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Doom Mod Project + Tons of Mods

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I have a doom gaming channel where I play and stream mods with other mods for fun! Im just wondering what are all the wads that are compatible with brutal doom lol! Maybe this will be useful for you as well! I'll be doing alot of wads together, but not to many lol. and i have good gaming pc so i should be fine. here is my setup so far and maybe you can give me some ideas! This is my project! I would love to hear your feedback! <3 <3  

  • Corruption Cards
  • Brutal doom
  • Colorful hell 
  • Maybe fire blu lol even though i wont be able to see anything!
  • Doom metal soundtrack 
  • 10.5 mod adds little bit more enemies basically 
  • some hd mods 
  • doom hud wad
  • all the weapons for brutal doom and skins!
  • bright maps wad 
  • vortex wad for 3d items! 

if you want to know how to get some mods ill post the link or you can join my discord. I have tons wads xD. 

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I mean I would suggest skulltag/zandronum and gzdoom mods but if you just want to play with brutal doom I don't think I'm no help unless you are going to do let's play's on these I suggest I would totally subscribe to your channel but I'm warning you not all of these are compatible with brutal doom unless if I give you skulltag versions which I do have ok here is the wads


Hell after dreams 1 an 2

Other horror wads by hevn demonic

Nightmare maze wads

Aiwwac 1 an 2

Swan fox 1 an 2

Angry Anna Halloween and Xmas quest

Other horror wads by audom moy

Hotline uac & number of the beast

Handofnagash's hell legacy

Hierarchy of (chaos this one is compatible with bd)

Extreme Invasion & extreme survival


I can't mention everything I have in my doom folder but if you like these I will suggest more :) also please I'm only doing this to help you not to insult you because it's not for brutal doom at least you can do actual let's plays but BTW this is very important do not decline this you need either skulltag content for zandronum or skulltag emulation for gzdoom by tddr I guess thats his name but I helped you since nobody is commenting on this thread :)





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