june gloom Posted July 17, 2021 I'm bad at forums (and probably too political) so I'm not here too much either, but I do feel that Doomworld has become a more welcoming place in recent years. The mods do a pretty good job around here. My main forum for years was TTLG and the moderation over there is absolute dog shit. 1 Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted July 17, 2021 (edited) On 7/17/2021 at 6:20 PM, Dark Pulse said: I can't say that I know what this place was like way back then, as I wasn't part of it then and was just starting to crawl onto the internet myself, but I'd say a lot of it was culture shock: The late 90s/early 2000s were all about attitudes and the loudest and brashest people got the most attention. Expand i wasn't here either - i was only born in 2000 lol - but i was on forums in the late 2000s/early 2010s and it was pretty awful then, too. forum culture back then was absolutely horrendous, and there's still plenty of places that've clung onto it unfortunately. thankfully, doomworld isn't one of those places and has actually matured and become a healthy (ish) community :) On 7/17/2021 at 7:26 PM, june gloom said: I'm bad at forums (and probably too political) Expand nah, you're no worse than i am :p Edited July 17, 2021 by roadworx 0 Share this post Link to post
omx32x Posted July 17, 2021 i am quite surprised to see no one talking about @GoatLord on this threadhe has stated in the past that he does not like his custom title because he also sees it as a form of mockery source: theres probably many people who left the community for the same reason 3 Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted July 17, 2021 (edited) I have actually since embraced being the village idiot, because it also happens outside of this forum. It's made me un-offendable. Edited July 17, 2021 by GoatLord 10 Share this post Link to post
omx32x Posted July 17, 2021 On 7/17/2021 at 10:57 PM, GoatLord said: I have actually since embraced being the village idiot, because it also happens outside of this forum. It's made me un-offendable. Expand oh man dont sell yourself so low 2 Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted July 18, 2021 (edited) Hey GhostlyDeath.. I mean RestlessRodent, just a voice of the past (from the old <C-D> days) popping in to say I hope you decide to stick around. On 7/17/2021 at 10:57 PM, GoatLord said: I have actually since embraced being the village idiot, because it also happens outside of this forum. It's made me un-offendable. Expand I've always seen you less as the "village idiot" and more as the one guy at school who only shows up to half of the classes and is usually on some drug I've never heard of. There is a pretty strong distinction there, imo. Edited July 18, 2021 by Doomkid 4 Share this post Link to post
CBM Posted July 18, 2021 (edited) On 7/17/2021 at 8:07 AM, RestlessRodent said: Thank you, I have had this for so long and now it is finally gone. I do not know if I will be back, maybe I will visit now and then more. Expand There are good and bad people on this forum, no-matter what their rank or role is ... But someone like you, who has been on this forum for so many years are likely already aware of this and aware about who those people are. Those people can also depend on who you are and I think thats just something to do with some people being a better fit to each other than others. There are also a lot of unwritten rules... and breaking them WILL result in warnings and whatnot... I expect you know that too. Also do not always expect those warning etc to be completely fair, in any case, any attempt at arguing about them will likely result in more warnings. However, also keep in mind that mods are also just people like everybody else. As a person with Aspergers, I often fall in to these (to me) invisible pit falls and it does hurt me each time. So I usually walk on eggshells on this forum. However, I have no doubt that what others have told you about the forum improving is correct. I see significant improvements compared to just 2 years ago in most areas.. and a few areas where it has gone the wrong way, mostly related to feedback from contributions. I am an old fart born in 1980 but I only joined this forum 2 years ago and even as a one who lurked around here for a few years before joining, I couldn't really say much about how things were done on here several years ago. Sorry for the long post and sorry if this post is unintentionally stepping on anyones toes. And sorry for my bad english, it is not my native language. Edited July 18, 2021 by CBM 3 Share this post Link to post
AkiraZXE Posted July 18, 2021 (edited) I wouldn't say it's gotten better. Somebody could leave because they were given a vindictive nickname stuck right to their profile. Today, it could be because you fought back in a public hazing session. Everyone then felt just as justified as they do now. The stories that justify it may have gotten more sophisticated, and people may use less crass language, but nothing has fundamentally changed. Edited July 18, 2021 by AkiraZXE 4 Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted July 18, 2021 (edited) On 7/18/2021 at 2:10 PM, AkiraZXE said: I wouldn't say it's gotten better. Somebody could leave because they were given a vindictive nickname stuck right to their profile. Today, it could be because you fought back in a public hazing session. Everyone then felt just as justified as they do now. The stories that justify