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Hitscanners vs non-hitscanners


Does DOOM need hitscanners?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Can I safely replace all hitscanners with similar projectile attacks?

    • Yes
    • No, It will break mod compatibility

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I have been thinking about skipping hitscanner enemies in GZFreeDOOM, that is... instead of whatever monster I do to replace the shotgun guy uses the shotgun guys hitscan attack, then I could create a fast shotgun shell projectile instead with the same type of spread, same with chaingunner and zombieman et. al.


would that break anything if somebody wanted to use GZFreedoom as their main iwad when playing other doom mods?


I had another idea, limiting the ammo of certain enemies like the shotgun guys replacement so it will need to default to melee when the ammo is gone, but that would most certainly break things I think.

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I think it depends how one defines break. I doubt your ideas will stop mods from being playable and completable. But it will affect balance, for better or worse. Perhaps make them optional features?

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I would keep them in. As annoying as they can be when abused, hitscanners are a great way to add tension to combat encounters.

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I guess it should be optional features then, in case I decide to go with it.


Maybe I could do some menu options like... limit ammo : no, yes, yes and drop remaining ammo + use hitscan attacks : no, yes

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Perhaps have each of the hitscan tracers be a very fast moving projectile? I know some mods like Quakes Arcane Dimensions and Doom 64 CE do something similar.


Edit: I should probably read the OP before I post hehe. But like the other's said, having a toggle would be better.

Edited by Wavy

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maybe its just me but games that completely remove the hitscans makes the enemies all feel the same

in the end of the day the only difference between a shotgunner and a imp is that you can avoid the imp projectile (of course just an example ignoring stats and stuff)

if you are gona do that then give the enemies different projectile patterns so the enemies dont feel too similar on combat

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it won't break mapsets (it'll probably make them a bit easier tho), but if any gameplay mods use hitscan attacks then yeah, it'll probably break them

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  On 7/29/2021 at 6:14 PM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

I think it all depends on what you're trying to accomplish. If GZFreeDOOM is meant to be a DOOM equivalent like FreeDOOM, I'd try to keep the important gameplay elements in place.


True. It is meant to be(come) a (Free)DOOM equivalent made specifically for the GZDoom engine. So in theory I should not be messing with gameplay mechanics at all

Edited by CBM

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