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The Activision Blizzard Situation ¿Any Thoughts?

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1 minute ago, Kurogachii said:

There are people saying that the company should straight up shutdown, by that logic, riot, EA, Ubisoft and like 70% of the big gaming companies should just stop their operations since all of them have been accused of something.


Well, yeah. They keep getting funds to keep doing shitty things. That's the problem. It's not just that they do one shitty thing, they continue to do shitty things without repercussions. That's why people harp on not monetarily helping those companies.The only people whom you should be concerned about in cases like these are the developers and employees working under these companies, and instead of spending however much it is on a WoW subscription, why not donate to a charity like Girls Who Code (whom the #ActiBlizzWalkout participants are asking for you to support)? Instead of spending $60 on Spyro 4, tip an indie dev who's working to create a fantasy game that's just as good. While it is good to stay away from bad companies, I would agree that there needs to be some kind of alternative to fill the hole in the market. There's plenty of ways to do so- how will you choose to do it?


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30 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

in case yall were curious who it was:


this entire thing doesnt even feel real anymore its like we found a bug in the matrix or something how can someone take a picture like that without being self aware? (yes bill cosby wasnt going to jail at that time but he already had a lot of allegations towards him)


when people startd to talk about this case i though many things sounded too unbelivable to be true but no ITS EVEN WORSE then what was in the documents

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Boycotts? Ending WOW subscriptions? How fucking slacktivist can you get? 

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21 minutes ago, dew said:

They just don't seem to work, because the majority of customers won't give a fuck - and the question is why. Perhaps because they don't hear about the issue, or perhaps they tune it out because the message gets distorted by stupid noise very soon.

I think another problem is the fact that so many people call for boycotts of so many different things for so many reasons. So instead of people coming to terms on their own about what they want to buy/won't buy and who they want to support/not support, they just say "suk my dik i aint cancel nothing, 2021 every1 whine about something blah blah blah". Then, to rebel, they go online and feel the need to defend the people who made the product they bought, as if to validate their own beliefs or something.


If you like a product made by shitty people and continue to buy it, fine, I get it. It probably enriches you or entertains you, or makes for something good in your life. You like the product. But you don't have to become a shill for the company and defend their actions. You can even buy the product while still condemning the people responsible for the product, and I would still understand. But some people feel guilty and make asses out of themselves whiteknighting for their beloved developers. That's what these big corporations want - they want you to stand on a chair to kiss their ass everytime they fuck up.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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5 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

I think another problem is the fact that so many people call for boycotts of so many different things for so many reasons. So instead of people coming to terms on their own about what they want to buy/won't buy and who they want to support/not support, they just say "suk my dik i aint cancel nothing, 2021 every1 whine about something blah blah blah". Then, to rebel, they go online and feel the need to defend the people who made the product they bought, as if to validate their own beliefs or something.


If you like a product made by shitty people and continue to buy it, fine, I get it. It probably enriches you or entertains you, or makes for something good in your life. You like the product. But you don't have to become a shill for the company and defend their actions. You can even buy the product while still condemning the people responsible for the product, and I would still understand. But some people feel guilty and make asses out of themselves whiteknighting for their beloved developers. That's what these big corporations want - they want you to stand on a chair to kiss their ass everytime they fuck up.

man it always makes me sad when people trow away what they belive in just so they can play a game or watch a movie or something like that


i dropped ship from blizzard the moment i saw that they decided to go for money instead of human rights and i dropped ship from actvision when they blamed us war crimes on russians so it messes with my mind how people only drew a line on actvision blizzard now that the scandal has come out


and even now there are still people saying how they will buy overwatch 2 anyway when it releases or how they will buy the next cod regardless of what actvision does like why does people sell themselves so low for a company that doesnt even care about their consumers?

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2 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Boycotts? Ending WOW subscriptions? How fucking slacktivist can you get? 

given how shitty mainstream gaming culture is, that's actually commendable. at least it's something this time around instead of absolutely nothing.


though, tbf, if you're from a country outside the us, that's kinda the best you can do other than donating to charity (which in of itself isn't the best answer)

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Man I'm so glad id Software dodged this bullet. Microsoft seem reputable enough to be safe from committing crap like this.

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9 hours ago, Major Arlene said:

This whole thing had me thinking about public apologies and what we really want from them. Have a thing I wrote.

All wishful thinking aside, the number one thing that I want from an apology is that the person who is supposed to apologize actually apologizes for the "right thing", and without beating around the bush. It's shit like this I'm talking about:


Everything on your list right there is an immediate and inevitable consequence of knowing about and being forward with the very thing someone's supposed to apologize for...

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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1 minute ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

All wishful thinking aside, the number one thing that I want from an apology is that the person who is supposed to apologize actually apologizes for the "right thing", and without beating around the bush. It's shit like this I'm talking about:

Aye- I sort of address that in points 1 and 5 but really, that's what I mean. It's kind of hard for a cold corporate entity to feel "sincere" but I think listing and then taking steps forward is a good way to do that, as well as being open for feedback.