it may have gotten more sophisticated, and people may use less crass language, but nothing has fundamentally changed. Expand if you mean everyone shitting on someone cuz they're a reactionary asshole (the impie incident for example), that's not hazing. that's forcing shitty, reactionary elements out of the community, cuz we don't want doomworld to become another breeding ground for bigots and fascists like certain other doom communities have become. the unfortunate truth is that if we let people like that set up camp here, they'll congregate and eventually force people like us (i.e. people they deem as "degenerates") out. i've seen it happen to multiple communities and i'm sure many others here have as well. On 7/18/2021 at 6:08 AM, CBM said: However, I have no doubt that what others have told you about the forum improving is correct. I see significant improvements compared to just 2 years ago in most areas.. and a few areas where it has gone the wrong way, mostly related to feedback from contributions. Expand feedback? what do you mean, like criticism of people's work? i do agree that we could be a bit less harsh on more amateur works, yeah Edited July 18, 2021 by roadworx 7 Share this post Link to post
xdarkmasterx Posted July 18, 2021 On 7/18/2021 at 4:59 PM, roadworx said: if you mean everyone shitting on someone cuz they're a reactionary asshole (the impie incident for example), that's not hazing. that's forcing shitty, reactionary elements out of the community, cuz we don't want doomworld to become another breeding ground for bigots and fascists like certain other doom communities have become. the unfortunate truth is that if we let people like that set up camp here, they'll congregate and eventually force people like us (i.e. people they deem as "degenerates") out. i've seen it happen to multiple communities and i'm sure many others here have as well. Expand I don't agree with Impie's political opinions at all, but I think he warrants a defence here: Trashing someone's hard work with snarky, aggressive language and scrutinising his rightfully indignant response as if under a microscope for the slightest excuse to ban him is no way to foster a healthy community. The message conveyed is not that his behaviour and beliefs are harmful and offensive in themselves, rather that if you step out of line, you will be punished. His being banned was IMO completely unjustified and everyone standing against him clearly had a single path laid out for him to be shepherded down no matter how he conducted himself. 8 Share this post Link to post
Fletcher` Posted July 18, 2021 On 7/17/2021 at 1:11 PM, Antkibo said: That title seems something straight out of SA. Glad they changed it. Expand Considering that the founders were originally from SA, that should not be surprising. 2 Share this post Link to post
Major Arlene Posted July 18, 2021 Okay folks, one thing I'm going to make clear is that this is not a grounds for debate about your or other people's bans or punishments. While I and other mods happy to extend an olive branch up to a certain point, do not attempt to abuse that for gain, especially if you were given reason for that warning or punishment. This is not what this thread is originally about. Further derail will result in the thread being locked. For what it's worth, I do think that admin/mod given shameful titles are a practice that should expire. We have better ways of handling things now. 9 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 18, 2021 Is this a good place to ask for a custom title removed? 0 Share this post Link to post
Major Arlene Posted July 18, 2021 On 7/18/2021 at 6:41 PM, Jayextee said: Is this a good place to ask for a custom title removed? Expand Send a message to a moderator and we can get that sorted out. www.doomworld.com/staff 2 Share this post Link to post
Xyzzу Posted July 18, 2021 Reveal hidden contents I still want a custom title but I totally understand the mods or admins growing up and not wanting to give them out anymore. 5 Share this post Link to post
MidnightMage Posted July 18, 2021 On 7/18/2021 at 6:44 PM, Xyzzy01 said: Reveal hidden contents I still want a custom title but I totally understand the mods or admins growing up and not wanting to give them out anymore. Expand I am in the exact same boat. 4 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 18, 2021 Why tho? I literally want a default because, well, there's no rhyme nor reason I should have a special one. *I* am not special, not around these parts anyway (despite having been around here forever, on and off, even if not the longest). The title "Darth Jrrr", I can't even remember how that came about; but I know it's a weird nickname an old housemate had for me which may take a few tiers of explaining. It's nothing bad, but just like, that was *almost twenty years ago*. 1 Share this post Link to post
Xyzzу Posted July 18, 2021 I mean, it'd be nice to have one for the same reason we all have custom avatars :P why not have the title under my handle be unique as well? 3 Share this post Link to post
june gloom Posted July 18, 2021 (edited) (Not related to anything in particular, just musing) If you want to make a place nicer, you get rid of the jerks. It's just that simple. Edited July 18, 2021 by june gloom 7 Share this post Link to post
