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Pour one out for the Light Amp Goggles

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  On 7/29/2021 at 12:28 PM, RjY said:


You would have found it immediately if you hadn't touched those wretched goggles!



Haha! That's brilliant.


Removing goggles is indeed one of very few things that I would change in the Doom games.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 9:20 AM, game said:

Removing goggles is indeed one of very few things that I would change in the Doom games.



I used to lean pretty heavily towards this thought, as well. This thread has given me a bit of inspiration though, that at very least there may still be some untapped potential (more Metroidvania style uses, ala Bury My Heart, for instance). If I ever, in a million years, decide to actually release a zdoom project, I'll also be very tempted to try tweaking the goggles so that they just bump the light levels up by 32-64, and force monsters/pickups into fullbright. Seems like such a simple, perfect solution.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was just replaying Maskim Xul, and I noticed a cool use of the light amplification goggles (reskinned as a torch in the wad):

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Fun fact, that isn't the only secret that does that. :D


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In one of my ancient 90's maps, I used the Light Amplification Visor to create a timed event. I thought it was kind of clever so I re-used the gimmick recently.


The idea was you have to fight through an enclosed area, which is pitch black, before your visor runs out. At first, the player sees the pitch black area, and Dead Player decorations, and hears demon growls coming from the dark area so it appears dangerous and scary. Down the hall is a dead end and a single visor.


I think if deployed carefully it can be an interesting gameplay trick.

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  On 7/29/2021 at 10:49 AM, VanaheimRanger said:

You can put that partial invisiblility sphere over in the right corner as well, thanks.


The fact that I'm the only person who reacted to this comment with a partial invisibility sphere gives me an immense feeling of existential dread..

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  On 7/29/2021 at 8:14 AM, TheNoob_Gamer said:

This thread reminds me of one particular section in Doom 64's MAP06, where there was a bunch of platforms with a really dark football-shaped pit underneath them. Inside that pit resided many Spectres, which can easily chewed off your butt if you fall into the pit. That's one of those instances I wish a light amp goggles was in my disposal.



I believe there are a grand total of two Light Goggles across all of Doom 64 - Map02 and Map08. The Map08 Light Goggles are in a secret area and for the longest time did not know of them until I saw a map of the level showing the map's secret areas (the Map02 Light Goggles are more out in the open, hard to miss).

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