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What is your greatest fear?

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Title says all about this post. My greatest fear personally is the thought of one day just... Disappearing, from every internet forum, my youtube account, life in general, and nobody would care, or notice.


What would you say your greatest fear is?

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Being lost and alone. Having nothing and no one to anchour myself to. Being significantly less important to everyone I know than they are to me. Every relationship being a temporary affair that never lasts.

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37 minutes ago, The_Trve_Raith said:

Title says all about this post. My greatest fear personally is the thought of one day just... Disappearing, from every internet forum, my youtube account, life in general, and nobody would care, or notice.


What would you say your greatest fear is?

funny my biggest fear is quite the countrary

i have taken some big steps towards separating my online persona from my personal identity but i know i left some connections out there fomr the time i was a kid and i didnt knew what i was doing

i like to know that if someday i do something very stupid, i suffer a misunderstanding or hell maybe i if i got some crazy online stalker i can just burn this nickname and fake name i have been using for a long time and just create a new one and start over

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A primal fear of the dark. Or rather of the things in the dark. A fear that we inherited from our ancestors. The very ancestors that would have been scratching at the dirt very mindful of the dwindling sunlight. They knew that the night was dangerous because that's when the beasts would come out. Now and then someone would sleep too far away from the fire and be pulled away into the long grass. Their screams would echo into the stygian depths of night.

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I'm gonna add the cliché answer and say that I have no fear whatsoever. I have experienced so much shit in my life to give me such a thick skin through personal growth that the shit put me through that I really have absolutely no fear whatsoever. I take life as it comes and enjoy it to the fullest, while it lasts.


FEAR = Forget Everything and Run


also FEAR= Face Everything and Rise

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Not coming back into this thread in case someone posts a picture of one, can't even look at them,  Skyrim was a nightmare. 

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getting a song I dislike stuck in my head, but I'm too tired to move and play a different song to forget about it, so it's stuck in my head all day. 

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A black hole sucking up the earth or giant spiders becoming real. If I saw arachnotrons or masterminds roaming earth you are never gonna see me again.

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"My biggest fear is trees. I feel like they are always throwing shade."


(The crowd goes berserk, throwing rotten food and booing me loudly. One guy calls me a jackass while another rushes the stage and drop kicks me into oblivion)


But bad jokes aside, watching a rising mushroom cloud knowing there is nothing I can do against what is coming next. Hopefully, I'll be close enough to be incinerated  or out right killed. The fear of dying slowly and painfully of radiation is scary as hell to me.

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The last time I went to Universal Studios I ate a little too much and then went on the Harry Potter ride. The seats are these half open egg things hanging from the ceiling with a metal bar to lock you in. The attendant clicked the bar in maybe one too many times, so it was a little on the tight side especially since I was so full and I had no peripheral vision because of the design of the egg thing, so I was already beginning to feel a little claustrophobic. Halfway through the ride, it breaks down so I'm hanging in this egg with a metal bar locking me in, with no peripheral vision. It was only stationary for a few minutes before it started again, but in that short time of uncertainty I was doing everything I could to not panic and keep my composure. Even thinking about it now almost gives me the feeling again, and I never knew I felt this way until then.


So being trapped in a tight uncomfortable space without knowing why or for how long is probably up there for me.

Edited by Lippeth

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1 hour ago, ax34 said:

Madness. I fear to get mad.


Oh yes, thats why i have never taken any Drugs besided Alcohol.

I've seen People changing completly.

The Brain just restructures and that changes your Character and Thinking.


To the Topic

Nowadays i nearly have no Fears.

I've got smarten and i have a stable Live with a good Job.


When i was younger i feared:

- Not finding back Home and being alone.

Was in Kindergarten Age and had a returning Dream, stoped when i was older and just walked Home in the Dream.

- Aliens comingh through the Wall

Stoped when i've learned more about Physics and the Universe. I also believe that there are no Space travelling Aliens living in the same Time as we do.

- The Dark, had to sleep with a little light.

Got older and my bio rythm changed, my System gots more Motivation at the evening/night.

- Death, i can not imagine to not exists.

Well, i am pretty sure that i will fear it again when i am old.

For now i feel immortal ;D


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I have this recurring nightmare every few months where I wake up and my computer is hacked by Russian or Chinese ransomware, the computer just boots up and everything is in chinese or russian. For this reason I make physical backups of all my works every weekend and absolutely every social media I have is behind 2FA.
Due to my paranoia I have reason to believe my computer is literally more secure than computers of the brazilian government or military.

Edited by Sergeant_Mark_IV

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Dementia. Need I say more?



This probably caused it.




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Being blamed for something I didn't do. Bad enough for something minor, so imagine being blamed for some terrible act / crime.

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Falling from a great height.   I tried bungie jumping to overcome it, but it only confirmed my fear - falling sucks.

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My greatest fear is that I will reach old age, look back on my life, and see nothing but the time I wasted, all the ideas and dreams and projects and adventures that I envisioned that never amounted to more than vague plans, or never saw the light of day, and realizing that my mind and my body are too far gone to ever be able to see them through, that it will really, finally be too late and that I will have squandered the one life I was given.


That and really leggy spiders

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When you're alone and you feel like someone is watching you
I'd recommend playing on Gmod maps alone to get this feeling

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So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days."


So ya. Fear itself.

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Seriously. Wasps, hornets, almost anything that has a sting and can fly backwards. I have a genuine phobia of the bastards. Kill 'em with fire.


Bees, not so much. They're beneficial little farts. Live and let live, I say.

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Something that I fear greatly is the feeling of absolute loneliness, despite having multiple people around me, both virtually and physically; I can't shake the feeling that I'm completely alone. It's a strange and irrational feeling that I can't shake for some reason, but I've learned to live with it.


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3 hours ago, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

I have this recurring nightmare every few months where I wake up and my computer is hacked by Russian or Chinese ransomware, the computer just boots up and everything is in chinese or russian. For this reason I make physical backups of all my works every weekend and absolutely every social media I have is behind 2FA.
Due to my paranoia I have reason to believe my computer is literally more secure than computers of the brazilian government or military.

you just need to look at our government websites to know how digital security is probably not high on their list...

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32 minutes ago, CrystalHawk_Doom said:

Something that I fear greatly is the feeling of absolute loneliness, despite having multiple people around me, both virtually and physically; I can't shake the feeling that I'm completely alone. It's a strange and irrational feeling that I can't shake for some reason, but I've learned to live with it.


There's something I hear alot from people:

"If there's one thing scarier then the knowledge that someone's watching you, it's the knowledge of no one being there at all."

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