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Because of the running speed of the marines. 

Racing green. 

It takes its name from the green international motor racing colour of the United Kingdom. 






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26 minutes ago, SynDoom said:

Just so the demons can be sure that death is indeed coming their way.


Yes. Terrifying bright green death.

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I like to think that it was thought of early on during conception. Their idea of Hell probably consisted of a lot of red, and the hero would need to stand out and be the opposite, the negative of hell. But since red's negative is cyan, I'm glad they went with the next closest color.

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23 minutes ago, Swordofdanu said:

Because of the running speed of the marines. 

Racing green. 

It takes its name from the green international motor racing colour of the United Kingdom.


More like Kawasaki Green. Well, he does run as fast as a moped, after all...or  has been riding one all-along...



Edited by Maes

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2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Why does Doomguy and co wear such bright green armor?

it's obviously a devious attempt by the UAC... Think about it... That armour is such a bullet and attention magnet, that the demons, who came from hell, a place known largely to be red and black, had a much easier time getting rid of the UAC personnel... It was a conspiracy right from the very start...


The goal was never to just invent teleportation, or exploit a different dimension for resources, the goal always was the "Great Culling" of the human species... And making the supposedly strongest fighting force in the known universe less difficult to deal with really ties in, after all...


I'd like to think that green and blue are to demons what people believe a red towel is to a bull with massive horns and short temper... The UAC set us all up... Game over man... Game over...

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And we would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that pesky Doomguy. 

Edited by hybridial

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His green armour has chlorophyll in it.


The red light of the sun on Mars (because of the dust) makes it possible for UAC to develop efficient usable artificial photosynthetic nanobot polymers that feed sugar intravenously into doomguy so he doesn't have to eat so often...


Really true fact.

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For me Doomguy canonically comes in 4 colour variants, and since there are no mirrors when playing single player I could be any one of them.

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4 minutes ago, Gwarl said:

For me Doomguy canonically comes in 4 colour variants, and since there are no mirrors when playing single player I could be any one of them.


Here's a problem for you then: the Elders of Doom declare that any green-armored Doomguys must leave the game. There are no mirrors, as you said, and other Doomguys don't communicate with you. All Doomguys gather all together only at the beginning of a game. How many games will it take for all green-armored Doomguys to leave the game?

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You know how in the first few minutes of the Deadpool movie, there was a joke about him wearing red so that no one can see him bleed?


I'd figure it's the same thing for when Doomguy has to walk through all that toxic waste.

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Demons can't see green color. Animals on Earth developed green retinal photoreceptors to distinguish green plants. There is no green plants in Hell, demons don't need these photoreceptors.


So, green armor looks gray or black for demons.

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My guess is id either consciously or subconsciously went with green armor because army clothes are generally (stereotypically) green. Not bright green, granted, but still green.

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The standard military fatigues are typically in green, and bright green pops out in a level more than dull green does.

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Maybe the reason it’s so bright is so that the other marines can tell where there fellow marines are at, like the green that construction workers wear.

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Doomguy is green because he cares about the environment. He walked to Earth all the way from Phobos, what a hero.

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USMC’s gear is always a solid color. They may have camo uniforms, but their gear, armor, etc. are always olive drab green or coyote tan depending on where they’re stationed. It’s always a solid color though. The reason for this is solid colors tend to work better in more than one environment as camouflage than a camo pattern does, so they won’t have to change gear over and over to fit their new camo uniform. This is the choice of the marine corps, the other branches don’t all follow the same exact protocols, as the army for example, when they change uniform camo pattern, their gear will have the same camo pattern change too. 

So maybe the bright green is just out of Doomguy’s control. It’s what was issued to him. 

Edited by Gerolf

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5 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

it's obviously a devious attempt by the UAC... Think about it... That armour is such a bullet and attention magnet, that the demons, who came from hell, a place known largely to be red and black, had a much easier time getting rid of the UAC personnel... It was a conspiracy right from the very start...


The goal was never to just invent teleportation, or exploit a different dimension for resources, the goal always was the "Great Culling" of the human species... And making the supposedly strongest fighting force in the known universe less difficult to deal with really ties in, after all...


I'd like to think that green and blue are to demons what people believe a red towel is to a bull with massive horns and short temper... The UAC set us all up... Game over man... Game over...


I gotta say this sounds like a great story. I would love to read a story arc based around this idea. 

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8 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Bright green armor really wasn't the best choice for Doomguy and his squad, the bodies of which can be found around the various labs on Phobos. Why does Doomguy and co wear such bright green armor?


..at first I thought it was to make him stand out from the background in multiplayer, but oddly, the 3 other colors are much more muted and blend in, even the dark red. So that can't be it!

Is much simplier than what everyone think.


Green is the color of hope.

Doomguy is the last one to stand a chance.

He is humanity's only and last hope.

And green spread good vibes, brother!

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9 minutes ago, Smoothandz said:


I gotta say this sounds like a great story. I would love to read a story arc based around this idea. 

Eh I'm not too sure about it, Doom 2016 and Eternal have basically done the same already, with the UAC deliberately opening the gate to hell instead of genuinely doing it by accident like in the original games. And IMO I'm not too much of a fan of that sort of plot/premise.

2 minutes ago, P41R47 said:

Is much simplier than what everyone think.


Green is the color of hope.

Doomguy is the last one to stand a chance.

He is humanity's only and last hope.

And green spread good vibes, brother!


Edited by inkoalawetrust

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1 minute ago, inkoalawetrust said:

Eh I'm not too sure about it, Doom 2016 and Eternal have basically done the same already, with the UAC deliberately opening the gate to hell instead of genuinely doing it by accident like in the original games. And IMO I'm not too much of a fan of that sort of plot/premise.



Um... I see. I was thinking more of a story of corporate corruption inside the UAC that leads to the original events. And the decisions that lead to bright green armor... 

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9 hours ago, Doomkid said:

..at first I thought it was to make him stand out from the background in multiplayer, but oddly, the 3 other colors are much more muted and blend in, even the dark red. So that can't be it!


If the demons are as colorblind as me then green doesn't stand out at all

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2 hours ago, Gerolf said:

USMC’s gear is always a solid color. They may have camo uniforms, but their gear, armor, etc. are always olive drab green or coyote tan depending on where they’re stationed. It’s always a solid color though. The reason for this is solid colors tend to work better in more than one environment as camouflage than a camo pattern does, so they won’t have to change gear over and over to fit their new camo uniform. This is the choice of the marine corps, the other branches don’t all follow the same exact protocols, as the army for example, when they change uniform camo pattern, their gear will have the same camo pattern change too. 

So maybe the bright green is just out of Doomguy’s control. It’s what was issued to him. 


Green was likely chosen for the obvious military association, but I suspect the choice of bright green may have come down to technical considerations such as palette.

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Blame Id software for doing it, and also, I kinda agree with you that the bright armor doesn't look good.

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