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Might make a video similar to this one except on battlemode

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Ya know in this video this dude makes great points on why halo mcc wasn't exactly keeping a consistent player base, and I'm probably going to make a video similar to this on battlemode as I have the same if not similar feelings on it ( if you wanna know more then go to my profile and look at my threads ), whether or not it will do well is up to you, but of course you can share your thoughts, of course I will need to re do the script a bit because id said something about adding in a horde mode which is neat.

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Don't really see a point in making a duplicated thread with virtually identical content. If you are in real need of feedback, bumping it once or two (with a reasonable comment) ain't gonna piss anyone off.

Re: thread - I'd like to see a video essay analyzing Doom 5's battle mode, though I imagine if you are going to paste all the points the video in question into your potential video script (which is basically people have grown out of Halo games), you'll need to do some fine-tuning. I believe the reason people don't accept Battlemode is just they are resistant to change (DM is just timeless), and Doom as a multiplayer game series is barely alive; or at least not as active as the singleplayer portion.


Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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Is this gonna ask why Doom Eternal doesn't have old-style arena deathmatch? Because we already have the answer to that (It's because every other modern attempt at old-style arena deathmatch, including Quakes Live and Champions, flopped real hard)

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6 hours ago, Kinsie said:

Is this gonna ask why Doom Eternal doesn't have old-style arena deathmatch? Because we already have the answer to that (It's because every other modern attempt at old-style arena deathmatch, including Quakes Live and Champions, flopped real hard)

Oh trust me, I’ll talk about that to, but not like any other channel really has.

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