, I have taken the liberty of devising a UMAPINFO lump (which requires a CWILV32 picture, though) for MAP33 and of writing the [PARS] section for its DEHACKED lump.





I have no knowledge of UMAPINFO. I only play in Chocolate, Prboom-plus and Zdoom.


It seems like many are taking MAP33 very seriously. It is just a bonus level consisting of the first 3 maps of Zone 300 just pasted in, linked together and includes a funny ending because people would be wondering why did Paul not put any SS dudes in and then they suddenly greet you but luckily your Cyberdemon companion helps out. But overall about MAP33 I seriously don't care much about it. The real focus for me is MAP01-MAP32.


Thanks to those who have enjoyed and not enjoyed this. It was fun and tiring at the same time creating this and I especially enjoyed composing the music. The OST (mostly in SC-55 soundfont) will eventually be released to Bandcamp and uploaded to Youtube. I wanted to aim for a challenge that would keep the player always moving, many say run and gun and they are sure correct about that. But I know a lot of players like harder maps and I am known for making more easy maps. But my playing skill has vastly improved in recent years to be on par with other players. I doubt I'll go true slaughtermap territory like Sunder for example.

Edited by pcorf

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I'm on Map29.  It's been a fun outing, and if you like to "kill the bastards", this is it. The formula became somewhat predictable in the middle of the WAD, but the hell episode really changed things. My first deaths were early on in the hell episode I believe. Perhaps it's the demons luring Doomguy into a false sense of security, sacrificing many of their own in the process, then really pulling out he stops in avenging their fallen. By Map 29 they've well and truly succeeded. My 1st death on Map 29 was from a freaking Zombieman, after taking down basically all the heavyweights with the BFG, lol. Encountering the unexpected, the creative monster placement and map layouts, Wads with this kind of gameplay are whats is worthy of a Cacoward.


It's one of those wads that you just want to keep playing, because it's fun. Sure, it somewhat gets predictable near the middle, but even then, the gameplay somehow feels fresh, there is always an unexpected surprise or two, and there is a lot of variety in monster placement. Sometimes you pick up a key and get an almighty ambush, other times not, or even just going near a key or switch, or even walking through a door will have unexpected results. Even discovering the well stocked secrets without even knowing how you did it. I like that. Keeps one on their toes and keeps the wad from getting boring. This guy knows how to use Arachnotrons and Pain Elementals! I like the short maps, keeps it from becoming boring, and keeps the player engaged. Looking forward to Map 30, I know I am not going to get out alive! 


Pcorf's wads have always jived with me, and this is no exception. Hopefully there'll be a Whispers of Satan 2! 



Edited by Hells Kitchen

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4 hours ago, Hells Kitchen said:

I'm on Map29.  It's been a fun outing, and if you like to "kill the bastards", this is it. The formula became somewhat predictable in the middle of the WAD, but the hell episode really changed things. My first deaths were early on in the hell episode I believe. Perhaps it's the demons luring Doomguy into a false sense of security, sacrificing many of their own in the process, then really pulling out he stops in avenging their fallen. By Map 29 they've well and truly succeeded. My 1st death on Map 29 was from a freaking Zombieman, after taking down basically all the heavyweights with the BFG, lol. Encountering the unexpected, the creative monster placement and map layouts, Wads with this kind of gameplay are whats is worthy of a Cacoward.


It's one of those wads that you just want to keep playing, because it's fun. Sure, it somewhat gets predictable near the middle, but even then, the gameplay somehow feels fresh, there is always an unexpected surprise or two, and there is a lot of variety in monster placement. Sometimes you pick up a key and get an almighty ambush, other times not, or even just going near a key or switch, or even walking through a door will have unexpected results. Even discovering the well stocked secrets without even knowing how you did it. I like that. Keeps one on their toes and keeps the wad from getting boring. This guy knows how to use Arachnotrons and Pain Elementals! I like the short maps, keeps it from becoming boring, and keeps the player engaged. Looking forward to Map 30, I know I am not going to get out alive! 


Pcorf's wads have always jived with me, and this is no exception. Hopefully there'll be a Whispers of Satan 2! 




Haha, it is always that damn Zombieman or Former Human that kills you with his pathetic pistol, happens to me often, damn hitscanners. Even though it was not meant to be a perfect wad, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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pcfor, you're a legend mate! this wad is absolutely insane!


ps- what's a linedef? i'm a player, not a maker, and all I know is that a linedef refers to the potential size of the map

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I found another enemy fall through the floor area in MAP32, the revenants near the yellow key door. I never had that problem until now =  VERY FRUSTRATING!. A pain in the butt because I need to reupload it again in the future. It is like a curse for me releasing this.


Which is the best nodebuilder to prevent this? I can rebuild nodes in all maps and reupload at a later date.

Edited by pcorf

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