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Nobody likes Lost souls.


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Lost Souls are, without any inkling of doubt, my least favorite enemy. They're frustrating to fight, annoying to listen to, and when placed in large groups can drastically increase the total kill count which I often find demoralizing if the map is decently large. I know they don't count in the stats but I think we've all taken more than enough accidental rocket punches to the face when one charges either at us or (more irritatingly) by us because it's infighting something else so I'm not going to leave them roaming around. Pain Elementals are also annoying but I can respect the complexity they can add to a fight. Lost Souls add nothing but exasperation.


I'll give them minor points for sometimes making me giggle when they start spam attacking one another and also because I sometimes leave pick ups on the ground so I can watch them stop themselves mid-dash because they can't figure out how to get around a health bonus.

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I think I wouldn't hate them as much if not for the sound they make. I feel like the primary reason to kill them is just to shut them up. Though, as others have mentioned, I greatly appreciate it when a wad cranks their hp down. 

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1 minute ago, Doomkid said:

“One more SSG blast, one more dead Lost Soul”. It’s perfection. The balance and the rhythm tuned like a fine science. But you know how it goes. High art is simply lost on some people! *adjusts monocle*


..I simply don’t want to think of a world without Lost Souls. Those of you who want to take these defenceless skullfaces and make them even more helpless by reducing their already meager are a particular brand of cruel..! I suppose you also wish the zombie enemy types were unarmed, since their hitscan weapons don’t agree with the player’s sensitive skin!

thats my new favorite copypasta

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48 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

“One more SSG blast, one more dead Lost Soul”

unless it's doom 1, in which case git fukd

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Lost souls? Those are fine. It's Pain Elementals you should be hating with a passion.

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Over the years, I've learned to love Lost Souls. They are the most dynamic enemy in Doom. What other enemy comes at you in a shallow dive and then bounces off the floor if it misses you? You'll never see that from a bunch of stumble-bum Hell Knights and Barons!


Lost Souls are also the most intellectual monsters in Doom. What do you suppose they're thinking about when they hang at the edge of the map, beyond auto-aim range, while you wait to see what they'll do next? Perhaps something mundane, like what to put on their shopping list, or maybe they're working out the details of Ekpyrotic Theory. We'll never know because we can't speak in their exalted language of shrieking and squawking.


No joking here; I've found that I can improve my maps by replacing Barons with 6 Lost Souls. Yes, 6 Lost Souls for every Baron removed. Oh, how sweet it is! :)

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

I suppose some of you sickos would even be the types to make mods which reduce the health of all enemies.. What kind of sicko would do a thing like that??


Good idea!  Next let's take away the Spectre's invisibility, invisible demons are bullshit.


Also nix the Revenant's homing missile attack, it's not fair.  Halve the fire-rate of the chaingunner too, plus give their bullets distance damage falloff, because getting sniped from across the map isn't fair either.


Maybe make it so breaking LOS with an attacking Arch-vile makes the attack miss even if it can see you afterwards.  Plus allow monsters to retaliate against them.


Speaking of retaliation, let's just allow same-species to infight, makes no sense that only the hitscanners can do it, right?  While we're at it, modify the stock MAP30 map so the elevator stops at the correct height for a clean shot into the brain.


Finally, if someone tries to shoot you with a Super Shotgun in a deathmatch, they get teleported to that dead-end teleporter exit by the lava in Quake DM4.



This post is a joke, but admit it, how many of these made you stop and think "Hey, that's actually not a bad idea.." before realizing it was a joke? 😛


Edited by AlexMax

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8 minutes ago, AlexMax said:

While we're at it, modify the stock MAP30 map so the elevator stops at the correct height for a clean shot into the brain.

this but unironically

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5 hours ago, Mr. Robutt said:

but truth be told just use the rocket launcher and you'll be fiiiiiiiiiiine.

"Real men don't look at explosions when lost souls flies to you like a Formula 1 car and dies"


You can say all you want about pain elementals but, lost souls alone and at most situations (and, with a little help from dumb actions of the player) can piss you off for free.

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2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I suppose some of you sickos would even be the types to make mods which reduce the health of all enemies.. What kind of sicko would do a thing like that??

Time to make a mod that reduces the health of all enemies by half and doubles the damage of all weapons. Doom will finally be balanced.

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9 hours ago, forgettablepyromaniac said:

annoying mosquitos.

Hey, you think you have it bad? Ask me about GNATS. Killed fucking three of them today. IN MY ROOM.

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i hate them too especialy in like sigil or something at least they arent as loud in doom 1 as they are in doom eternal or doom2016 that was like a lot worse lmao. i still hate em in doom 1 tho. doom 2 on the other hand it has the pain elementals. and it feels good to take those down

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22 minutes ago, Denim Destroyer said:

Time to make a mod that reduces the health of all enemies by half and doubles the damage of all weapons. Doom will finally be balanced.

lol no-

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they are no caco demons... but who are? however, they have their role to fill

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1 hour ago, Denim Destroyer said:

Time to make a mod that reduces the health of all enemies by half and doubles the damage of all weapons. Doom will finally be balanced.

What about leaving it at 25 HP but the speed of the flying attack is tripled and attacks as aggressively as the Doom 64 counterpart?. Balanced >:)

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1 hour ago, Denim Destroyer said:

Time to make a mod that reduces the health of all enemies by half and doubles the damage of all weapons. Doom will finally be balanced.

Supreme balance!


In all honesty, that can make super densely populated maps absurdly fun.. Despite my deriding of the idea earlier, I made some mods (De-Grinder, mainly) that pretty much meets that description.

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