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Try to recreate Doom 2 from memory! (Finished)

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I did not realize you would start up a new thread that soon lol, right after that comment on the CP tips topic.

Can't wait to see what people will make of this!

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Woah, a spiritual sequel to "Doom The Way We Did" ? I'm excited as hell to join in !


I would love to participate as a mapper, and make a new rendition for MAP01 B-)

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Could somebody point me towards an appropriate MIDI sequencing software? I've made covers of Doom music before in a DAW with virtual instruments, but not in the .MID format that the game typically uses. Will I need a soundfont too? 

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  On 8/1/2021 at 10:25 AM, VisionThing said:

Could somebody point me towards an appropriate MIDI sequencing software? I've made covers of Doom music before in a DAW with virtual instruments, but not in the .MID format that the game typically uses. Will I need a soundfont too? 



This is the most popular one that I know of. Microsoft has a built in midi soundfont for Windows. Anarcho is always a good replacement though, assuming you can change it.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 10:29 AM, Engired said:


This is the most popular one that I know of. Microsoft has a built in midi soundfont for Windows. Anarcho is always a good replacement though, assuming you can change it.



Thanks! I'd like to provisionally claim the following tracks:


The Demon's Dead

Waiting for Romero to Play


Dark Halls

Waltz of the Demons





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my memory is absolutely horrendous...


...which is why i wanna take map10, cuz it'll be funny to see just how bad it really is xd

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im gonna try to make ring of death this may be a bad idea since i never made a map but hey i have to start somewhere

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Ahh damn, Map08 is an all time favourite of mine, but since it’s taken, I’ll do Map05. I’m way more familiar with Doom2’s maps, so I think I’ll have a much easier experience than last time around.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 12:43 PM, Engired said:

Would that be circle of death?


yup and i dunno how i messed that up i guess thats a great start if i cant even remember the name of the level lol

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My job with Map01 is basically done. I only need to fix a somewhat annoying issue with P_LoadSectors (if anyone got a tip regarding that, I'll take it !) before submitting it on this topic.

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Give me MAP15 and MAP24. I probably won't start work on them until September, mind.

Edited by MundyC

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I've been trying for hours to find a workaround for MAP01 so that it would work on Crispy Doom as well, but I haven't managed to do it properly.


@Engired Is it still valid if I release my rendition on this topic, despite it not being compatible with CD ?

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I wanted to share this quick demo I knocked up of the MAP18 music. 




Yes, it is an MP3. Honestly, I took one look at Sekaiju and wanted to run a mile. This was done in Reaper using Roland's Sound Canvas plugin with the SC-55 sound bank. I did not listen to the track before making this and its about 90% accurate in my estimation. Some bits need a bit more work and tightening up. I took the liberty of using synth strings for one part to sort of shake up the instrumentation a bit. I've spent a while today banging my head against programs I don't find intuitive, I just know Reaper and it works for me. 


Ideally, I would be able to export the MIDI information and it would be readable by both SLADE and in-game. I anticipate that this is probably not possible....correct looping is one thing that comes to mind, as there are slight trails at the end. If that fails I guess I'm gonna have to put in the work to learn a new sequencer. 


Anyway sorry for rambling but just wanted to share some progress!

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