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On 7/23/2021 at 5:55 PM, Kurogachii said:

People are really dumb, it's 2021, internet exists, books exists, common sense exists, and people still think stuff like "Oh! it's a girl! more power to her, girls can't make bad decisions or have bad intentions right?" or "all men are evil because when i was young i had a bad experience".


But anyway, dummies will fall for the bait and activision will get away with it.


I have not seen one person speak positively in regards to Frances Townsend's statement, and I'm not even sure if anyone actually has.

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9 hours ago, [McD]James said:


I have not seen one person speak positively in regards to Frances Townsend's statement, and I'm not even sure if anyone actually has.

Doesn't change the fact that people unfortunately have that ultra basic mindset.

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10 hours ago, [McD]James said:


I have not seen one person speak positively in regards to Frances Townsend's statement, and I'm not even sure if anyone actually has.

If the past.. what..? 10 - 15 years should have taught anybody anything about gamers, it's that they're willing to "forgive" or even defend a lot of shit that happens to be incredibly heinous, exploitative, or downright dehumanizing... Unless this thing here really blows up hard activision blizzard's face, there's a pretty high chance they're going to get away with it in some capacity...


Yeah, sure, right now WoW is bleeding subscribers, and it has been for quite a while, but let's not forget how many loafs blizzard has in the oven, not to mention how amicable they are when it comes to meeting china's requests for altering content that was in their games for several years, just to gain access to that market...


The point is that this won't snuff them out, and they have more than enough money to run a PR-campaign which will convince the majority of their loyal fanbase that they've changed for the better, until the next big pile of shit gets unearthed...


When was the last time anybody talked about the way they treated BlitzChung at that hearthstone tournament..? When was the last time anybody talked about when blizzard decided, more or less over a weekend, to axe E-Sports support for heroes of the storm and cancel all events, which in turn ruined the careers and livelihoods not only of some of their employees, but also that of a whole bunch of streamers..? When was the last time anybody talked about the monstrosity that was gonna be diablo immortal...? It's been awfully quiet in that regard ever since D2 remastered has been teased...


I love having some faith in humanity, but if I were you, I'd be lot less "generous" with it...

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@Kurogachii Only a very small number of vociferous individuals believe in earnest that all women are ever capable of fault. Again, I haven't seen one person defending her, and given how easily crazy shit gets amplified on social media, I question whether anyone actually has. It just seems to me like you're trying to strawman a swath of people into adopting a stance they don't actually have because it's easier that way for you. 


@Nine Inch Heels I agree with pretty much all of that. I've held off on commenting much on this because the details are both infuriating and saddening, and also because I really don't think there's any easy solution to any of this. It's easy for people to single out Activision because of its poor relationship with its customers, but I think it's folly to act like these instances of a corporation turning a blind eye to human suffering and a group of developers being a bunch of womanizing shitbags are problems that are exclusive to just one company. 


I'm sorry, I'm kinda rambling now. I'm probably too drunk to be talking about something like this right now.

Edited by [McD]James

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36 minutes ago, [McD]James said:

It just seems to me like you're trying to strawman a swath of people into adopting a stance they don't actually have because it's easier that way for you.


Oh yeah i'm reeeeally evil, geez people are so sensitive nowadays, even on a forum for such a hardcore game like DOOM! it's hilarious.


I was just giving a thought, but well, i think i hit a nerve, also i already gave my stance about blizzard, fuck blizzard, some people are involving PC stuff that has nothing to do with it, just to seek attention, like, nobody cares, there was also a guy who replied to me saying something about hitler or something but that comment got deleted for some reason, weird.


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10 minutes ago, Kurogachii said:

some people are involving PC stuff that has nothing to do with it, just to seek attention, like, nobody cares


Yeah, I can definitely think of at least one person doing this exact thing. 

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To dub the things you said as "ultra basic mindset" is pretty reductive.... I mean, "all men are evil because when i was young i had a bad experience".

That's the thing. It's not "when I was young I had a bad experience", it's "I have been having bad experiences regularly throughout my life". The thing some people don't really seem to understand is that when people say things like "men suck" they are not referring to every individual man on earth. It's kind of hard to put it into a clean set of words but it's a statement about Men, Categorically, not Every Man Under The Sun. And like, yeah. They do. There's so much you can dig into about it, we could get into it about how men are possessive over their daughters to an obsessive degree (the dad who "jokingly" threatens his daughters boyfriends), we could get into stuff like catcalling, date rape culture, men who won't take no for an answer when you tell them to stop hitting on you, creepshot culture, like damn dude the Bloomberg article literally says "Female employees working for the World of Warcraft team noted that male employees and supervisors would hit on them, make derogatory comments about rape, and otherwise engage in demeaning behavior, the agency alleges." and "The employee had been subjected to intense sexual harassment prior to her death, including having nude photos passed around at a company holiday party, the complaint says."


