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Nobody likes Lost souls.


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Lost souls are the most fucking annoying thing to ever be created. They piss me off all the time. They take one second to exercise. What do you think of them? Also fuck Pain elemental.

Edited by Gore

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I don't see why somebody would be annoyed by lost souls. They're like smaller flying pinkies. But I do get annoyed by pain elementals sometimes, just because they can easily get out of hand.

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Lost souls are super cute when they charge, and also funny when they attack each other. Unless it's Doom 64's lost souls, they can fuck off.

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I like the Lost Souls as they are, even if I find it unsatisfying that I can't blow them up with a single shotgun blast like my brain would conclude. The secret is clearly the milk they probably somehow drink with no throats.

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I used to hate lost souls and saw them as useless enemies, but playing certain wads changed my perception, they are formidable enemies. Quite fast, but do not have much hp as one said before, they are supercharged flying pinkies. I don't say I like them as a player, but as a mapper they can allow interesting enemy placements.

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I like Lost Souls. They aren't really annoying to me, and they have a Castlevania-esque design. I also like Pain Elementals. Once you learn how to take them out quick, they are easier to deal with.


Any mapper can misuse any enemy, that's the fault of the mapper, not the enemy itself.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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I heard you dislike lost souls... too bad I already filled map with them. No, I'm not going to delete them, it's like spices in your soup. 

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Lost souls and pain elementals are fine, I think PEs are just one of those enemies that are easier to abuse than most, since it doesn't take many of them to completely ruin the player's shit and make a hideous chaotic mess of the map in no time flat.  I don't place lost souls as often as I should.  My instinct is to say they are too tanky for what they are, though, especially once they become swarm enemies by way of the PE (and even in E2-3 they're often used that way).  The fact that they're just barely impossible to oneshot with the shotgun is a bit vexing.

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Lost souls should explode like a barrel on contact with the player

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Regular Doom's lost souls are jarring to me because it feels like they have slightly more health than they should have. Doom 64's lost souls which are more aggressive but can be popped off with a single shotgun blast feel better to fight IMO.

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Imagine, if you will, a world in which you could kill a lost soul with a single shotty blast.*




*I know it is theoretically possible to kill a lost soul with one blast, but it has verifiably happened to me once in 27 years. Not exactly gonna replace imp killing with the shotty as the catharsis of choice with that level of scarcity.

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2 hours ago, Omniarch said:

I suspect that people would like the little floating nuisances a lot more if they had half to a quarter of the health.



this. 2 shotgun shells are too much for a flying nuisance. they're ok in every wad that makes it possible to one-shot them with the shotgun.

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I think the Lost Soul as its own enemy is relatively fine design wise. Its annoying by nature, but has enough obvious tells and are visible enough to not be bad as say the rats from Blood. Facing them by themselves usually isn't that bad if you aren't forced to pull your focus to heavily from them because they can be managed with relative ease with the right weapons, but I will say they really are at their full dickishness when thrown in as a curve to an ongoing encounter, which is what makes the Pain Elemental such a bastard most of the time... though yeah, makes them a great tool for a mapper, especially when you want to force urgency into a situation. For me, there are enemies you hate and then enemies you love to hate, and Pain Elemental/Lost Souls do jump back and forth, but I find most of the time it really comes down to placement and numbers.


I will echo the sentiments that iwads where they are given half health make them pretty satisfying to kill, but truth be told just use the rocket launcher and you'll be fiiiiiiiiiiine.

Edited by Mr. Robutt

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