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Why I left this community.

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shit, i never realized your status meant that ))):


you should know that things are really different around here ever since the update. the old mods are pretty much inactive and have been replaced by people who aren't enormous douchebags - this isn't a somethingawful clone like it used to be, the atmosphere is far more welcoming and accepting than it once was.

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I'm pretty new to Doomworld; I didn't realize it had been so toxic in the past.  So far, I've never felt unwelcome here - hell, I even feel safe having a Pride flag in my avatar, and clearly I'm not the only one - so I get the impression things have changed significantly for the better.

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I'm genuinely sorry for the negative impact people on the internet have had on your life, and I agree that title is insulting. I would rather be banned than be officially "promoted" to a retard. 


But in the end, when you sign up for a forum, it's like being a guest in a hotel. Most guests have no issues. Some of them get loud and the manager kicks them out for being a nuisance. Some people get kicked out because the manager was having a bad day. There is no way to determine what your host thinks you are deserving of and why. While there may be a rules page, rules aren't entirely objective. When you join a forum, you will always be at the mercy of the people running the forum, and they are humans. Sometimes they have lapses in their moral judgement just like everyone else.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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1 hour ago, RestlessRodent said:

I do not know if I will be back, maybe I will visit now and then more.


I hope that you do, fam. Such old bullying tactics are a thing of the past. Such bullshit is met with zero tolerance today and DW does its best to foster a much healthier and more pleasant experience. Some people might have an argument here and there, but nothing too nasty. Plus, the staff today are very diligent in keeping things orderly and are quick to snuff out shitstorms before they start.


I hope you give us a second chance.

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2 hours ago, RestlessRodent said:

I do not know if I will be back, maybe I will visit now and then more.


Good to see that you got that label removed. I remember seeing it before but didn't know what it meant. You should stick around and visit more often.

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I've been playing Doom since 1993, but only recently joined doomworld because I was already building maps. I've found the community to be helpful with constructive criticism that really helps modders. People have been very polite to me, I have no idea what it was like before 2021 though.

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Concur with the rest of the comments here. The mods are cool and the community on the whole has a pretty low dickhead percentage. I think if you give it a chance, you just might like what you find. Good job whoever removed that stupid rank. It was an extremely petty thing to have done to you.

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25 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

the community on the whole has a pretty low dickhead percentage.


You missed the word "hanging" after "pretty low", my good sir. :)

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Damn I had no idea the community was toxic like that when you were around. I joined in 2014 and I have had mostly positive experience on here. The people are nice, the community is chill, the moderators are good at what they do... In my own experience this is one of the more nicest places on the internet. Sorry you had to experience what you did when you were more active in the community.

Edited by Zulk RS

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Urgh, that rank was awful, makes me angry just seeing it (and much worse for you having been stuck with it for so long). I’m glad it’s now removed, and I hope for the same treatment very promptly if there are any other similar ranks lurking out there.

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3 hours ago, RestlessRodent said:

Thank you, I have had this for so long and now it is finally gone. I do not know if I will be back, maybe I will visit now and then more.

As someone who has dedicated himself to the task of recollection and archival with, amongst it, the ReMOOD work you have done including its obscure ports to Windows CE and the work on Chocorenderlimits, i would very much welcome your return back to these premises.


You will find that there is more dedication and most importantly, respect for those members who carry a significant legacy for this community. I know i sure am.


Whether that be through the WADAZINE by @Endless, to the endless (heh) Cacoward nominations for this year - One can safely tell this community is thriving more than ever before.


For whatever it is worth, RestlessRodent - Your line of work and influence has had definitive impact to this community in a significant way.

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Like others have said, this community has changed since the old days. It wasn't terrible, but I feel it was more wild back then. Maybe it's because the people running things have matured. Good to see it didn't take long at all to get the title changed this time.

Edited by Chopkinsca

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8 hours ago, rd. said:

I'll ask about getting some more removed, but I don't want to risk irritating admins by removing more than just this one myself. 

What? I thought only admins can change custom titles... I know because once I was retitled "... DUMB ..." (instead of "... DOOM ..."); I asked the most recent supermod about it, and he really told me only admins can change titles...


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Good to see you again.  I hope you stick around.


This place has gotten a lot better over the past decade, and most of the edgelord-ness on Doomworld has either been grown out of or run out of town on a rail.  I recommend you stick around, you might be surprised.

Edited by AlexMax

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And that's why you always keep a quality control for moderators, i received 2 Rudeness points by now, one justified and accepted, other because of i was "Mean" for some reason, what's this ¿the my little pony forum? but that's my thought, you deserve more respect man and i'm sorry you had to go through that, i wish you all the best and please stay so we can play more of your stuff!

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15 minutes ago, Kurogachii said:

And that's why you always keep a quality control for moderators, i received 2 Rudeness points by now, one justified and accepted, other because of i was "Mean" for some reason, what's this ¿the my little pony forum? but that's my thought, you deserve more respect man and i'm sorry you had to go through that, i wish you all the best and please stay so we can play more of your stuff!

TIL there're rudeness points

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37 minutes ago, Kurogachii said:

And that's why you always keep a quality control for moderators, i received 2 Rudeness points by now, one justified and accepted, other because of i was "Mean" for some reason, what's this ¿the my little pony forum? 


This is not the place to opportunistically sneak in unrelated grievances about whatever minor infractions you got but disagree with. Comparing these is trivializing the OP's concerns, which current staff really care about. 



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30 minutes ago, rd. said:

opportunistically sneak

this is a public topic i just gave my opinion and supported the user.


30 minutes ago, rd. said:

which current staff really care about.

Sure thing.

Edited by Kurogachii

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Just now, Kurogachii said:

this is a public topic i just gave my opinion on supported the user.


Sure thing.

man, just stop and admit you messed up, don't make yourself look like an ass...

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9 minutes ago, Kurogachii said:

this is a public topic i just gave my opinion on supported the user.


Sure thing.


RestlessRodent's concern was a shitty custom title from years ago, not warnings. I've checked your warnings and feel both are justified, you have no real reason to complain about them on this thread.


Anyway, lets move along.

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13 hours ago, RestlessRodent said:

Why I left this community.


It has been a few years since I last posted. A few weeks ago a prominent person passed away due to bullying and harassment on the internet.

I take it you're talking about byuu/Near, then.


I can't say that I know what this place was like way back then, as I wasn't part of it then and was just starting to crawl onto the internet myself, but I'd say a lot of it was culture shock: The late 90s/early 2000s were all about attitudes and the loudest and brashest people got the most attention.


Nowadays people are a lot more aware of it, primarily because a lot more people are on social media and are starting to realize just how quickly that can ruin someone. (I'm personally thankful my high school years finished before it really took off.)


Whether you come back is up to you, but the forums definitely seem like a different place from what they were back then. Would be curious to see what Ling or the other people who were around at that time and are still floating around have to say though.



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Wow, so sorry you had to suffer with that title. I'm glad it's been changed. Oddly enough, I never knew of you by name, but I knew your work, because ChocoRenderLimits was a vital aid to me when I was mapping for TNT:Revilution. I literally spent hours and hours in that app killing HOMs and VPOs. I hope you stick around and make even more contributions in the future. :)

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