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Try to recreate Doom 2 from memory! (Finished)

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Did a quick lookover of the compiled maps. so far map01 has some tutti-frutti on the walls around the secret chainsaw area, and one of the teleporters for map21 teleports to itself in a yellow skull door room, softlocking the player



Edited by DFF

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I wonder if you're ever going to do something like this for TNT, Plutonia, and the Master Levels. Also I'm still open to create a new E4M4.

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7 hours ago, Wavy said:

FYI my map's coming out pretty good. I just need to make the area on the East end of the map and create the center part with the Cyberdemon. But bare in mind that HMP will probably be the only difficulty level implemented as it's the only one I remember (unless I should add UV, but it probably won't be any accurate to actual UV on MAP29).


As for an extension, I might need one, but I'll confirm by the end of the month.


It doesn't need to be accurate. It needs to be how you remember it. Just make it playable and enjoyable

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7 hours ago, Pistoolkip said:


It doesn't need to be accurate. It needs to be how you remember it. Just make it playable and enjoyable

That was my methodology with my version of Industrial Zone, which I am calling Manufacturing Zone. 

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oh the score is beautiful, quality doots.
only broken parts I could find was map17 walls with no textures in the final elevator right before the exit, also the exit didn't work for some reason. but I have an older version of gz

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Well, omalefico32x didn't hand over his map11 so I guess I'll make it from scratch.


Time for a crappy speedmap then.

Edited by thiccyosh
added an important note

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23 hours ago, Wavy said:

FYI my map's coming out pretty good. I just need to make the area on the East end of the map and create the center part with the Cyberdemon. But bare in mind that HMP will probably be the only difficulty level implemented as it's the only one I remember (unless I should add UV, but it probably won't be any accurate to actual UV on MAP29).


As for an extension, I might need one, but I'll confirm by the end of the month.

I mean, you can change it how you want as long as you think it plays like how you THINK it would play on UV, if you don't remember UV. That'd be good enough I think, and remember that Engired and the others here can help balance it, too.

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Okie dokie. It's time for a progress update on MAP29!



It's coming out really good! I should be able to upload this by tomorrow.

Edited by Wavy

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2 hours ago, kasin said:

there was an invisible wall in the circle catwalk for me. other than that it's a pretty good amount of cursedness


That is probably the Imp that is stuck in the ground, I left him in on accident. Oh well.

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2 minutes ago, thiccyosh said:


That is probably the Imp that is stuck in the ground, I left him in on accident. Oh well.

I mean, you should probably fix that. You do have 2 days still. :P

EDIT: On the other hand, I can't wait to stream this.

Edited by mistylear19

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2 hours ago, mistylear19 said:

I mean, you should probably fix that.

Should I? I don't really think that Imp destroys the level (Unless it's really that level breaking  or breaks the kill count), and just for the cursedness factor I think I'll keep him in the ground.


Naughty Imps go under the shame ground.

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2 minutes ago, thiccyosh said:

Should I? I don't really think that Imp destroys the level (Unless it's really that level breaking  or breaks the kill count), and just for the cursedness factor I think I'll keep him in the ground.


Naughty Imps go under the shame ground.

if you really remember the imp being there but otherwise you go to the shame ground instead, satan.




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I mean, it probably WILL break the kill counter, at least for 100% kill aficionados. Unless there is a way to kill him, but if he's in the ground, I'm pretty sure you can't.

Edited by mistylear19

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2 hours ago, mistylear19 said:

Unless there is a way to kill him

As far as I know there is a way killing enemies when they're stuck in the ground. Shoot them at an angle so autoaim gets them, that is at least the case with dsda-doom (edit: and Crispy Doom!), I'm pretty sure it also counts for other ports.


Strangly enough it's not just Imps that get stuck there, but also shotgunners and multiple enemies can get stuck there.


I'm too much of a smoothbrain to know what that is and why it's happening, perhaps a Turbo nerd can jump in?

Edited by thiccyosh
added important notes

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2 hours ago, kasin said:

you can use the rocketlaucher splash damage but still


Nope, you can kill them normally with hitscan weapons, I tested it in GZdoom, dsda/pr-boom and Crispy, I don't know what you guys use as source ports but it works fine for me so that's the good news. And the bad news is it seems that isn't my fault with enemies in floors, I checked Doom builder and didn't find anything, tried moving some vertexes around, nothing happened, tired moving enemies around, nothing happened. Odd. The more I looked into it I found out that there are undetectable holes in the floor that the enemies are falling into, and that if I remember correctly Plutonia's map32 had the same problem at one spot.


This is giving me a headache, but this level is beatable with 100% kills and that's all I and you need to know.

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Now that you say it, I think I remember something like that even in official WADs. Doesn't "WOW.wad" intentionally use this bug to make the Cyberdemon Fight Arena?

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1 minute ago, mistylear19 said:

Now that you say it, I think I remember something like that even in official WADs. Doesn't "WOW.wad" intentionally use this bug to make the Cyberdemon Fight Arena?

Texture bleeds are used for hiding pits, though they aren't used in Doom 2. Might be used in TNT, I'm not sure how they made that pool in Human BBQ and too lazy to check.

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2 hours ago, mistylear19 said:

Doesn't "WOW.wad" intentionally use this bug to make the Cyberdemon Fight Arena?


The difference is that the problem that I have makes enemies stuck in their walking animation when falling into these holes that you can fall into too. And these holes are completely undetectable, while WOW.wad uses a lowered sector without sidedefs (wall textures) which still makes them detectable on the automap as you can still see the linedefs that make the sector.

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2 hours ago, thiccyosh said:


That is probably the Imp that is stuck in the ground, I left him in on accident. Oh well.

I did a quick look, and was able to recreate the problem once (sunken shotgunner). not sure how it happened but i also noticed there was some sort of wacky slimetrail. might be a funky nodebuilder issue. I moved vertex 47 and vertex 438 as they seemed like odd-small linedefs, just moved them around then back to their original spot to redo the nodebuilding. fixed the slimetrail, and can't replicate the sinking monsters. not sure if this fixes the issue but fixed at least one minor one i found.

Edited by DFF

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MAP29's geometry and layout is fully complete/functional! All I have to do is add the difficulty levels and item placement.

Edited by Wavy

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