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Mars City 1 - Doom 3 to Doom 2

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This is really cool! It threw my brain off quite a bit not being able to interact with the guis or hear the guy on the bench saying "I gotta get outta here..." but that just made it all the more impressive because of how accurate it looks and feels. I'm not sure if it's my settings but some of the models are near pitch black as well as the player sprites in a lot of areas. Still, the detail is impressive and the sounds really help sell the atmosphere. Honestly it's just fun to walk around, great job!

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Appreciate the positive comments and welcome the lighting issue comment.


How the models are illuminated by the dynamic lights still frustrates me.  If a model has multiple lights cast on it, it seems only the brightest or intense light shows.


All of the lights in the MAP are dynamic lights.  In my GZDoom settings I have my Dynamic Light Options at:

Dynamic Lights (Software)  ON

Dynamic Lights (Hardware)  ON               If OFF the overall lighting is really affected

Light Affects Sprites  YES                       If NO the lighting of sprites (models) is really affected

Light Affects Particles  YES

Light Shadowmaps  YES

Shadow Map Quality  1024

Shadow Map Filters  PCF (HIGH)


I'm not sure if that will improve the lighting for you. 

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57 minutes ago, lokbustam257 said:

Looks great, might look interesting if it get textured with Doom 2 stock texture and see how they look like. just saying

More of the same STARTAN, BROWN and TEKGREN? No. It would look really basic, given the simple, realistic layout of the Doom 3 maps.


Edited by printz

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27 minutes ago, Moebius said:

Light Affects Sprites  YES

Aha, I knew it had to be on my end. Don't know why I didn't think to check that. I just had another walk around and it really does look great, the bottom of the cavern kills me and everything. I don't know how many lifetimes it would take to recreate more levels, but I would most certainly play them.

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Forgive the ramble.


The whole time I was mapping I thought about the personnel interactions in the first map.  Figured it was a whole new set of lessons I'd have to learn.  Looked up some older stuff and saw Realm667 had a bunch of actor downloads.  I could learn how to add some passive actors to the MAP.  But Realm667 is gone since maybe the first of the year.  Anyone know if that incredible source of information is out there somewhere else?


The sentry bot is static.  It's an md5mesh in Doom 3.  What's in the MAP are two individual *.obj models converted from the original *.md5mesh.  I had problems with the skin and had to split it in two to get what I ended up with.


As is, I considered the MAP 95% done.  I was just getting burned out on it.  The last 5% might take me another 100 hours to finish.  There are a lot of "clutter" pieces I left out.  None of the gui panels do anything, yet.  It's too clean looking.  I'd love to know how to make a walking Sentry Bot (model, not sprite) take you from Operations back to where it currently sits.  And having a few "normal" people milling around would really add to the MAP.


A lot of extra work for a map that has no real game play.  I have several other Doom 3 maps in some state of construction with the HIRES textures; Alpha Labs 3 & 4, Comm1, Commout, CPUBoss, Enpro, Hell1, Hell Hole, and Monorail.  Giving up on both Hell maps.  Way too complicated to remap.  And I have others using Doom 2 textures; Caverns1, Delta Labs 1-5, Recycle 1 & 2, and Site 3.  Unfortunately, I keep jumping around and none are as near finished as Mars City 1 is.

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24 minutes ago, Moebius said:

Realm667 is gone since maybe the first of the year.  Anyone know if that incredible source of information is out there somewhere else?


We started building a back-up repository thread for custom assets from Realm667 and elsewhere here.

Edited by Biodegradable

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@JaskaDoesn't run in k8vavoom.


@Moebius very impressive! This must have taken an incredible amount of time.

Edited by Lobo

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I downloaded K8VaVoom and it locked up on Line 1 - PolyObject Start Line.  It didn't like my solution for sliding doors with glass.  After I temporarily changed it, it ran.


*  Doesn't know what to do with *.obj models, only displays Spawn sprite declared in DECORATE.

*  Does display the *.md3 models.

*  Lights are harsh.

*  Player shadow is pitch black, pixelated, and just looks odd when near a wall.

*  Polyobj doors are displayed, but don't work.


I think with shadowmaps options on and set high the MAP looks pretty good using GZDoom.  Perhaps what VaVoom could do a decade ago.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry to bump but i downloaded the pk3 and i have missing textures for some reason, doesn't seem to have affected anyone else here so i'm not sure if there's anything wrong


EDIT: nvm im blind

Edited by Clarity

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I didn't think this would be possible. Very impressive.


We just need that really highly detailed Doom 3 monster pack and we're onto a Doom 3 to Doom 2 mega mod.

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