Hell dude what do you even do when your supervisors and coworkers are talking about how they want to fuck you and are joking about rape within earshot? At your fucking job, they do this? They pass your nudes around for fun at a company party? How is that supposed to make you feel? And it happens all the time, Blizzard isn't the only company that does this, the video game industry isn't the only one that does this, it's everywhere, all the time. When this happens to you, it doesn't make you feel like a person, it makes you see that the men around you just see you as a sex object. People react to "men suck" with the reaction of "i must correct them on how they are wrong" without trying to understand what makes you come to that conclusion. Because trust me, it is NOT one isolated event.

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2 hours ago, Kurogachii said:

Oh yeah i'm reeeeally evil, geez people are so sensitive nowadays, even on a forum for such a hardcore game like DOOM! it's hilarious.


I was just giving a thought, but well, i think i hit a nerve, also i already gave my stance about blizzard, fuck blizzard, some people are involving PC stuff that has nothing to do with it, just to seek attention, like, nobody cares

you're literally the one who brought the topic up. you're also the only one making a big deal about this and getting upset about things people are saying.


honestly, from the looks of it, it just seems like you wanted to bait someone into responding so you could have a chance to act like the victim.

Edited by roadworx

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7 hours ago, Kurogachii said:

there was also a guy who replied to me saying something about hitler or something but that comment got deleted for some reason, weird.


It was pruned as it was a response to some of your bullshit that also got pruned, that you actually reported.


So lets not play the victim here, you're purposely saying things to get under peoples skin and diluting the discussion for you own personal lolz and nothing more.


Any more nonsense from you, and the mods will be taking action.

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The two issues are completely seperate, Activision & Blizzard's products vs how they treat the people who work for them.


It's just both things are shitty, but the latter issue is definitely more serious and has more potential infringes on the law. I am not a customer of their's because I don't care to be, and I think their impact on gaming at large has been brutally negative creatively. 


The people working there still have a right to not work in a horrible environment and the company at least has a responsibility to their workforce. Crunch Culture is awful, and derogatory behaviour towards colleagues is awful. If the plaintiff here has compelling evidence, I hope the company does not get off lightly.


If someone decides they don't want to involve themselves with the company's products, that's entirely their business to make, including the motivation for it. 



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On 7/30/2021 at 2:17 AM, printz said:

Man I'm so glad id Software dodged this bullet. Microsoft seem reputable enough to be safe from committing crap like this.

Don't hold your breath. Just because nothing has come out yet does not mean nothing happened.


After all, we have just recently started hearing about how abusive Tim Willits allegedly has been. And Id Software has admitted to doing crunch - which is simply an inexcusable practice - for Doom Eternal.

Edited by Rudolph

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12 hours ago, Kurogachii said:

Oh yeah i'm reeeeally evil, geez people are so sensitive nowadays, even on a forum for such a hardcore game like DOOM! it's hilarious.

i was expecting you to say that


people say dumb shit get called for it and them they go "oh you guys are all triggered" when they get called for it


ive seen many so called "anti sjw's" using this to escape an argument without realizing the irony that they were the ones who were "triggered" at nothing in the first place

look at your comments dude you were thee one who was being "so sensitive" here

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I think there should be a moratorium on using "sensitive" as an insult or a reproach. Being sensitive is a good thing, actually; it means that you have empathy and you genuinely care about the others - which is clearly what has been lacking at Activision-Blizzard...


If anything, what is (generally) not a good thing is being irritable.

Edited by Rudolph

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7 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

I think there should be a moratorium on using "sensitive" as an insult or a reproach. Being sensitive is a good thing, actually; it means that you have empathy and you genuinely care about the others - which is clearly what has been lacking at Activision-Blizzard...


If anything, what is (generally) not a good thing is being irritable.

yes my bad about that its just that i have seen some many times people replying to others about being sensitive when things arent going their way that it just pisses me off thats why i used sensitive in quotations

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9 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

yes my bad about that its just that i have seen some many times people replying to others about being sensitive when things arent going their way that it just pisses me off thats why i used sensitive in quotations

Do not worry! My comment was not specifically aimed at you.


Watching the OP disparage people for being sensitive merely reminded me of all the times the term has been used as an insult or a reproach - usually by insensitive jerks against people showing legitimate concern or even displaying righteous anger.


This is something that has been bothering for quite a while, and I felt like sharing my thoughts on the matter here.

Edited by Rudolph

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12 hours ago, Liberation said:

So lets not play the victim here, you're purposely saying things to get under peoples skin and diluting the discussion for you own personal lolz and nothing more.


I didn't know that giving a personal opinion on a thread that I started was getting into people skin but okay, i guess all you want to hear is some sesame street bs, i'm sorry.


12 hours ago, Liberation said:

Any more nonsense from you, and the mods will be taking action.

Shiver me timbers alright lmao

Edited by Kurogachii

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On 7/29/2021 at 7:59 PM, Major Arlene said:

in case yall were curious who it was:



Edited by Rytrik

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