AkiraZXE Posted July 19, 2021 Like I said, sophisticated stories for why they feel justified. If the story was true, and everyone was being honest, then the details of specific incidents wouldn't be forbidden. Not-harassment doesn't need to be hidden under euphemisms and enforced silence. It'll probably be this way for another 5-10 years, until there's some new story, and we can all have this conversation again, except about how witch-hunting and hazing were wrong and it's gotten so much better. 2 Share this post Link to post
Dark Pulse Posted July 19, 2021 I mean... we could just assign our own custom titles... </UnpopularOpinion> Reveal hidden contents Yes, I know that's likely not possible due to them having no real access to the forum guts, thus meaning they can't just install a plugin. 1 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted July 19, 2021 On 7/17/2021 at 4:23 AM, RestlessRodent said: I am not a random person begging for attention, but someone who just wants to be heard after so long. Expand Sorry to hear this caused an issue. I didn't come up with the forum ranks, nor did I edit these particular titles. However, I also didn't have a problem with them either. Not to dispute, but just to explain: the common understanding of the day was simply that such things were said or done in jest. Personally, I never put primary emphasis on a word's literal definition, but rather its communal context (that is, how different communities use the same words in different ways). And in this community, we gave no reason to take the rank seriously: anybody could see any number of intelligent or well-informed or creative posts from people with that title and know it was nonsense. It was just our way of not taking things too seriously, so I'm genuinely surprised that it gave anybody a dilemma. But in light of that, one thing I want to clarify: I knew a lot of the people running the forum at that time quite well, and the others well enough, so I can't have it be said that whoever gave the title was acting in some kind of malicious or oppressive way. Although it ultimately played out the way it did, I know it wasn't the intention of the staff member to cause any genuine distress, so please consider that when coming to whatever conclusion you finally decide on. As for how things stand now, I don't see any problem with users having whatever title they want. I've usually always given people whatever title they asked me to give them. Plus, most of the forums I've registered on in recent years have let me do that from the start, and I've generally appreciated that. Therefore, I've enabled the ability for all users with more than 4 posts (our default spam cutoff) to set their own titles, so if you don't like your current one you can go ahead and change it. Just go to your profile, click the "Edit Profile" button at the top right, and it'll be the second option. 92 Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted July 19, 2021 On 7/19/2021 at 3:43 AM, Lüt said: Therefore, I've enabled the ability for all users with more than 4 posts (our default spam cutoff) to set their own titles, so if you don't like your current one you can go ahead and change it. Expand +++ Lüt for administrator of the year 32 Share this post Link to post
Dark Pulse Posted July 19, 2021 On 7/19/2021 at 3:43 AM, Lüt said: Therefore, I've enabled the ability for all users with more than 4 posts (our default spam cutoff) to set their own titles, so if you don't like your current one you can go ahead and change it. Expand I stand absolutely corrected! 1 Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted July 19, 2021 (edited) well that solves that :) On 7/19/2021 at 2:26 AM, Dark Pulse said: Yes, I know that's likely not possible due to them having no real access to the forum guts, thus meaning they can't just install a plugin. Expand this aged about as well as milk sitting out in the sun Edited July 19, 2021 by roadworx 8 Share this post Link to post
Dark Pulse Posted July 19, 2021 (edited) On 7/19/2021 at 3:51 AM, roadworx said: this aged about as well as milk sitting out in the sun Expand On Venus. But I had actually heard that a lot of the reason they couldn't do stuff was because they had no real access to some stuff. I figured that was one of the things they couldn't do. Edited July 19, 2021 by Dark Pulse 2 Share this post Link to post
Boaby Kenobi Posted July 19, 2021 (edited) On 7/19/2021 at 3:43 AM, Lüt said: Therefore, I've enabled the ability for all users with more than 4 posts (our default spam cutoff) to set their own titles, so if you don't like your current one you can go ahead and change it. Expand This will please a lot of people. There have been various threads in the last year or so asking about custom titles and how to get them. On a slightly related note, how do I disable the recent visitors option for my profile? I've looked but I can't find the option. I know some users have it enabled and some don't so there must be a way to change it. Just as I ask about that I find the option. Thanks anyway. Edited July 19, 2021 by Boaby Kenobi Update to question asked as answer was discovered 0 Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted July 19, 2021 WAIT hold on what does this mean for @Gez now that custom titles have become changeable? 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark Pulse Posted July 19, 2021 On 7/19/2021 at 3:54 AM, roadworx said: WAIT hold on what does this mean for @Gez now that custom titles have become changeable? Expand He must still do more, of course. 6 Share this post Link to post
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