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Most Satisfying Enemy to Kill.

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Two-shotting cyberdemons always feels great.  Aside from that, I think cacodemons always feel satisfying to kill, especially in some wads where you have to rocket a whole cloud of them.  The aforementioned SSG pinky kill is always fun as well.

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arch viles and pinkys,the first because fuck arch viles and the second because it feels cool to ssg them and then change to another weapon

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aside from killing fodder enemies, firing rockets or bfg balls into a crowd of revenants is one of the most satisfying things in the game

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Rocketing Revvies is #1 on my list, because those jagoffs are always the ones causing me the most anguish.


#2 is a BFG blast on an Archie, because I like to watch them go flying.


#3 is the always smile-worthy "rocket into a horde of Imps" because, yes, I like to watch their bodies splatter and scoot across the ground, or through the air if you pick them off from up high. Oh, life is good!

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Gibbing zombies and imps with the berserk is my numero uno. That "splatter" sound is almost ... sexual.

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Single enemy, probably the archvile (with anything, really).


Groups of enemies, I'd say rockets into imps, BFG into arachnotrons, or BFG into clouds of flying enemies (for the sounds!)

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There's nothing like two-shotting a cyberdemon with the BFG for me. Second favorite would probably be killing former human variants with the chaingun though.

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Going by sound and look, SSG blast followed by arachnotron collapse. Alll smashing of unwanted bugs should sound like that.

But really the sound of an archevile dying is the most satisfying cause not only have I killed that archevile but also anything that it could have resurrected.

Runner up would be a far off cyberdemon dying in infighting.

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14 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Damn... talking about Doom's gameplay really makes me sound like an absolute psychopath. ーー'

We've all been there. Don't worry, man!

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Killing a Zombiman (Former human) at point blank range with the BFG is a superbly satisfying feeling.

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I really like the noises of both the Pinky Demon and the Arachnotron. 

And I doubt it counts, but whenever you kill yourself with the rocket launcher intentionally.

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archie and revenant. the little shuffle you do with them at close range is a treat every time. usually feeling too powerful doesn't evoke any interesting texture or rhythm so they're a great balance. on the flip side, once the enemy's HP gets too high the dance goes on too long. i feel like doom's movement excels at glass cannon type enemies, tension and release in every step.

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There are a lot of specific combinations between a weapon and a monster that I find really satisfying. For that, I'd probably have to go with basic things like rocketing fodder or BFG-ing a big clump of varied stuff. 


Even more satisfying events to me are "situational": stuff like... 


- when a lot of mid-tier monsters have been weakened from infighting, so they melt unexpectedly to a small amount of chaingun fire each, or even like one or two shotgun blasts 

- rare, unexpected multi kills (like your BFG blast happens to take out 2-3 weakened cybers, or revs are softened up by rockets so one SSG blast takes out 3-4 of them)

- firing a rocket at a set of popup monsters you already know is coming (played the map or the section of map before), and crossing the linedef to make the group rise out of the floor when the rocket is already in the air right next to them 

- when well placed barrels can do a lot of damage (one barrel, several mid-tiers) instead of necessarily needing barrel overkill

- a pet favorite of mine seems to be unusually tricky cyb two-shots. this is a favorite of mine that I had a clip of




And that list isn't comprehensive either. There's a lot of it. 

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The way the chaingunner splits apart after being killed is pretty satisfying imo. I love when dangerous enemies have a satisfying death animation. It's like the game is offering a secondary reward for prioritizing your targets correctly.

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After decades and possibly millions of Doom monsters killed, there is no question that killing the imp with a single barrel shotty is the finest video game satisfaction on God's green earth.



(It's almost like meditating to kill a big crowd of imps, one after the other, with the single shotty. Until that awful moment when RNG kicks in and one of the imps decides that today is the day it wants to survive said shotty blast to the torso. Cue instant semi OCD anxiety and suppressed rage.*)

Edited by bLOCKbOYgAMES

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For me there is something strangely satisfying in taking out a firing squad worth of chaingunners (best with a rocket launcher, but also good with taking a chaingun itself and doing it, almost like revenge?). Maybe its spite or maybe its just the feeling of taking them out quick before they have a chance to whittle your health down to zero, but its something I honestly never get tired of.

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One particular kill that satisfies me so much is when I go chainsaw a chaingunner that's hiding behind a corner, whether premeditated or not, because the asshole didn't see it coming. His death sequence is the body getting sliced in half, which makes full sense to me... 


which is as satisfying as some other circumstantial kills I also enjoy a lot, either related to multikills or not, when the opportunities exist I can think of these:


- extremely rare blockmap nonsense that actually plays in your favor, like the occasional time you shoot an SSG shot to kill two imps in a cluster of 4-5 and they don't die at first (or only one falls), and then the next shot finishes them all.


- similar to the above but when it's 2-3 pinkies or spectres instead, while this is naturally less trickier to pull off it's no less amusing


- using the chainsaw in "unorthodox" cases for giggles, like on a baron while it's infighting something meaty like a cacodemon, or an arachnotron as you try really hard to get inside the hitbox while he's mad looking at you


- special kills unrelated to actively shooting at a monster can be another source of satisfaction, such as when detonating one barrel which pushes other barrels onto the monsters around either melting or weakening them severely, or incidentally telefragging a stuck something is always hilarious, particularly if you previously herd that monster to the teleport knowing the results


- when two barons are together holding paws and you place that BFG shot so both go back to hell at the same time without disrupting their brotherly love, same deal when it's a lesbian archvile couple


and then there's the classics rocketing fodder, piercing through zombies with CG, BFGing multiple things at once in a row, carving space with PR, punching revenants, the rare two-shot cyb in tight quarters like that one in udtwid e4m6 (that is, when there's no "4th rocket" shit luck), bonus points if the last shot sends the corpse off screen, makes me laugh hard when that happens with cybs or SMMs.

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Hitting cacos with rockets that are very far away makes me feel skilled. ALSO deleting entire crowds of pinkies with a single SSG blast one at a time is so god damn satisfying, just for the fact that you know 99% of kills will only need a single shot...

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31 minutes ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

There's something very satisfying about killing arachnotrons with the SSG. The sounds mesh so well

SECONDING THIS! It's rather noice

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