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Psych's MIDI Music! (Or Junkman I guess)

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Much appreciated for sharing your awesome MIDI works in here! I remember that I got this collection from your discord channel long ago, and I've been enjoying this a lot. I'm planning to use more music in the future, besides Struggle, Antaresian Reliquary, and Ozonia. Like Gothic mentioned above, your work definitely deserves more recognition. Because of that, the recent honorary member medal from id Software, celebrating the release of Syringe as an official add-on, was such a great news to hear. :)


Again, thanks for sharing your collection to the public, and keep up the good work!

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Welcome, and thanks for the midis! I am currently few in my a project of mine, although it is stalling a bit. I will have to look at your new stuff as well.

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Thanks to everyone who replied and reacted to this post. It's good to see you all.


For anyone out there who makes music as well, make sure to drop a quick link or something to your material so I can go and listen to it too.

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Belated-ish welcome! I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but serious thanks for letting us yoink some tunes for Syringe -- damn good stuff, and now I have Tuneswings stuck in my head again 'cause I'm thinking about it. Welp. :P


Really digging this new stuff, especially Always Dragged Down -- tempted to bump one of the midis I picked out for my WIP thing so I can make room for it. :P

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I always love hearing new midis! In my mind I am wondering if "Always Dragged Down" could be adapted to Doom 64's sound set.

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Huh, I could have sworn you were already registered here years ago but just never posted (given the usual crossover of SA goons and Doomworld during the 2000s), then I see you only had an account here since 2020. Shows what I know.


Welcome. Neat music.

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On 7/26/2021 at 4:48 PM, Edward850 said:

Huh, I could have sworn you were already registered here years ago but just never posted (given the usual crossover of SA goons and Doomworld during the 2000s), then I see you only had an account here since 2020. Shows what I know.


Welcome. Neat music.

I registered here lately because I initially wanted to ask a question regarding Crispy Doom. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a big baby regarding Doom. I still am overjoyed I managed to even beat Plutonia's Go 2 It without cheats. That should sum up my level of Doom expertise.


Anyhow gonna keep the groove up and make some more stuff while the iron is hot. I'll keep posting new material here when it'll be ready.

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Nice to see ya here Phsych. Been following ya since the Rise of the Triad video on youtube.

Your compositions are great and Im glad that they are being used amazing mapsets.

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This is great stuff -- thanks for sharing it here! Love the four most recent ones you mentioned in your post, especially A Flash in the Darkness and the melody and solo in the latter part of Eyes Locked in, Ready to Kill. I'm looking forward to listening to the rest of your compositions.

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Thank you everyone else who just posted, nice to see you all. I wasn't sure where this next song was headed at first, but I'm feeling comfortable posting it now.


This next track was made for Xulgonoth's Eternal Doom MIDIpack project and this one goes full ambient. It was heavily built around the motif of one of Eternal Doom's compositions called Hell's Bells, originally made by Rich Nagel. It's very moody and minimalist and doesn't remotely sound like anything else I previously posted. It's called Distorted Beauty.


Check back on the first post for the Soundcloud version. I'll add the other songs to the playlist as they are posted.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Time to finally bump this since I actually do have two new songs to show off! And hopefully there'll be more to follow too.


First of all, the obvious release, We Are All Waiting! This was the song I did for the Alien Vendetta MIDI pack and you can hear it in Map 29. It's probably the darkest and most ominous song I've made yet, which is nice because the level it was made for also was very dark and ominous.


And now, a new MIDI I just finished. It's called Moments of Uncertainty. This wasn't made for anything in particular and it kinda tries to go for a more laidback approach, with abrupt loud bridges and a smooth, more straightforward rock vibe. I'm honestly not sure it's that fitting for Doom in particular, but hey. I thought the same about every other song of mine people used in their projects!


As usual, Soundcloud versions are found in the original post. Hopefully there'll be more songs this year and I'm posting this to give me a kick in the rear to do more. 

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