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I posted this in another thread about setups a while back, but the only thing that's changed since is the lower keyboard and the wallpaper.


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52 minutes ago, CrystalHawk_Doom said:

I'm too cheap to buy any extra fancy stuff for my area.


I will never, EVER understand the appeal of glass sides and LEDs in gaming rigs. In fact I find it outright baffling. When I am trying to get immersed in a game, I do not want a huge box glowing like a circus display on the outer edges of my vision. Last time I worked on my computer, I ripped out every single LED and replaced the glass side with the non-glass side of a similar second case to make it less conspicuous.

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I mostly agree with that sentiment, though I can usually forgive a few indicator lights here and there. While the side of my case is glass, it's a very dark tint and I still almost wish I went with a metal one sometimes, but since I block most of it with my monitor I suppose it doesn't matter too much because other than one strip of light and a few indicators on the Mobo, there's nothing with lights in there anyway.


I most definitely agree when it comes to backlit keyboards. I recently replaced the one in the photo with a keyboard with no backlight and it's so much cleaner feeling.


Though I'm mostly indifferent about gaming LEDs, and do prefer a more classic look, I appreciate the love some people put into their rigs.


Also, @CrystalHawk_Doom it's about time to clean that keyboard, don't ya think?

Edited by Lippeth

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21 minutes ago, Murdoch said:


I will never, EVER understand the appeal of glass sides and LEDs in gaming rigs. 

That's why i'll get a simple dell case instead of having disneyland on my room.

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31 minutes ago, Murdoch said:


I will never, EVER understand the appeal of glass sides and LEDs in gaming rigs. In fact I find it outright baffling. When I am trying to get immersed in a game, I do not want a huge box glowing like a circus display on the outer edges of my vision. Last time I worked on my computer, I ripped out every single LED and replaced the glass side with the non-glass side of a similar second case to make it less conspicuous.

Yeah, it's fucking ugly and I hate rgb, but I don't feel like taking the whole thing apart at the current moment.

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5 minutes ago, The_Trve_Raith said:



Here's my epic battlestation. Pls no judge I spent alot of time working on it.



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53 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:


Fucking hell, mate. Clean your keyboard!


I have seen worse. I once called around to a customer's place to check on something having replaced the drive in his old tower with an SSD. The tower was so choked with dust I was amazed it had not fried itself. His place was so dusty, even his monitor was obscured by it. I was like "Sorry, I got to do this quickly, I can barely breathe." did the quick tweak and all but ran out the door. It was vile.

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Can't take a picture of my laptop with my laptop, I mean part of it maybe but I uninstalled the drivers for the webcam, so I'll describe my set up instead.

uhhh, I just use my laptop on my bed. I don't recommend this, you should not be awake and doing stuff on your bed a lot. I just do so cause this is the only part of the room I can point the screen towards a corner of the room for privacy.

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Gaming in Chernobyl 



Better than when I actually was full Chernobyl Gaming




Edited by mrthejoshmon

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Still like this without a coffee table to put the laptop on and the desktop under the desk hasn't seen much use. Though if I get a coffee table, then the desk should be replaced with something less space taking?




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17 hours ago, The_Trve_Raith said:



Here's my epic battlestation. Pls no judge I spent alot of time working on it.

You almost had me for a second there. Almost.

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  • 1 year later...

I got a second monitor (the one on the right) for my birthday and finally had the time to set it up over the holidays. I know it looks a little funny because of my tiny desk, but it'll do for now so I can get used to working with one. Once I finally get to move out, I'll get myself a bigger desk and replace my main monitor to take full advantage of the rigging.



Edited by Biodegradable

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what bothers me most, every single time i see that Certified Classic image of the functional ashtray with at least 14 empty(ing) packs of newports on top, is not the mess itself (i too, have spent hours picking my up cig butts off the floor, the 'pression aint no joke), but the fact that most of those cigs are like half smoked. newports are like a 4 minute cig!! there's like 4-6 more hits left on the overwhelming majority of those nasty shits. it's not like sitting at a computer to the point where piss bottles become a necessity requires the same sense of urgency as being a line cook, when it comes to satiating a nicotine addiction. when i was a line cook, i could get an american spirit down to the filter in like 7 minutes (200% efficiency). to smoke merely half a newport in/on the middle of a computing session is just bonkers


i should probably stop typing this, my lung hurts thinking about it.

&no, i dont/wont have an image Of My Computer At My Desk sorrynotsorry


Edited by heliumlamb

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here's my setup; i'm getting a new monitor (a princeton eo710) soon cuz the one i currently have sucks ass, but i'm stuck with this for now :p


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My art/music/video battle-station. 




Neutron, Minilogue XD, Crave, TD-3, WASP, Volca Keys, Kick & Sample




ASR-10, Juno DS-88

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On 1/3/2023 at 8:24 PM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

I was going for a BDSM theme.


This is hilarious. Mission accomplished.

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